10 research outputs found

    The Brazilian private pharmaceutical market after the first ten years of the generics law

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    Objectives: To describe changes in the private market for selected originators, branded generics (\u27similares\u27), and generic products during the 10 years following passage of the Brazilian Generics Law. Methods: We analyzed longitudinal data collected by IQVIA(R) on quarterly sales by wholesalers to retail pharmacies in Brazil from 1998 through 2010, grouped by originators, branded generics, and generic products in three therapeutic classes (antibiotics, antidiabetics, and antihypertensives). Outcomes included market share (proportion of the total private market volume), sales volume per capita, prices and number of manufacturers by group. Results: In the private market share, generics became dominant in each therapeutic class but the speed of uptake varied. Originators consistently lost most market share while branded generics varied over time. By the end of the study period, generics were the most sold product type in all classes, followed by branded generics. The number of generic manufacturers increased in all classes, while branded generics increased just after the policy but then decreased slowly through the end of 2010. For approximately 50% of the antibiotics analyzed, branded generics and generics had lower prices than originators. For antidiabetics, branded generic and generic prices were quite similar during the period analyzed. Price trends for the various subclasses of antihypertensive exhibited very different patterns over time. Conclusion: Sales of branded generics and originators decreased substantially in the three therapeutic classes analysed following the introduction of the generics policy in Brazil, but the time to market dominance of generics varied by class

    Hypertension and diabetes treatment affordability and government expenditures following changes in patient cost sharing in the Farmacia popular program in Brazil: an interrupted time series study

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing medicines availability and affordability is a key goal of Brazilian health policies. Farmacia Popular (FP) Program is one of the government\u27s key strategies to achieve this goal. Under FP, antihypertension (HTN) and antiglycemic (DM) medicines have been provided at subsidized prices in private retail settings since 2006, and free of charge since 2011. We aim to assess the impact of sequential changes in FP benefits on patient affordability and government expenditures for HTN and DM treatment under the FP, and examine their implications for public financing mechanisms and program sustainability. METHODS: Longitudinal, retrospective study using interrupted time series to analyze: HTN and DM treatment coverage; total and per capita expenditure; percentage paid by MoH; and patient cost sharing. Analyzes were conducted in the dispensing database of the FP program (from 2006 to 2012). RESULTS: FP has increased its coverage over time; by December 2012 FP covered on average 13% of DM and 11.5% of HTN utilization, a growth of over 600 and 1500%, respectively. The overall cost per treatment to the MoH declined from R36.43(R36.43 (R = reais, the Brazilian currency) to 18.74 for HTN and from R33.07toR33.07to R15.05 for DM over the period analyzed, representing a reduction in per capita cost greater than 50%. The amount paid by patients for the medicines covered increased over time until 2011, but then declined to zero. We estimate that to treat all patients in need for HTN and DM in 2012 under FP, the Government would need to expend 97% of the total medicines budget. CONCLUSIONS: FP rapidly increased its coverage in terms of both program reach and proportion of cost subsidized during the period analyzed. Costs of individual HTN and DM treatments in FP were reduced after 2011 for both patients (free) and government (better negotiated prices). However, overall FP expenditures by MoH increased due to markedly increased utilization. The FP is sustainable as a complementary policy but cannot feasibly substitute for the distribution of medicines by the SUS

    Brazilian generics market change after Farmácia Popular program

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate trends in the use of generic and non-generic medicines to treat hypertension and diabetes under the Farmácia Popular Program (FP) and its impact on generic medicines sales volume and market share in the Brazilian pharmaceutical market. METHODS: This longitudinal, retrospective study used interrupted time series design to analyze changes in monthly sales volume and proportion of medicines sales (market share) for oral antidiabetic and antihypertensive medicines for generic versus non-generic products. Analyses were conducted in a combined dataset that aggregate monthly sales volumes from the Farmácia Popular program and from the QuintilesIMS™ (IQVIA) national market sales data from January 2007 to December 2012. The Farmácia Popular program phases analyzed included: a) 2009 reductions in medicines reference prices (AFP-II) and b) 2011 implementation of free medicines program for hypertension and diabetes, the Saúde não tem preço (SNTP – Health has no price). RESULTS: Patterns of use for FP-covered antidiabetic and antihypertensive medicines were similar to their use in the market in general. After one year of the decreases in government subsidies in April 2010, market share of antidiabetic and antihypertensive medicines experienced relative declines of -54.5% and -59.9%, respectively. However, when FP-covered medicines were made free to patients, overall market volume for antidiabetic and antihypertensive generics increased dramatically, with 242.6% and 277.0% relative increases by February 2012, as well as non-generics with relative increase of 209.7% and 279% for antidiabetic and antihypertensive medicines, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Ministry of Health policies on the amount of patient cost sharing and on the choice of medicines on coverage lists have substantial impacts on overall generic sales volume in retail pharmacies

    Registros Hospitalares de Câncer: Proposta Metodológica para Correção do Estadiamento de Câncer de Pulmão

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    Introdução: Um grande desafio para a utilização de registros e bases de dados secundárias é a qualidade do registro e o percentual de perdas em variáveis estratégicas e necessárias à plena utilização do banco. Objetivo: Propor um método de correção para a variável de estadiamento no âmbito dos Registro Hospitalares de Câncer (RHC), a fim de aprimorar sua completude e qualidade. Método: Estudo descritivo, abrangendo as Unidades da Federação, utilizando-se como fonte de informação o RHC, de janeiro de 2013 a dezembro de 2019. O câncer de pulmão foi escolhido como caso para a correção do banco, em razão da sua alta taxa de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo. As análises foram realizadas com o software de análises estatísticas SAS Studio e a base de dados organizada em Excel®. Resultados: O total de casos registrados no RHC foi de 86.026, e a variável de interesse, o estadiamento, teve um total de 32,0% de perda. Ao final de todas as etapas de correção, a perda foi de 9,8%, correspondendo a 22,2% de recuperação. Conclusão: A metodologia proposta representa um avanço na correção do banco do RHC, possibilitando a utilização dos dados de base secundária, com melhor representatividade das diferentes Regiões do país, sobre o tratamento de câncer de pulmão, com possibilidade de expansão de seu uso para outras topografias