16 research outputs found

    Permeability Of Dentine.

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    This is an update on the present integrated knowledge regarding dentine permeability that assumed a role in dentine sensitivity and contribute clinically to the effective bonding properties of restorative dental materials. This paper will attempt to refer to in vivo and in vitro studies of dentine, permeability and the various interrelated factors governing it

    IFM surface profiler, µCT 3D SCAN, and electron microscopical investigation of 'Sanggul Fatimah' (Anastatica Hierochuntica L).

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    Malaysia is blessed with natural products that represent a valuable source of bioactive agents with potent and unique medicinal properties. However, many of these natural products (marine or herbal) are not strictly phannaceutical products (real medicines) but represent a novel class of dietary supplements or nutriceuticals or exploited in traditional medicines. Traditional medicines has not only been used for primary health care of the poor in developing countries but has also been used in countries where conventional medicines are predominant. This have causes commercial exploitation that has endangered species of therapeutic natural products. In order to claritY and ascertain the identities and properties of the species, effort by utilizing high-resolution electron microscopy is now being pursed as a prelude and to harness the taxonomical identity and chemical characterization of therapeutic potentials of these natural products. 'Sanggul F atimah ' or Anastatica Hierochuntica L. (The True Rose Of Jericho), a resurrection plant, is a very well-known traditional herbal remedy closely associated with and consumed minutes prior to labor. This is a rhetoric practice among the Malay Kelantanese women where its tea is believed to help ease childbirth. In the course of our research interest in identi:fYing the most sort herbal during pregnancy and post-partum in Malaysia, we have include a surface morphological characterization of Anastatica Hierochuntica L that was observed under the variable pressure scanning electron microscope (VPSEM). Scanning electron microscopical characterization of this plant is virtually a research lacuna. Information on this herb of the Negev and Sahara Desert is important, as it will affect for the women's attitudes and practices.Results and discussion The supra variable pressure scanning electron microscope study of these plants that dies and dries up, curling its stems into a tight ball revealed a surface characterization built-up of pebbles-like structures, asinu8 rings with thick tunica, an overwhelming soft lamellated surface and spiky coral-like or tom-like structures closely associated with the raised pedunculated putative shoots of cactus-like feature highly prominent in the stem. Microdiffiaction analysis (EDX) of the herb revealed inert significant presence of carbon, oxygen, silica, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, zinc and iron. Although silica is quite significant in major probe areas, the topographical distributions of these periodic elements are non-homogenous. The combination silica and calcium may be associated with bones repairs and help form collagen. This suggests that the folkloric use of Anastatica Hierochuntica L. in labor and post labor will enhance good tissue and organ repair. The microdiffiaction analysis also suggest therapeutic potential role as a adjuvant supplement in the improvement in bone density and in the prevention of osteoporosis

    Microscopy Conference 2009 Graz, Austria 30 Ogos - 04 September 2009

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    Malaysia is blessed with natural products that represent a valuable source of bioactive agents with potent and unique medicinal properties. However, many of these natural products (marine or herbal) are not strictly phannaceutical products (real medicines) but represent a novel class of dietary supplements or nutriceuticals or exploited in traditional medicines. Traditional medicines has not only been used for primary health care of the poor in developing countries but has also been used in countries where conventional medicines are predominant. This have causes commercial exploitation that has endangered species of therapeutic natural products. In order to claritY and ascertain the identities and properties of the species, effort by utilizing high-resolution electron microscopy is now being pursed as a prelude and to harness the taxonomical identity and chemical characterization of therapeutic potentials of these natural products. 'Sanggul F atimah ' or Anastatica Hierochuntica L. (The True Rose Of Jericho), a resurrection plant, is a very well-known traditional herbal remedy closely associated with and consumed minutes prior to labor. This is a rhetoric practice among the Malay Kelantanese women where its tea is believed to help ease childbirth. In the course of our research interest in identi:fYing the most sort herbal during pregnancy and post-partum in Malaysia, we have include a surface morphological characterization of Anastatica Hierochuntica L that was observed under the variable pressure scanning electron microscope (VPSEM). Scanning electron microscopical characterization of this plant is virtually a research lacuna. Information on this herb of the Negev and Sahara Desert is important, as it will affect for the women's attitudes and practices. Results and discussion The supra variable pressure scanning electron microscope study of these plants that dies and dries up, curling its stems into a tight ball revealed a surface characterization built-up of pebbles-like structures, asinu8 rings with thick tunica, an overwhelming soft lamellated surface and spiky coral-like or tom-like structures closely associated with the raised pedunculated putative shoots of cactus-like feature highly prominent in the stem. Microdiffiaction analysis (EDX) of the herb revealed inert significant presence of carbon, oxygen, silica, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, zinc and iron. Although silica is quite significant in major probe areas, the topographical distributions of these periodic elements are non-homogenous. The combination silica and calcium may be associated with bones repairs and help form collagen. This suggests that the folkloric use of Anastatica Hierochuntica L. in labor and post labor will enhance good tissue and organ repair. The microdiffiaction analysis also suggest therapeutic potential role as a adjuvant supplement in the improvement in bone density and in the prevention of osteoporosis

