5 research outputs found
Kaedah pengawalan tingkah laku bagi anak mengalami Autisme: Controlling methods of tantrum behaviour for children with Autism
Tantrum ialah tingkah laku yang biasa dikaitkan dengan kanak-kanak autisme iaitu mudah menangis, menjerit, mengamuk dan memukul diri sendiri apabila keinginan mereka tidak dipenuhi. Anak mengalami autisme menunjukkan tantrum di tempat awam tanpa perasaan bimbang dan malu. Mereka tidak menyedari tingkah laku mereka kerana kebolehan yang terhad dalam pemikiran, komunikasi dan interaksi sosial. Malangnya dalam hal ini segelintir masyarakat memandang anak mengalami autisme sebagai suatu masalah dan akan memandang serong sehingga membuatkan ibu bapa berasa malu. Akibatnya, anak-anak ini tidak lagi dibawa keluar kerana pandangan negatif masyarakat. Artikel ini bertujuan menerangkan kaedah mengawal tingkah laku tantrum dalam kalangan anak mengalami autisme. Analisis dokumen merupakan kaedah kajian yang digunakan berdasarkan kajian lepas, jurnal dan buku berkaitan autisme dan tantrum. Artikel ini menekankan empat kaedah pengawalan tingkah laku tantrum iaitu, (i) penggunaan teknik cerita sosial, (ii) penglibatan ibu bapa dalam aktiviti anak-anak, (iii) penekanan terhadap pendidikan al-Quran dan (iv) kaedah pembelajaran mediatif. Ini adalah kaedah yang boleh membantu mengawal emosi anak-anak yang tidak stabil dan tingkah laku tantrum. Semua pihak terutama ibu bapa, guru dan masyarakat perlu memainkan peranan masing-masing bagi memastikan tingkah laku tantrum ini dapat dikawal tanpa mendatangkan kecederaan diri kepada anak mengalami autisme itu sendiri dan orang sekeliling mereka
Learning al-Quran for children with disabilities
In Malaysia, children with disabilities (OKU) include hearing impairment, visual
impairment, physical impairment, speech impairment, mental impairment, learning
disabilities and various disabilities. Quranic learning for children with disabilities
(OKU) is often neglected. This is because the community considers that children with
disabilities are not required to study religion. Children with disabilities have various
levels of disabilities and they have the ability to master the recitation of the Quran if
given the opportunity. Therefore, the effort to provide opportunities for children with
disabilities to learn religion such as reciting the Qur'an is fardh kifayah. In Malaysia,
there are various methods of learning the Qur'an that have been used from ancient
times until now such as the method of Iqra ', the method of Baghdadi and others. In
fact, in recent times, the learning of the Quran for children with disabilities has gained
focus due to the awareness of parents to teach the Quran to them. Therefore, this study
aims to examine the methods of learning the Qur'an used to children with disabilities in
Malaysia and the challenges faced in the process of learning the Qur'an. The research
method used in this study is document analysis based on previous studies and research through journals and books related to the discussion on the learning of the Quran for
children with disabilities. The results of the study found that there are three methods of
learning the Quran used for disabilities in Malaysia, namely the method of Fakih, the
method of Abahata al-Jabari and the method of skin sensitivity for visual impairment.
However, in an effort to implement Quranic learning for children with disabilities,
there are challenges faced, namely experienced teachers, children's interest in learning
the Quran, controlling the emotions and behavior of children with disabilities as well
as space and environmental problems. The implication of the study is to identify
the existing methods of learning the Qur'an that can be used as a guide by parents,
teachers and preachers in teaching the Qur'an to children with disabilities. In addition,
agencies that manage children with disabilities may adopt the most appropriate method
according to the type of disability
Panduan syariah untuk ibu bapa menangani perilaku seksual remaja autisme
Perilaku seksual bermula apabila berlaku perubahan organ biologi akibat kematangan organ pembiakan. Mereka mempamerkan perilaku seksual di khayalak ramai kerana tidak memahami situasi berikut berlawanan dengan norma masyarakat. Merujuk kepada permasalahan, sehingga kini bentuk pendekatan yang sesuai dan boleh diikuti oleh ibu bapa dalam mengawal tindakan remaja autisme mengikut ketetapan Islam masih terhad. Kebanyakan pada hari ini bersumberkan Barat. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan membina garis panduan syariah untuk ibu bapa menangani perilaku seksual remaja autisme. Kajian ini menggunakan temu bual sebagai kaedah utama untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan perilaku seksual remaja autisme. Temu bual dijalankan bersama ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak remaja autisme. Kajian ini turut mendapat maklumat melalui perbincangan meja bulat yang diadakan sebanyak 5 kali dalam usaha mengemaskan lagi pembinaan garis panduan syariah untuk ibu bapa menangani perilaku seksual remaja autisme. Hasil kajian mendapati ibu bapa amat memerlukan satu garis panduan syariah yang memuatkan tatacara untuk diajarkan kepada anak remaja autisme mereka. Oleh itu, dalam kajian ini turut memuatkan tatacara didikan ibu bapa kepada remaja autisme dan larangan keagamaan untuk mengurangkan kecenderungan perilaku seksual agar dapat digunapakai dalam memberi pendidikan kepada anak remaja autisme. Sumbangan kajian membuktikan pendidikan agama berupaya mendidik perilaku seksual remaja autisme. Implikasi kajian mencadangkan agar garis panduan syariah ini dapat digunapakai oleh ibu bapa, guru, masyarakat dan pihak yang berkaitan seperti JAKIM, KPWKM, JKM dan NGO dalam usaha menangani perilaku seksual dalam kalangan remaja autisme
النهج الديني في ماليزيا لتكملة التعامل مع القضايا الجنسية للمراهقين المصابين بالتوحد
Adolescents with autism (AWA) suffer limitations in communication, social interaction and behaviour as well as inability to manage their sexuality in a normal way. A more efficacious approach needs to be introduced to deal with their sexuality problems. Hence, the purpose of this research is to analyse a religious approach in dealing with sexuality of adolescents with autism. This research used interview method as the research instrument. Research data was obtained from interviewing 13 participants comprising of parents of AWA, teachers of AWA, and students of institutes of higher learning in Malaysia. Research analysis used NVivo software to thematically analyse the data obtained. In the religious approach, three methods were used in dealing with the sexuality issue of AWA, namely, performing congregational prayer and reading al-Quran, applying religious education from childhood and attending religious classes. The religious approach can help AWA to cope with their sexuality issue. The originality of this paper comes from the empirical studies to analyse a religious approach to deal with sexuality of AWA. Furthermore, this research is supported by literature review of publications in Arabic, English and Malay and sources from Islamic and conventional scholars.أهداف البحث: يعاني المراهقون المصابون بالتوحد من قيود في التواصل والتفاعل الاجتماعي والسلوك، بالإضافة إلى عدم القدرة على إدارة حياتهم الجنسية بطريقة طبيعية. يجب إدخال نهج أكثر فعالية لمعالجة مشاكلهم الجنسية؛ لذلك، كان الغرض من هذا البحث هو تحليل المناهج الدينية في معالجة الجنسانية للمراهقين المصابين بالتوحد.
منهج الدراسة: يستخدم هذا البحث أسلوب المقابلة كأداة بحث. تم الحصول على بيانات الدراسة من المقابلات التي أجريت مع 13 مشاركًا؛ يتألفون من أولياء الأمور والمعلمين وطلاب مؤسسات التعليم العالي في ماليزيا. استخدم تحليل الدراسة برنامج NVivo لتحليل البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها بشكل موضوعي.
النتائج: في المنهج الديني، هناك ثلاث طرق تستخدم في التعامل مع الحياة الجنسية للمراهقين المصابين بالتوحد، وهي أداء صلاة الجماعة وقراءة القرآن، وتطبيق التربية الدينية منذ الصغر، وحضور فصول الدراسات الدينية. يمكن للنهج الديني أن يساعد المراهقين المصابين بالتوحد في التعامل مع حياتهم الجنسية.
أصالة البحث: تأتي مصداقية هذه الورقة من دراسة تجريبية لتحليل المناهج الدينية في معالجة الجنسانية للمراهقين المصابين بالتوحد. وقد تم دعم هذا البحث من خلال مراجعة الأدبيات التي قدمها علماء ودعاة مسلمون، تضمنت مقالات باللغات العربية والإنجليزية والماليزية
Panduan syariah untuk ibu bapa menangani perilaku seksual remaja autisme (Islamic guidance for parents in dealing the sexual behaviour of adolescent with autism)
Sexual behaviour begins when changes in biological organ occurs due to reproductive organ’s maturity. They will show sexual behaviour in a crowd because it does not understand that these situations are contrary to the norms of society. Referring to the problem, nowadays the form of guidelines according to Islam may be followed by parents in controlling the actions of autism child is still rigid. Most of today is derived from the West. Therefore, this study aims to build Sharia guidelines for parents in dealing with the sexual behavior of teen’s autism. This study used interviews as main method information obtaining related to sexual behavior of adolescent with autism. Interviews are conducted with parents who have adolescent with autism. It also received information through roundtable discussion held 5 times in order to refine the Sharia guidelines for parents in dealing with the sexual behaviour of adolescent with autism. The study found the parents really need a set of guidelines procedures of Sharia are taught to their adolescent with autism. Thus, in this study also includes parental education procedures for adolescent with autism and religious restrictions to reduce the tendency of sexual behavior to be used in educating adolescent with autism. The contribution of religious education studies proved capable to educate adolescent with autism sexual behaviour. The implication of the study suggested that this syariah guidelines can be used by parents, teachers, communities and related parties such as JAKIM, KPWKM, JKM and NGOs in addressing sexual behavior among adolescent with autism