92 research outputs found

    Effect of Ivabradine in patients with heart failure in whom beta blockers were contraindicated

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    Objective: Prunus persica leaves are used as anthelmintic, insecticidal, sedative, diuretic, demulcent, expectorant and vermicidal ethnopharmacologically. Objective of present study was evaluation of anthelmintic activity of different extracts of Prunus persica leaves.Methods: Pheretima posthuma (annelids) and Ascaridia galli (nematods) were used to perform experiments for anthelmintic activity. Piperazine citrate was used as standard. Time required for paralysis and death (lethal time) of worms were noted for each sample of P. persica extracts and standard.Results: The results demonstrated that treatment with Prunus persica significantly (P<0.05-P<0.01) with dose-dependently paralyzed and killed the both A. galli and earthworms. Ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts have showed comparable anthelmintic activity at the highest concentration (60 mg/ml) to the well known anthelmintic agent Piperazine citrate against A. galli.Conclusion: The ethanolic & ethyl acetate extracts exhibited maximum potency i.e. shortest paralysis and lethal times. The potency was not more than the reference drug, piperazine citrate but comparable to it at 60 mg/ml concentrations in both test worms.Keywords: Prunus. Persica, Anthelmintic activity, Pheretima posthuma, Ascaridia galli

    Financial Analysis of Meta Platforms Inc

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    Web3.0 is the latest generation of internet, which is about decentralization and democratization, built on blockchain technology, high computer power and high-speed network. Metaverse overlaps with Web3.0 in terms of decentralization and is built on the same base technologies but talks about virtual realities and brings immersive experiences. This study explores how the web has evolved over the years and analyzes the current market trends of Web3.0. The purpose of the study is to examine the investments made by Meta Platforms Inc. which is one of the market leaders of the Internet industry and provide an in-depth financial analysis by evaluating its financial statements and different financial metrics. The study also includes estimating the value of the company based on the Discounted Cash Flow valuation method. The valuation conducted in this study forecasts Meta Platforms Inc. to be a promising investment with high positive returns. The valuation may be utilized by analysts for further analysis in their research

    Advancing in the Direction of Right Solutions: Treating Multidrug-Resistant Pneumonia

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    Worldwide, antibiotic resistance is a major contemporary public health threat due to rapid emergence of resistant bacteria and endangering the efficacy of antibiotics. There are significant number of reports on clinical failure of β-lactam and β-lactamase inhibitor combination and even carbapenems due to various carbapenem resistance mechanisms. The increasing rate of the antibiotic resistance and its impact on treatment failure encouraged us to study newly reported concept of antibiotic adjuvant entities (AAEs) by which the increasing failure rate of antibiotics can be controlled. These AAEs have been developed for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative multidrug-resistant (MDR) infections. Elores (ceftriaxone + sulbactam with adjuvant ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)) and Potentox (cefepime + amikacin with adjuvant potassium chloride) are the AAEs for Gram-negative MDR pathogens each catering to a different type of resistance and Vancoplus (ceftriaxone + vancomycin with adjuvant L-arginine), another AAE, can help us to last longer in the war against antibiotic-resistant Gram-positive bugs particularly which cause complicated lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) leading to pneumonia. These new antibiotic additions (Elores, Potentox, and Vancoplus) to the current armamentarium to treat MDR infections, including pneumonia, can help us combat against antimicrobial resistance more efficiently

    Effect of paper industry effluent on enzyme activity and protein profiling of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a legume which is mostly cultivated in India than other countries that can give significant amounts of dietary minerals and protein to humans. The effect of paper industrial effluent on chick-pea (C. arietinum L.) were analysed along with different concentration (10%, 20% 40%, 60% 80% and 100%) and pure tap water as a control to compare the effect of paper industrial effluent for one week. The amount of protein were comparable with control, their amount was increased at 40% in effluent treated seeds. The maximum activity of enzymes was found below 40% level of effluent. In this study protein profile of imbibed seeds, shoot, root and residual cotyledons were examined under the different concentration of effluent. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total protein showed that the maximum number of protein bands seen in the imbibed seeds whereas minimum number of protein bands observed in the root. SDS-PAGE revealed that less degradation and/or more rapid accumulation of proteins occurred in higher molecular weight proteins. From this study, it is clear that the industrial effluent rich in organic matter and plant nutrients are finding their use in agriculture as the cheaper way of disposal

    Morphological and Biochemical Analysis of Cicer arietinum L. under Paper Industrial Effluent Stress conditions

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    To study the effect of paper industrial effluent on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) along with different concentration (10%, 20% 40%, 60% 80% and 100%) and pure tape water as a control to compare the effect of paper industrial effluent for 7 days. Physico-chemical characteristics of paper effluent were analyzed in terms of pH, colour, order temperature, DO, BOD, COD, Total hardness, carbonated hardness. All the parameters were found to be higher than the WHO prescribed discharge limits for effluent. The amount of carbohydrate, protein and reducing sugar were comparable with control, their amount were increased at 40% in effluent treated seeds. The chlorophyll content was increased simultaneously with effluent concentration. From this study it is clear that the industrial effluent rich in organic matter and plant nutrients are finding their use in agriculture as cheaper way of disposal

    Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Histogram and Neural Network

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    In this paper, consider the problem facing by distance between hand and the web cam and corresponding image noise in a Hand gesture recognition for human computer interaction (HCI) using a web cam.In this paper a survey of various recent hand gesture recognition systems background information is presented, along with key issues and major challenges of hand gesture recognition system are presented. In this paper consider histogram and neural network approaches for hand detection. At the end of this paper focus on different hand gesture approaches, algorithm, prototype model, technologies and its applications. The present approaches can be mainly divided into Data-Glove Based, Computer Vision Based approach and Drawing gesture. Hand gesture is a method of non-verbal communication for human beings. Using gesture applications human can interact with computer efficiently without any input devices. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160413

    Evaluation of bacteriological contamination pattern of open fractures of extremities in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Open fractures and associated complications like infection are fairly common in developing countries due to rising incidence of high velocity trauma. Primary goal of study is to evaluate the pattern of bacteriological contamination of open fractures of extremities in tertiary care hospital.Methods: A total of 316 patients of all the age group, both the sexes with open fractures of extremities presented within 6 hours were taken in to study. 1st swab taken at the time of primary wound examination followed by 2nd culture swab on just after debridement followed by 3rd culture swab on the day of 1st aseptic dressing followed by 4th culture swab if infection continues or asepsis score is more than 20 till the duration of 4 days. Culture and sensitivity reports were collected for studying pattern of bacterial isolates and their sensitivity.Results: Infection developed in 22.5% of the patients with open fractures of extremities in whom most of bacterial infections were caused by gram-negative organisms (80.3%). Cultures on admission were positive in 41 patients, out of which 11 patients had developed infection in the final cultures but with different flora. While cultures taken at 1st aseptic dressing were found to be positive in 51 cases, out of which 31 had developed infection with prognostic value of 57%.Conclusions: We concluded that cultures obtained at 1st aseptic dressing are far more predictive than pre and post-debridement cultures in management of patients with open fractures of extremities and are important in formulating an antibiotic policy

    Evaluation of Antiulcerogenic Activity of Clerodendron Infortunatum Extract on Albino Rat Gastric Ulceration

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    Clerodendron infortunatum Linn. (Verbenaceae) is an important and widely used medicinal plant, reported to contain active bitter substance like clerodin, has been widely used as tonic and anthelmintic agent in the country sides of North India. Though, variously used in Ayurveda, Unani system of medicine and Homeopathy in case of ailments like diarrhoea, skin disorders, venereal and scrofulous complaints, wounds, post-natal complications, as vermifuge, laxative and cholagogue, for the removal of ascarids in anus, as external applications on tumours, etc., Background: The present study reports the antiulcer properties of 50% ethanolic extract of Clerodendron infortunatum Linn. (Verbenaceae) leaves have assessed in different acute and chronic gastric ulcer models in rats. Methods: EECI (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight) was administered orally, twice daily for 5 days for prevention from ethanol (EtOH), Cold-restraint stress (CRS), Pylorus-ligation (PL) and 10 days for prevention of acetic acid induced ulcers. Results: The EECI showed significant gastric ulcer protective effect in doses of 400 mg/kg, when given twice daily for 5 days against gastric ulcers induced by ethanol (EtOH), cold restraint stress (CRS) and pyloric ligation (PL). EECI showed dose dependent decrease in ulcer index (UI) against ulcers induced by: (i) Ethanol (control UI: 29.52±2.4 mm2/rat, EECI decrease 21.12±2.3 – 5.3±1.0 (ii) Cold restraint stress (CRS) (control UI: 32.13±2.1, EECI decrease 24.02±2.2 – 4.7±1.1 (iii) pylorus ligation (control UI: 29.25±2.4 mm2/rat, EECI decrease 22.32±2.7 – 5.3±1.0, EECI 400 mg/kg significantly healed ulcers induced by 50% acetic acid after 5 (control UI: 32.30 ± 2.9, EECI decrease 26.27±1.9 – 8.56±0.98 and after 10 days treatment (control UI: 29.02 ± 2.6, healing 21.28±2.1 – 5.78±1.2. EECI prevents the oxidative damage of gastric mucosa by blocking lipid peroxidation and by significant decrease in superoxide dismutase, and increase in catalase activity. Conclusions: Our results show that Clerodendron infortunatum Linn. (Verbenaceae)  possess significant gastro-protective activity which might be due to gastric defence factors and clerodin might be the main constituents responsible for this activity

    Understanding the impact of high gas entrance velocity on CHO cell culture processes to improve process scale up

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