23 research outputs found

    Need for precise nuclear structure data for reactor studies

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    This paper highlights the strong need for precise nuclear structure and decay data measurements in order to perform high-quality modelling on nuclear reactors and other applications. The context of nuclear data evaluation, as well as the importance of low uncertainty evaluations, will be first presented. The importance of such data for interpreting nuclear data experimental measurements is stressed throughout. To demonstrate this, we will explain how mass and charge-dependent fission yields, decay data (in particular for the purpose of residual heat calculations), and inelastic neutrons scattering cross section rely on nuclear structure and decay information and how new and higher quality in such data can lead to improved accuracy in the precision of evaluated nuclear data

    Calculation of the fission observables in the resolved resonance energy region of the 235U(n,f) reaction

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    Measurement of the fission fragments in coincidence with the emitted prompt neutrons was undertaken recently, at JRC-Geel institute, for the 235U(n,f) reaction in the resolved resonance energy region, up to 160 eV incident neutron energy. From this experimental work, fluctuations of several fission observables (mass yields, average total kinetic energy T̅K̅E̅, average prompt neutron multiplicity v̅P) were clearly observed. In the present work, these experimental pre-neutron fission fragment mass and kinetic energy distributions were used as input data for the FIFRELIN Monte Carlo code. By adopting the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model, the code simulates the de-excitation of the fission fragments. Four free parameters are available in the code: two of them (called RTmin and RTmax) govern at the scission point the sharing of the total available excitation energy between the two nascent fission fragments, while the two others (called σL and σH) assign the initial fission fragment spins. In this way, fission observables (prompt particles energy spectra and multiplicities, delayed neutrons multiplicity,. . . ) and correlations between them can be predicted and investigated. Here, these four free parameters were tuned in order to reproduce the average prompt neutron multiplicity at the resonance En=19.23 eV, resonance for which the experimental statistical uncertainty on v̅P is the lowest one. Then, the calculations were perfomed for all resonances by keeping the same set of free parameters. We show that the calculated fluctuations of v̅P in the resonances can rather be well reproduced by considering only the fluctuations of the pre-neutron mass yields and kinetic energy. In addition, from our calculation procedure, other fission observables fluctuations can also be predicted

    Correlated Production and Analog Transport of Fission Neutrons and Photons using Fission Models FREYA, FIFRELIN and the Monte Carlo Code TRIPOLI-4® .

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    Fission modeling in general-purpose Monte Carlo transport codes often relies on average nuclear data provided by international evaluation libraries. As such, only average fission multiplicities are available and correlations between fission neutrons and photons are missing. Whereas uncorrelated fission physics is usually sufficient for standard reactor core and radiation shielding calculations, correlated fission secondaries are required for specialized nuclear instrumentation and detector modeling. For coincidence counting detector optimization for instance, precise simulation of fission neutrons and photons that remain correlated in time from birth to detection is essential. New developments were recently integrated into the Monte Carlo transport code TRIPOLI-4 to model fission physics more precisely, the purpose being to access event-by-event fission events from two different fission models: FREYA and FIFRELIN. TRIPOLI-4 simulations can now be performed, either by connecting via an API to the LLNL fission library including FREYA, or by reading external fission event data files produced by FIFRELIN beforehand. These new capabilities enable us to easily compare results from Monte Carlo transport calculations using the two fission models in a nuclear instrumentation application. In the first part of this paper, broad underlying principles of the two fission models are recalled. We then present experimental measurements of neutron angular correlations for 252Cf(sf) and 240Pu(sf). The correlations were measured for several neutron kinetic energy thresholds. In the latter part of the paper, simulation results are compared to experimental data. Spontaneous fissions in 252Cf and 240Pu are modeled by FREYA or FIFRELIN. Emitted neutrons and photons are subsequently transported to an array of scintillators by TRIPOLI-4 in analog mode to preserve their correlations. Angular correlations between fission neutrons obtained independently from these TRIPOLI-4 simulations, using either FREYA or FIFRELIN, are compared to experimental results. For 240Pu(sf), the measured correlations were used to tune the model parameters

    Correlated Production and Analog Transport of Fission Neutrons and Photons using Fission Models FREYA, FIFRELIN and the Monte Carlo Code TRIPOLI-4® .

