41 research outputs found

    The effect of a culturally tailored web-based physical activity promotion program on Asian American midlife women’s depressive symptoms

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    The benefits of physical activities on depressive symptoms have increasingly been reported in the literature, but the effect through which a Web-based physical activity promotion program alleviates depressive symptoms is not clearly known, especially among ethnic minority midlife women. The purpose of this pilot randomized control study is to examine the preliminary efficacy of the Web-based physical activity promotion program in enhancing the depressive symptoms of Asian American midlife women through increasing physical activity. This study adopted a randomized repeated measures pretest/posttest control group design. This study consisted of two groups of research participants: 18 in an intervention group and 15 in a control group. By using multiple instruments, the participants’ background and health status, depressive symptom experience, and physical activity experience were measured at three time points (pre-, post 1-month, and post 3-months). The data were analyzed using a modified intent-to-treat linear mixed-model growth curve analysis. After controlling for covariates, random intercept, and random slope, only discrimination stress showed statistical significances in the group effect (0.18, p = .08 for control) and time effect (-0.04, p = .04), but not in the group × time effect (p = .51). The active living habits scores showed statistical significances in the group effect (0.82, p \u3c 0.01 for control), time effect (0.29, p \u3c 0.01), and group × time effect (-0.31, p = 0.03 for control). Findings support the significant effect of the Web-based physical activity promotion program on the women’s discrimination stress and active living habits

    Issues in Developing and Evaluating a Culturally Tailored Internet Cancer Support Group

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore practical issues in developing and implementing a culturally tailored Internet Cancer Support Group for a group of ethnic minority cancer patients—Asian American cancer patients. Throughout the research process of the original study testing the Internet cancer support group, research team made written records of practical issues and plausible rationales for the issues. Weekly group discussion among research team members was conducted, and the discussion records were evaluated and analyzed using a content analysis (with individual words as the unit of analysis). The codes from the analysis process were categorized into idea themes, through which the issues were extracted. The issues included those in: (a) difficulties in using multiple languages; (b) collaboration with the IT department and technical challenges (c) difficulties in recruitment; (d) difficulties in retention; (e) optimal timing; and (f) characteristics of the users. Based on the findings, we suggested researchers to plan a workable translation process, check technical needs in advance, use multiple strategies to recruit and retain research participants, plan the right time for data collection, and consider characteristics of the users in the study design

    Internet Recruitment of Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify practical issues in Internet recruitment of racial/ethnic minorities by analyzing an Internet intervention study conducted with Asian American breast cancer survivors, and to propose directions for recruitment of racial/ethnic minorities for future Internet research. Six practical issues were identified: (a) a relatively fewer number of Internet communities/groups; (b) hindrances in establishing authenticity; (c) difficulties in gaining entrée from the webmasters or website owners of Internet communities/groups; (d) the necessity of racially/ethnically matched research team members; (e) flexibility required in recruitment strategies; and (f) strategies to overcome the low response rate

    Polygenic risk scores for prediction of breast cancer risk in Asian populations.

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    PURPOSE: Non-European populations are under-represented in genetics studies, hindering clinical implementation of breast cancer polygenic risk scores (PRSs). We aimed to develop PRSs using the largest available studies of Asian ancestry and to assess the transferability of PRS across ethnic subgroups. METHODS: The development data set comprised 138,309 women from 17 case-control studies. PRSs were generated using a clumping and thresholding method, lasso penalized regression, an Empirical Bayes approach, a Bayesian polygenic prediction approach, or linear combinations of multiple PRSs. These PRSs were evaluated in 89,898 women from 3 prospective studies (1592 incident cases). RESULTS: The best performing PRS (genome-wide set of single-nucleotide variations [formerly single-nucleotide polymorphism]) had a hazard ratio per unit SD of 1.62 (95% CI = 1.46-1.80) and an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.635 (95% CI = 0.622-0.649). Combined Asian and European PRSs (333 single-nucleotide variations) had a hazard ratio per SD of 1.53 (95% CI = 1.37-1.71) and an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.621 (95% CI = 0.608-0.635). The distribution of the latter PRS was different across ethnic subgroups, confirming the importance of population-specific calibration for valid estimation of breast cancer risk. CONCLUSION: PRSs developed in this study, from association data from multiple ancestries, can enhance risk stratification for women of Asian ancestry

    Unified Lateral Motion Control Of Vehicles For Lane Change Maneuvers In Automated Highway Systems

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    This report deals with the lateral guidance of vehicles, with focus on lane change maneuvers. Two approaches are presented for lane changes maneuvers. The first is to treat the maneuvers as a tracking control problem. A virtual desired trajectory (VDT) is used a tracking control approach. The second is to use a unified lateral guidance algorithm which consists of the desired yaw rate generator and the yaw rate tracking controller.Automobiles--Automatic control--Mathematical models, Express highways--Automation--Mathematical models, Automobile driving--Steering--Automation--Mathematical models

    Evaluation of the Decision Support Computer Program for Cancer Pain Management

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