3 research outputs found

    Formal Verification of Plastic User Interfaces Exploiting Domain Ontologies

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    This paper presents a formal model to check the interaction plasticity on a user interface (UI). An interaction is seen as an implementation (achievement) of a user task by means of interaction devices and modes of a given platform. The interaction plasticity is the ability of UI to support several interactions to perform the same task. In this work, two task models, containing different sets of interactions, are observed to check if they describe interactions that perform the same task. Each task model is represented by a labelled state-transitions system (lts). Due to the use of different interaction modes and devices, the obtained lts have different set of labels. Weak bi-simulation relationship is revisited to handle these transition systems by defining a relation on labels. This relation is borrowed from an ontology of interaction modes and devices. Model checking techniques are set up to automatically establish such a bi-simulation. A case study is used to illustrate how the approach works

    Checking System Substitutability: An Application to Interactive Systems

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    International audienceThe capability to substitute a given system by another one is a property useful for dealing with adaptation, maintenance, interoperability, reliability, etc. This talk proposes a formally based approach for checking the substitutability of a system by another one. It exploits the weak bi-simulation relationship. In this talk a system is seen as a state-transition system. Two systems are observed to check if one may be substituted by the other preserving their behaviour. The weak bi-simulation relationship is revisited to handle systems that have different sets of labels by defining a relation on labels. A transformation of the systems to be compared is defined according to the relation defined on labels. Classical weak bi-simulation is then used to model check the substitutability property. The approach is illustrated on the case of plastic interactive systems. We show how an interactive system supporting a set of interactive tasks can be replaced by another interactive system that performs the same tasks with different interaction devices. Relations on labels are borrowed from an ontology of interaction and of interaction devices. A case study will be used along the talk to illustrate how the proposed approach practically works

    Formal Verification of Plastic User Interfaces Exploiting Domain Ontologies

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    International audienceThis paper presents a formal model to check the interaction plasticity on a user interface (UI). An interaction is seen as an implementation (achievement) of a user task by means of interaction devices and modes of a given platform. The interaction plasticity is the ability of UI to support several interactions to perform the same task. In this work, two task models, containing different sets of interactions, are observed to check if they describe interactions that perform the same task. Each task model is represented by a labelled state-transitions system (lts). Due to the use of different interaction modes and devices, the obtained lts have different set of labels. Weak bi-simulation relationship is revisited to handle these transition systems by defining a relation on labels. This relation is borrowed from an ontology of interaction modes and devices. Model checking techniques are set up to automatically establish such a bi-simulation. A case study is used to illustrate how the approach works