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    Fission modeling in general-purpose Monte Carlo transport codes often relies on average nuclear data provided by international evaluation libraries. As such, only average fission multiplicities are available and correlations between fission neutrons and photons are missing. Whereas uncorrelated fission physics is usually sufficient for standard reactor core and radiation shielding calculations, correlated fission secondaries are required for specialized nuclear instrumentation and detector modeling. For coincidence counting detector optimization for instance, precise simulation of fission neutrons and photons that remain correlated in time from birth to detection is essential. New developments were recently integrated into the Monte Carlo transport code TRIPOLI-4 to model fission physics more precisely, the purpose being to access event-by-event fission events from two different fission models: FREYA and FIFRELIN. TRIPOLI-4 simulations can now be performed, either by connecting via an API to the LLNL fission library including FREYA, or by reading external fission event data files produced by FIFRELIN beforehand. These new capabilities enable us to easily compare results from Monte Carlo transport calculations using the two fission models in a nuclear instrumentation application. In the first part of this paper, broad underlying principles of the two fission models are recalled. We then present experimental measurements of neutron angular correlations for 252Cf(sf) and 240Pu(sf). The correlations were measured for several neutron kinetic energy thresholds. In the latter part of the paper, simulation results are compared to experimental data. Spontaneous fissions in 252Cf and 240Pu are modeled by FREYA or FIFRELIN. Emitted neutrons and photons are subsequently transported to an array of scintillators by TRIPOLI-4 in analog mode to preserve their correlations. Angular correlations between fission neutrons obtained independently from these TRIPOLI-4 simulations, using either FREYA or FIFRELIN, are compared to experimental results. For 240Pu(sf), the measured correlations were used to tune the model parameters

    Investigation of the structure in 235^{235}U(nth,fis) prompt gamma energy spectrum by FIFRELIN

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    International audienceThe energy spectrum of prompt gamma-rays from 235U thermal fission is reproduced by a fission reaction model FIFRELIN to identify the origin of spectral features. This spectrum is characterized by a bump at 4-4.5 MeV, a shoulder at around 8 MeV, and a tail above 10 MeV, which are attributed to 132Sn and 133Sb, fission fragments with mass from 130 to 134, and those with mass from 99 to 104, charge from 40 to 42, and spin from 12 ℏto 16 ℏ, respectively. Among prompt gamma-rays, high-energy part is important to get insight into scission, because the quanta are emitted by highly excited fission fragments, which still keep the memory of the scission configuration.Our analysis suggests that coincidence detection of high energy gamma-rays and their source fission fragments identifying their isotopic species, spin and excitation energy with particular focus on those with mass number less than 104 will be useful to make conclusions about the origin of high energy gamma-rays

    Summation calculation of delayed neutron yields for

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    Summation calculations have been performed in order to compare the quality of several nuclear data libraries. The objective was to obtain the average delayed neutron yield, as well as the average delayed-neutron half-life for different fissioning systems (235U, 238U and 239Pu) at different energies (thermal and fast) by using microscopic data. Each quantity is presented with a first evaluation of the uncertainty, computed under the assumption that the variables are all independent of each other

    Summation calculation of delayed neutron yields for 235U, 238U and 239Pu, based on various fission yield and neutron emission probability databases

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    Summation calculations have been performed in order to compare the quality of several nuclear data libraries. The objective was to obtain the average delayed neutron yield, as well as the average delayed-neutron half-life for different fissioning systems (235U, 238U and 239Pu) at different energies (thermal and fast) by using microscopic data. Each quantity is presented with a first evaluation of the uncertainty, computed under the assumption that the variables are all independent of each other

    Post fission time evolution calculation by FIFRELIN coupled with PHITS and DCHAIN

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    Fission reaction Monte–Carlo code FIFRELIN is interfaced to a general-purpose radiation transport simulation code PHITS to calculate the time evolution of observables after fission reactions. By feeding the isotopic fission yield data of FIFRELIN to DCHAIN-PHITS, the burn-up calculation functionality of PHITS based on the activation and decay data libraries and the Bateman equation, the time evolution of decay heat from 0.2 to 105^5 seconds after the 235^{235}U(nth_{th},fission) pulse was calculated and compared with literature data. The comparison illustrated that the latest FIFRELIN can accurately predict the time evolution of decay heat, whereas the previous version of FIFRELIN overestimated the decay heat in the first 10 sec. In addition to burn-up calculations, transport simulations of both prompt and delayed radiation can be performed by passing their spectra calculated by FIFRELIN to particle transport functionality of PHITS. This combination helps design detectors, experiments, and shielding based on the accurate fission physics of FIFRELIN. Being interfaced to PHITS, FIFRELIN is a powerful tool for studying the observables of fission reactions