47 research outputs found

    The Classification of Sini

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    We investigated the syndromes of the Sini decoction pattern (SDP), a common ZHENG in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The syndromes of SDP were correlated with various severe Yang deficiency related symptoms. To obtain a common profile for SDP, we distributed questionnaires to 300 senior clinical TCM practitioners. According to the survey, we concluded 2 sets of symptoms for SDP: (1) pulse feels deep or faint and (2) reversal cold of the extremities. Twenty-four individuals from Taipei City Hospital, Linsen Chinese Medicine Branch, Taiwan, were recruited. We extracted the total mRNA of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the 24 individuals for microarray experiments. Twelve individuals (including 6 SDP patients and 6 non-SDP individuals) were used as the training set to identify biomarkers for distinguishing the SDP and non-SDP groups. The remaining 12 individuals were used as the test set. The test results indicated that the gene expression profiles of the identified biomarkers could effectively distinguish the 2 groups by adopting a hierarchical clustering algorithm. Our results suggest the feasibility of using the identified biomarkers in facilitating the diagnosis of TCM ZHENGs. Furthermore, the gene expression profiles of biomarker genes could provide a molecular explanation corresponding to the ZHENG of TCM

    Intra- and Inter-Individual Variance of Gene Expression in Clinical Studies

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    BACKGROUND: Variance in microarray studies has been widely discussed as a critical topic on the identification of differentially expressed genes; however, few studies have addressed the influence of estimating variance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To break intra- and inter-individual variance in clinical studies down to three levels--technical, anatomic, and individual--we designed experiments and algorithms to investigate three forms of variances. As a case study, a group of "inter-individual variable genes" were identified to exemplify the influence of underestimated variance on the statistical and biological aspects in identification of differentially expressed genes. Our results showed that inadequate estimation of variance inevitably led to the inclusion of non-statistically significant genes into those listed as significant, thereby interfering with the correct prediction of biological functions. Applying a higher cutoff value of fold changes in the selection of significant genes reduces/eliminates the effects of underestimated variance. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data demonstrated that correct variance evaluation is critical in selecting significant genes. If the degree of variance is underestimated, "noisy" genes are falsely identified as differentially expressed genes. These genes are the noise associated with biological interpretation, reducing the biological significance of the gene set. Our results also indicate that applying a higher number of fold change as the selection criteria reduces/eliminates the differences between distinct estimations of variance

    Microarray meta-analysis database (M2DB): a uniformly pre-processed, quality controlled, and manually curated human clinical microarray database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the past decade, gene expression microarray studies have greatly expanded our knowledge of genetic mechanisms of human diseases. Meta-analysis of substantial amounts of accumulated data, by integrating valuable information from multiple studies, is becoming more important in microarray research. However, collecting data of special interest from public microarray repositories often present major practical problems. Moreover, including low-quality data may significantly reduce meta-analysis efficiency.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>M<sup>2</sup>DB is a human curated microarray database designed for easy querying, based on clinical information and for interactive retrieval of either raw or uniformly pre-processed data, along with a set of quality-control metrics. The database contains more than 10,000 previously published Affymetrix GeneChip arrays, performed using human clinical specimens. M<sup>2</sup>DB allows online querying according to a flexible combination of five clinical annotations describing disease state and sampling location. These annotations were manually curated by controlled vocabularies, based on information obtained from GEO, ArrayExpress, and published papers. For array-based assessment control, the online query provides sets of QC metrics, generated using three available QC algorithms. Arrays with poor data quality can easily be excluded from the query interface. The query provides values from two algorithms for gene-based filtering, and raw data and three kinds of pre-processed data for downloading.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>M<sup>2</sup>DB utilizes a user-friendly interface for QC parameters, sample clinical annotations, and data formats to help users obtain clinical metadata. This database provides a lower entry threshold and an integrated process of meta-analysis. We hope that this research will promote further evolution of microarray meta-analysis.</p

    Identification of Reference Genes across Physiological States for qRT-PCR through Microarray Meta-Analysis

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    The accuracy of quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) is highly dependent on reliable reference gene(s). Some housekeeping genes which are commonly used for normalization are widely recognized as inappropriate in many experimental conditions. This study aimed to identify reference genes for clinical studies through microarray meta-analysis of human clinical samples.After uniform data preprocessing and data quality control, 4,804 Affymetrix HU-133A arrays performed by clinical samples were classified into four physiological states with 13 organ/tissue types. We identified a list of reference genes for each organ/tissue types which exhibited stable expression across physiological states. Furthermore, 102 genes identified as reference gene candidates in multiple organ/tissue types were selected for further analysis. These genes have been frequently identified as housekeeping genes in previous studies, and approximately 71% of them fall into Gene Expression (GO:0010467) category in Gene Ontology.Based on microarray meta-analysis of human clinical sample arrays, we identified sets of reference gene candidates for various organ/tissue types and then examined the functions of these genes. Additionally, we found that many of the reference genes are functionally related to transcription, RNA processing and translation. According to our results, researchers could select single or multiple reference gene(s) for normalization of qRT-PCR in clinical studies

    Identification of Prognostic Genes in Gliomas Based on Increased Microenvironment Stiffness

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    With a median survival time of 15 months, glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most aggressive primary brain cancers. The crucial roles played by the extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness in glioma progression and treatment resistance have been reported in numerous studies. However, the association between ECM-stiffness-regulated genes and the prognosis of glioma patients remains to be explored. Thus, using bioinformatics analysis, we first identified 180 stiffness-dependent genes from an RNA-Seq dataset, and then evaluated their prognosis in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) glioma dataset. Our results showed that 11 stiffness-dependent genes common between low- and high-grade gliomas were prognostic. After validation using the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) database, we further identified four stiffness-dependent prognostic genes: FN1, ITGA5, OSMR, and NGFR. In addition to high-grade glioma, overexpression of the four-gene signature also showed poor prognosis in low-grade glioma patients. Moreover, our analysis confirmed that the expression levels of stiffness-dependent prognostic genes in high-grade glioma were significantly higher than in low-grade glioma, suggesting that these genes were associated with glioma progression. Based on a pathophysiology-inspired approach, our findings illuminate the link between ECM stiffness and the prognosis of glioma patients and suggest a signature of four stiffness-dependent genes as potential therapeutic targets

    Boxplots of the expression profiles of non-periodic probesets with two cut-off criteria: (A) p<0.05 and (B) p<0.1.

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    <p>Boxplots of the expression profiles of non-periodic probesets with two cut-off criteria: (A) p<0.05 and (B) p<0.1.</p

    Summary of nine highly coexpressed MIPS protein complexes.

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    <p>Summary of nine highly coexpressed MIPS protein complexes.</p

    Impact of the IMF.

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    <p>Distribution of the number of extracted IMFs for 6537 YMC probesets.</p

    Identification of Under-Detected Periodicity in Time-Series Microarray Data by Using Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    <div><p>Detecting periodicity signals from time-series microarray data is commonly used to facilitate the understanding of the critical roles and underlying mechanisms of regulatory transcriptomes. However, time-series microarray data are noisy. How the temporal data structure affects the performance of periodicity detection has remained elusive. We present a novel method based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to examine this effect. We applied EMD to a yeast microarray dataset and extracted a series of intrinsic mode function (IMF) oscillations from the time-series data. Our analysis indicated that many periodically expressed genes might have been under-detected in the original analysis because of interference between decomposed IMF oscillations. By validating a protein complex coexpression analysis, we revealed that 56 genes were newly determined as periodic. We demonstrated that EMD can be used incorporating with existing periodicity detection methods to improve their performance. This approach can be applied to other time-series microarray studies.</p></div