    Impact on aquatic environmental assets: aftermath of december 2014 east coast states of malaysia flood. a study on impact on coral reef ecosystems and intertidal benthos population ecosustainability the management time'

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    The impact on coastline and aquatic ecosystem from the worst ever North East monsoonal flooding event in Malaysia history in years, December 2014 to January 2015 'Tsunami mud-like' flood, in east coast Malaysia can range from unnoticeable to devastating. Floods can accelerate fluxes; destroy drainage and reverine systems causing raw sewage, nutrients and sediments to spill out into bodies of water that may have detrimental influence to east coast Malaysia coral reef structure and dynamics, especially of its benthic populations and marine ecosystems. The plumes effect coral reefs by burying decreasing light levels of depleting oxygen supplies by introduction of large amounts of organics settlements. In pertinent to this the link between water quality parameters and its plankton species composition and prevalence into the system is also unknown. Globally, floods destroy drainage and reverine systems causing raw sewage to spill out into bodies of water. As such nutrients and sediments from east coast coastal rivers may have detrimental influence and be harmful to the majestic east coast Malaysia marine park coral reef especially on the structure and dynamics of benthic populations and marine ecosystems. In Pertinent to Kelantan, its Kelantan river system flows northward thus passing through such major towns as Kuala Krai, Tanah Merah, Pasir Mas and Kola Bharu, before finally discharging into the South China Sea. The 2014 flood was purported as the most significant natural disaster in Malaysia in terms of frequency, area extent, population affected bad damage. Coral reefs are often referred to as the 'rainforests of the sea', although, although one could points out equally well and call rainforests the coral reefs of the land (Davidson, 1998). Regardless, these two ecosystems do indeed share several important attributes, most notably high diversity and severe declines worldwide over the last several decades. Over the past 30 years coral bleaching has become a widespread phenomenon and is now seen by many as one of the most distinct manifestations of climate change impacts on natural ecosystems. Coral bleaching can be a short-lived phenomenon; and its spatial appearance can vary considerably. Some bleaching events are comprehensive and tightly synchronised (i.e., most species fully bleached at the same time) and these are likely to be easier to detect, particularly in areas of high coral cover. Where only some colonies are bleached, or where the loss of colour in bleached colonies is only partial, detection becomes increasingly challenging

    Biocompatibilitity evaluation of fetal scalp monitoring spiral electrode using high resolution scanning electron microscope

