44 research outputs found

    Halobacteriovorax, an underestimated predator on bacteria: potential impact relative to viruses on bacterial mortality

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    Predation on bacteria and accompanying mortality are important mechanisms in controlling bacterial populations and recycling of nutrients through the microbial loop. The agents most investigated and seen as responsible for bacterial mortality are viruses and protists. However, a body of evidence suggests that predatory bacteria such as the Halobacteriovorax (formerly Bacteriovorax), a Bdellovibrio-like organism, contribute substantially to bacterial death. Until now, conclusive evidence has been lacking. The goal of this study was to better understand the contributors to bacterial mortality by addressing the poorly understood role of Halobacteriovorax and how their role compares with that of viruses. The results revealed that when a concentrated suspension of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was added into microcosms of estuarine waters, the native Halobacteriovorax were the predators that responded first and most rapidly. Their numbers increased by four orders of magnitude, whereas V. parahaemolyticus prey numbers decreased by three orders of magnitude. In contrast, the extant virus population showed little increase and produced little change in the prey density. An independent experiment with stable isotope probing confirmed that Halobacteriovorax were the predators primarily responsible for the mortality of the V. parahaemolyticus. The results show that Halobacteriovorax have the potential to be significant contributors to bacterial mortality, and in such cases, predation by Halobacteriovorax may be an important mechanism of nutrient recycling. These conclusions add another dimension to bacterial mortality and the recycling of nutrients

    Genomic Map of Serratia sp. S1B

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    Genomic Map of Serratia sp. S1

    Genomic Islands in strain B1

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    Putative genomic islands (GEIs) predicted within the genome of <i>Pseudomonas </i>sp. strain B1 when aligned against Pseudomonas putida KT2440 chromosome as the reference genomes. The outer black circle represents the scale line in Mbps and the black zig-zag line plot delineates each of the 48 contigs from strain B1. GEIs obtained from each of the following methods are shown in color: SIGI-HMM (orange), IslandPath-DIMOB (blue), and integrated detection (red), respectively

    Genome Map of strain B1

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    <p><b>Fig. 1.</b> Circular genome map of Pseudomonas sp. strain B1 with the first (outermost) and fourth rings depicting COG categories of protein coding genes on the forward and reverse strands, respectively. The second and third rings show the locations of protein coding, tRNA, and rRNA genes on the forward and reverse strands, respectively. The black plot depicts GC content with the peaks extending towards the outside of the circle representing GC content above the genome average, whereas those extending towards the center mark segments with GC content lower than the genome average. The innermost plot depicts GC skew. Both base composition plots were generated using a sliding window of 50,000 nt.</p

    RAST Annotation of Pseudomonas strain B1

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    Genome annotation of Pseudomonas sp. strain B1. Data was generated using Rapid annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST)

    RAST annotation of Serratia sp. S1B

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    RAST annotation of Serratia sp. S1

    Genomic Islands in Serratia sp. S1B

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    Genomic Islands in Serratia sp. S1

    Fatty Acid-Oxidizing Consortia along a Nutrient Gradient in the Florida Everglades

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    The Florida Everglades is one of the largest freshwater marshes in North America and has been subject to eutrophication for decades. A gradient in P concentrations extends for several kilometers into the interior of the northern regions of the marsh, and the structure and function of soil microbial communities vary along the gradient. In this study, stable isotope probing was employed to investigate the fate of carbon from the fermentation products propionate and butyrate in soils from three sites along the nutrient gradient. For propionate microcosms, 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from eutrophic and transition sites were dominated by sequences related to previously described propionate oxidizers, such as Pelotomaculum spp. and Syntrophobacter spp. Significant representation was also observed for sequences related to Smithella propionica, which dismutates propionate to butyrate. Sequences of dominant phylotypes from oligotrophic samples did not cluster with known syntrophs but with sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) and Pelobacter spp. In butyrate microcosms, sequences clustering with Syntrophospora spp. and Syntrophomonas spp. dominated eutrophic microcosms, and sequences related to Pelospora dominated the transition microcosm. Sequences related to Pelospora spp. and SRP dominated clone libraries from oligotrophic microcosms. Sequences from diverse bacterial phyla and primary fermenters were also present in most libraries. Archaeal sequences from eutrophic microcosms included sequences characteristic of Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanospirillaceae, and Methanosaetaceae. Oligotrophic microcosms were dominated by acetotrophs, including sequences related to Methanosarcina, suggesting accumulation of acetate

    Phylogeny of Acetate-Utilizing Microorganisms in Soils along a Nutrient Gradient in the Florida Everglades

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    The consumption of acetate in soils taken from a nutrient gradient in the northern Florida Everglades was studied by stable isotope probing. Bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from eutrophic and oligotrophic soil microcosms strongly suggest that a significant amount of acetate is consumed by syntrophic acetate oxidation in nutrient-enriched soil

    Comparative Genomic Analysis of Three Pseudomonas Species Isolated from the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Tissues, Mantle Fluid, and the Overlying Estuarine Water Column

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    The eastern oysters serve as important keystone species in the United States, especially in the Gulf of Mexico estuarine waters, and at the same time, provide unparalleled economic, ecological, environmental, and cultural services. One ecosystem service that has garnered recent attention is the ability of oysters to sequester impurities and nutrients, such as nitrogen (N), from the estuarine water that feeds them, via their exceptional filtration mechanism coupled with microbially-mediated denitrification processes. It is the oyster-associated microbiomes that essentially provide these myriads of ecological functions, yet not much is known on these microbiota at the genomic scale, especially from warm temperate and tropical water habitats. Among the suite of bacterial genera that appear to interplay with the oyster host species, pseudomonads deserve further assessment because of their immense metabolic and ecological potential. To obtain a comprehensive understanding on this aspect, we previously reported on the isolation and preliminary genomic characterization of three Pseudomonas species isolated from minced oyster tissue (P. alcaligenes strain OT69); oyster mantle fluid (P. stutzeri strain MF28) and the water collected from top of the oyster reef (P. aeruginosa strain WC55), respectively. In this comparative genomic analysis study conducted on these three targeted pseudomonads, native to the eastern oyster and its surrounding environment, provided further insights into their unique functional traits, conserved gene pools between the selected pseudomonads, as well as genes that render unique characteristics in context to metabolic traits recruited during their evolutionary history via horizontal gene transfer events as well as phage-mediated incorporation of genes. Moreover, the strains also supported extensively developed resistomes, which suggests that environmental microorganisms native to relatively pristine environments, such as Apalachicola Bay, Florida, have also recruited an arsenal of antibiotic resistant gene determinants, thus posing an emerging public health concern