2 research outputs found

    Crystal Structure of a Homogeneous IgG-Fc Glycoform with the N‑Glycan Designed to Maximize the Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity

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    N-glycosylation on IgG modulates Fc conformation and effector functions. An IgG-Fc contains a human sialo-complex type (hSCT) glycan of biantennary structure with two α2,6-sialylations and without core-fucosylation is an optimized glycoform developed to enhance the antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). hSCT modification not only enhances the binding affinity to Fc receptors in the presence of antigen but also in some cases provides gain-of-function effector activity. We used enzymatic glyco-engineering to prepare an IgG-Fc with homogeneous hSCT attached to each C<sub>H</sub>2 domain and solved its crystal structure. A compact form and an open form were observed in an asymmetric unit in the crystal. In the compact structure, the double glycan latches from the two hSCT chains stabilize the C<sub>H</sub>2 domains in a closed conformation. In the open structure, the terminal sialic acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid or NeuNAc) residue interacts through water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the D249–L251 helix, to modulate the pivot region of the C<sub>H</sub>2–C<sub>H</sub>3 interface. The double glycan latches and the sialic acid modulation may be mutually exclusive. This is the first crystal structure of glyco-engineered Fc with enhanced effector activities. This work provides insights into the relationship between the structural stability and effector functions affected by hSCT modification and the development of better antibodies for therapeutic applications

    Role of N‑Linked Glycans in the Interactions of Recombinant HCV Envelope Glycoproteins with Cellular Receptors

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. It infects human liver cells through several cellular protein receptors including CD81, SR-BI, claudin-1, and occludin. Previous reports also show that lectin receptors can mediate HCV recognition and entry. The envelope proteins of HCV (E1 and E2) are heavily glycosylated, further indicating the possible roles of lectin receptor–virus interaction in HCV infection. However, there is limited study investigating the relationship of HCV envelope glycoproteins and lectin as well as non-lectin receptors. Here we used surface plasmon resonance to examine the binding affinity of different glycoforms of recombinant HCV envelope protein to receptors and inspected the infectivity and assembly of HCV pseudoparticles composed of different glycoforms of envelope proteins. Our results indicated that DC-SIGN, L-SIGN, and Langerin had higher affinity to recombinant HCV envelope proteins in the presence of calcium ions than non-lectin receptors, and envelope proteins with Man8/9 N-glycans showed approximate 10-fold better binding to lectin receptors than envelope proteins with Man5 and complex type N-glycans. Interestingly, comparing among glycoforms, recombinant envelope proteins with Man5 N-glycans showed the highest binding affinity when interacting with non-lectin receptors. In summary, the glycans on HCV envelope protein play a modulatory role in HCV assembly and infection and direct HCV–receptor interaction, which mediates viral entry in different cells. Receptors with high affinity to HCV envelope proteins may be considered as targets for development of a therapeutic strategy against HCV