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    Perinatal fetal heart monitoring involves the placement of a scalp electrode to detect the fetal electrocardiogram. The spiral scalp electrode is one type of cardiac monitor, which requires the distal end of the monitor to be screwed into the infant's scalp. The goal of fetal heart monitoring was to identify "abnormal" fetal heart patterns so that timely intervention (expedited birth) might lower rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality resulting from asphyxia. Although this involves inserting an electrode through the dilated cervix and attaching the electrode to the scalp of the fetus, it can lead to bacterial infection caused by invasive fetal scalp electrode monitoring. Objective: - To examine and assess the post inserted fetal scalp electrode surface microbiologically and with high resolution scanning electron microscope - To detect possible remnants and contamination of resterilized post inserted fetal scalp electrode with soft tissues, microorganisms and plague using VPSEM observations. - To examine and assess the characteristics changes of post inserted fetal scalp electroe surface using VPSEM as an alternative and prompt diagnostic tool to study the relationship of fetal scalp electrode clinical complications (bacteria, pain etc). - To examine and assess if VPSEM will reveal the basic structure of fetal scalp electrode and manufacturer's biocompatibility defects of post insertion fetal scalp electrode - To test the hypothesis that the fetal scalp electrodes used in HUSM have various degree of trauma accountability related to their manufactured morphology or adherence to the related human anatomy

    A pilot study of the histo-morphological and loss of crystallites from human mineralised tissues due to daily consumption of everyday local Malaysian condiments. A radiological-variable pressure scanning electron microscope investigation.

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    Local condiments consumption is a key constituent of diets throughout the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Little evidence-based knowledge's is known of the morphological changes that may impinge on oral health due to consumption of these local condiments. VPSEM, a new highly developed model of scanning electron microscope with simplified preparation of the tested material before use (Billy, 2000), has never been utilized before to study the effects of these locally available Malaysian condiments. This study is an attempt to pioneer the utility of high-resolution microscopy especially with VPSEM in elucidating a need to qualitate these condiments by scientific investigation thus, hoping to improve this commercially viable products present quality. At present their quality attributes is based mainly on flavor and smell

    Morphological Changes Related to Adherence Properties of Selected East Coast Malaysia Condiments on Dentine Pulp Tissues Preparations.

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    Local condiments consumption is a key constituent of diets throughout the east coast of Peninsu1ar Malaysia. Little evidence-based knowledge is known of the morphological changes that may impinge on oral health due to consumption of these local condiments

    Human molar dentinal tubules and its odontoblast process. A combined investigation using variable pressure scanning electron microscope and image analysis

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    Electron microscopy studies of the dentinal tubules are mainly investigated using the high vacuum conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM). We aimed to investigate its morphology using the variable pressure SEM Three almost caries free intact adult human molar tooth were prepared as unembedded demineralised whole dentine preparations that were initially chemically fixed with 1 Oo/o formalin for 24 hours. They were demineralised in 1 0°/o EDTA solution for 4 weeks following, which they were than section into two equal halves. The uncoated partially demineralised dentine half tissue was inspected systematically under a LEO VPSEM using the peltier cooling sub stage at 15 Pascal pressure with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. An occlusal and longitudinal observation was made from its occlusal surface to the pulpal border. Both low and high magnifications images were prepared from each specimen observed

    High-Resolution Morphological Characterization Investigation On The Effects Of Local Malaysian Condiments On Human Mineralized Tissues.

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    There are a huge variety of locally produced Malaysian sauces available in the local market. In many instances they may formed the everyday condiments of the main menu especially during lunch and dinner to the local Malaysian citizen

    Physicochemical and biochemical properties of pepsin-solubilized collagen isolated from the integument of Sea Cucumber (Stichopus vastus)

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    The integument (high collagen content) of sea cucumber Stichopus vastus is generally wasted after harvesting, whereas only its stomach and intestines are eaten in few Asian countries. Amino acid composition, thermal transition temperature (Tm), zeta potential, solubility, moisture absorption and retention capacities, proximate composition and morphology of pepsin-solubilized collagen (PSC) isolated from the integument of S. vastus were studied. Amino acid composition revealed that glycine was dominant in the isolated collagen. PSC was found to have an isoelectric pH of 4.67, good moisture absorption and retention capacity at higher humidity, a sharp effect of pH and NaCl concentration on solubility, and an inverse relationship between temperature and viscosity. PSC also showed the maximum Tm to be 37.3C, very high protein content and ultrastructural characteristics. Hence, the PSC has the potential to be used as a functional ingredient in food, cosmetics and nutraceutical products