959 research outputs found

    Growth of Output and Productivity in Pakistan’s Agriculture: Trends, Sources, and Policy Implications

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    The paper aims to review the growth performance of Pakistan’s agriculture from 1950 to 1995. The long-term growth rate of agriculture, although respectable, has exhibited considerable yearly fluctuations even between decades. The period of the fifties and early seventies lacked any growth. Accelerating and high growth rates marked the decade of the sixties but the performance has not been satisfactory since 1979-80 and average growth rates have barely exceeded the population growth rate, with widespread implications for growth of national economy, food security, and social welfare of the masses. Area, modern inputs, and technology have been the major determinants of growth but prices were equally important because of their incentive and disincentive effects. The agriculture price policies adopted during the 1980s are known to have had a negative effect on the development and use of technology in agriculture. In order to boost agricultural productivity, a change in price policy is needed to ensure incentive prices. This could be done by setting agricultural commodity prices at par with corresponding import and export parity prices. A higher investment in research and development can hardly be overemphasised. There is an urgent need to remove the bottlenecks in agricultural input markets since these markets represent the typical monopoly position. To break up the monopoly of registered dealers and to promote competition, free sales in the open market by interested parties and individuals may be allowed.

    Wheat Productivity, Efficiency, and Sustainability: A Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis

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    This paper uses the farm-level survey data to estimate the stochastic frontier production function incorporating inefficiency effects. Sufficient evidence of positive relationship between wheat productivity and higher and balanced use of fertiliser nutrients was present. The productivity showed an inverse relationship with the proportionate farm area allocated to rice production and illustrated no association with the proportion of farm area under cotton. The average technical efficiency at wheat farms was about 68 percent. An inverse relationship was observed between technical efficiency and farm size. The farmers with greater access to credit and located closer to the markets were found more efficient. The small farmers are not only producing at a lower level but are also operating relatively farther from the production frontier. The results also revealed that wheat growers in Punjab are comparatively more efficient than their counterparts in Sindh and NWFP.stochastic frontier production function; technical efficiency; small farmer; Pakistan; productivity

    Analysis of clay minerals, other silicate and nonsilicate minerals, and the grading of chrysotile asbestos by attenuated total reflection infrared spectrophotometry (with atlas)

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    This study of ATR-IR involved taking spectra of various silicate minerals in powder samples, finding similarities and differences in nature, and locating various bands and intensities of absorption bands for identification and classification purposes. This study is limited to 4000-300 cm-1 with major emphasis on absorptions in the 2000-300 cm-1 region

    On the Characterization of Engineered Elastomers At High Strain Rates

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    The main objective of this research was to develop a methodology for the characterization and modelling of elastomers that were subject to high-strain rate. Four aspects of the problem were accordingly examined. The first aspect of the study was dedicated to the comparison of constitutive equations to numerically model elastomers. The second aspect revolved around the testing of elastomers under dynamic loading. For this purpose, a Kolsky Bar was designed and constructed to test soft, flexible materials. The third aspect of the work dealt with the numerical modelling of the developed testing apparatus. Finite element methodology was used to optimize the testing parameters and validate the modified Kolsky Bar apparatus. Finally, the methodology developed to characterize the response of elastomers under high-strain rate loadings was employed to study two unique engineering materials. The developed approach should help engineers and designers in developing new systems in dynamic application with elastomer

    A Transparency Index Framework for Machine Learning powered AI in Education

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    The increase in the use of AI systems in our daily lives, brings calls for more ethical AI development from different sectors including, finance, the judiciary and to an increasing extent education. A number of AI ethics checklists and frameworks have been proposed focusing on different dimensions of ethical AI, such as fairness, explainability and safety. However, the abstract nature of these existing ethical AI guidelines often makes them difficult to operationalise in real-world contexts. The inadequacy of the existing situation with respect to ethical guidance is further complicated by the paucity of work to develop transparent machine learning powered AI systems for real-world. This is particularly true for AI applied in education and training. In this thesis, a Transparency Index Framework is presented as a tool to forefront the importance of transparency and aid the contextualisation of ethical guidance for the education and training sector. The transparency index framework presented here has been developed in three iterative phases. In phase one, an extensive literature review of the real-world AI development pipelines was conducted. In phase two, an AI-powered tool for use in an educational and training setting was developed. The initial version of the Transparency Index Framework was prepared after phase two. And in phase three, a revised version of the Transparency Index Framework was co- designed that integrates learning from phases one and two. The co-design process engaged a range of different AI in education stakeholders, including educators, ed-tech experts and AI practitioners. The Transparency Index Framework presented in this thesis maps the requirements of transparency for different categories of AI in education stakeholders, and shows how transparency considerations can be ingrained throughout the AI development process, from initial data collection to deployment in the world, including continuing iterative improvements. Transparency is shown to enable the implementation of other ethical AI dimensions, such as interpretability, accountability and safety. The 3 optimisation of transparency from the perspective of end-users and ed-tech companies who are developing AI systems is discussed and the importance of conceptualising transparency in developing AI powered ed-tech products is highlighted. In particular, the potential for transparency to bridge the gap between the machine learning and learning science communities is noted. For example, through the use of datasheets, model cards and factsheets adapted and contextualised for education through a range of stakeholder perspectives, including educators, ed-tech experts and AI practitioners

    Factors Affecting Cotton Production in Pakistan:Empirical Evidence from Multan District

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    This paper attempts to examine the factors affecting cotton production in Multan region using primary source of data. A sample of 60 small farmers, 25 medium and 15 large farmers was randomly selected from two Tehsils namely Multan and Shujabad of district Multan. The Cobb-Douglas Production Function is employed to assess the effects of various inputs like cultivation, seed and sowing, irrigation, fertilizer, plant protection, inter-culturing / hoeing and labour cost on cotton yield. The results depicted that seed, fertilizer and irrigation were found scarce commodity for all category of farmers in district Multan. The Cobb-Douglas Production Function results revealed that the coefficients for cultivation (0.113) and seed (0.103) were found statistically significant at 1 percent level. The Cost-Benefit Ratio for the large farmers was found higher (1.41) than that of small (1.22) and medium (1.24) farmers. There is a dire need to ensure the availability of these scarce inputs by both public and private sectors as these inputs were major requirement of the cotton crop.Cotton; Cobb- Douglas Production Function; Cost Benefit Ratio; Marginal Value Product; Allocate Efficiency of Critical Inputs; Multan District; Pakistan

    The Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Women Work Participation in Pakistan: Evidence from Bahawalpur District

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    The analysis of labour market participation is useful for formulating employment and human resource development policies. Females form almost more than half of the total population in Pakistan play a very important role in the country. The present study endeavors to estimate the various factors which affect the women work participation. The study is based on the cross-section data collected through field survey. The logistic regression technique is employed to estimate the determinants of female labour force participation. Educational attainment levels turn out to be very significant determinant. Female’s labour force participation rises with increasing level of education. Presence of children in early age groups reduces the female labour force participation. The results of the study conclude that female education is necessary for better employment opportunities.Female labor force participation; Female education; Household Income; Family Dependents; Marital Status; Children; Logit Model; Pakistan
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