2,085 research outputs found

    Nutritional changes in oilseeds due to Aspergillus spp.

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    In present research work experiments were carried out to study the deteriorative changes in oilseeds under the influence of Aspergillus sp. It was found that fat content in groundnut and soybean was reduced due to Aspergillus flavus. In groundnut the maximum loss in protein content was due to A. terreus. On the other hand, A. niger, A. terreus, A. parasiticus and A. fumigatus were found to reduced the protein content in soybean. A. versicolor effectively reduced maximum amount of reducing sugar content in groundnut and soybean

    Survey on: Multimedia Content Protection using Cloud

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    There is need for large scale multimedia content protection system. There are varying workloads for which cloud infrastructure provide cost efficiency, rapid development and scalability. Data protection along with security whole together contribute to the success of cloud. Security is very important in today�s online world. It is widely accepted that cloud computing has the unrealized ability to make privacy disable. The cloud is been chosen because it provides some security features. The greatest challenge is to process data securely in cloud. One of the factor leading to high performance in cloud is nothing but the security. For the protection purpose, a system for multimedia content protection on cloud infrastructure is presented. The system can be used to protect various multimedia contents such as 2D video and 3D videos, graphics which is animated, images, audios clips etc. Multimedia is the combination of data, text, image, audio, or video in a single application. The system can be deployed on both public cloud and private cloud. Two major components to be considered are method to create signatures of 3D videos and matching engine for multimedia objects. Depth signals are captured from 3D videos. This system detects the duplicated multimedia content that is copyright material in an online environment

    The Efficacy Of Linkages For Relational Capability Building And Internationalization - Indian And Australian Mining Firms

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    This research explores the significance of linkages in building relational capability between Australian and Indian mining firms which leads to new international opportunities. Building upon knowledge-based and network views this qualitative study presents the “The Relational Capability-Linkages Model”

    Non recurrent laryngeal nerve with right aberrant subclavian artery in recurrent case of papillary carcinoma of thyroid: an interesting clinical entity.

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    Background/objectives: A nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve is a rare anatomical variant and a routine preoperative imaging studies are not indicated. NRLN is related with absence of the brachiocephalic trunk and aberrant (mainly retroesophageal) course of theright subclavian artery which is evident on contrast enhanced CT scan of the chest.Case report: The patient presented with a swelling in the neck for 4 months which is slowly increasing in size. Patient gives history of a surgery done in the neck with an old midlinesuprasternal scar which was done 40 years earlier.laryngoscopic mirror examinartion was normal with moving vocal cords. Rest of the oral and oropharyngeal examination along with completeblood picture and biochemical investigations were normal. The patient was not a known diabetic or hypertensive.Conclusion: Accurate knowledge of frequent variations of the nerve along with the non recurrent variant reduces the risk of intraoperative injury. A nonrecurrent laryngealnerve(NRLN) is a rare anatomical variant and a routine preoperative imaging studies are not indicated. NRLN is related with absence of the brachiocephalic trunk and aberrant(mainly retroesophageal) course of the right subclavian artery which is evident on contrast enhanced CT scan of the chest.

    Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Development of Aspergillus flavus Rot of Mango Fruit

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    Effect of temperature and relative humidity on severity of disease, spore germination, Cellulase and pectinase enzyme activity of Aspergillus flavus rot was studied. It was found that low temperature and low relative humidity inhibits severity of disease, spore germination, cellulase and pectinase enzyme activity of A. flavus. ÂÂ

    Status of biochemical content in papaya (Carica papaya L.) after post-harvest pathogenesis by fungi

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    Post-harvest fungi depleted the pectin, sugar, ash, phosphorous, calcium and ascorbic acid content of papaya fruit

    Analysis and Design of Vertical Post-Tensioned Precast Shear Wall

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    This study aims to provide analysis and design of Vertical-Post-tensioned Precast Shear Wall as per IS 1343:2012. Instead of using conventional cast-in-situ Shear Walls, use of precast shear wall using post-tensioned tendons for flexural reinforcement observed only small amount of damage to the concrete material. This research focuses on the use of unbonded post-tensioning tendons for wall to wall connection in precast shear wall across the horizontal joint over the portion of its length. For this purpose a commercial (G+4) storied building with shear walls modelled in ETABS2016 to analyse the structure and to found the load coming on shear walls. Design of Precast Shear walls using post-tensioning tendons are done manually for each precast walls. The behaviour of vertical post-tensioned precast shear wall is captured by analysing the precast shear wall in SAP2000 software

    Influencia del procedimiento de extracción en la actividad antioxidante de extractos de semilla de lenteja en un sistema modelo β-caroteno linoleato

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    Phenolic compounds were extracted from lentil seeds using three solvent systems: 80% (v/v) acetone, 80% (v/v) methanol, and 80% (v/v) ethanol. Each extract was subsequently separated into two fractions by chromatoghraphy on a column with Toyo Pearl HW-40 using water (fraction I) and methanol (fraction II) for elution. Antioxidative activity of extracts and their respective fractions were examined in a β-carotene-linoleate model system. All three extracts exhibited similar antioxidant activity. Considering the level of phenolic compounds in extracts it seems that phenolic compounds from the acetone extract were less active than those from either the methanolic and ethanolic ones. Because the content of phenolics was about 16-fold lower in fraction I of the methanolic and ethanolic extracts compared to fraction II, the phenolics in fraction I of the methanol and ethanol extracts from lentil seeds are much more active than these in fraction II. A stronger antioxidant activity of fraction I from the acetone extract compared to the crude acetone extract was observed during the latter incubation stage. The reason was a relatively high level of phenolic compounds in this fraction. UV spectra confirmed that the phenolic compounds from the acetone extract were different compared to methanolic and ethanolic extracts.Los compuestos fenólicos fueron extraídos de semillas de lenteja usando tres sistemas de disolventes: acetona del 80% (v/v), metanol del 80% (v/v), y etanol del 80% (v/v). Cada extracto fue separado posteriormente en dos fracciones por cromatografía en columna con Toyo Pearl HW-40 usando agua (fracción I) y metanol (fracción II) para la elución. La actividad antioxidante de los extractos y de sus fracciones respectivas fueron examinadas en un sistema modelo β-caroteno-linoleato. Los tres extractos exhibieron actividad antioxidante similar. Atendiendo al nivel de compuestos fenólicos en los extractos parece que los compuestos del extracto acetónico eran menos activos que los metanólicos y etanólicos. Debido a que el contenido de fenoles era aproximadamente 16 veces más bajo en la fracción I de los extractos metanólico y etanólico comparado con la fracción II, los fenoles en la fracción I de los extractos del metanol y del etanol de las semillas de lenteja son mucho más activos que éstos en la fracción II. Una actividad antioxidante más fuerte de la fracción I del extracto acetónico comparado con el extracto acetónico crudo fue observada durante el posterior periodo de incubación. La razón fué el relativamente alto nivel de compuestos fenólicos en esta fracción. El espectro UV confirmó que los compuestos fenólicos del extracto de acetona fueron diferentes comparados con los extractos metanólicos y etanólicos