13 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapy and Conventional Therapy Use for Musculoskeletal Disorders Management and Its Association with Job Satisfaction among Dentists of West India

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    ABSTRACTMusculoskeletal problems have become a significant issue in the profession of dentistry. There are currently no recommended effective disease-preventing and modifying remedies. High prevalence rates for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among dentists have been reported in the literature. Complementary and alternative medicine can be helpful in managing and preventing the MSDs. The purpose of this study was to determine if dentists in the western part of India are using complementary and alternative medicine therapies for MSDs, and also to find if those who use complementary and alternative medicine therapies have greater job/career satisfaction compared to conventional therapy (CT) users. Dentists of western India registered under the Dental Council of India (N=2166) were recruited for the study. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analyses and logistic regression. A response rate of 73% (n=1581) was obtained, of which 79% (n=1249) was suffering from MSDs. The use of complementary and alternative medicine or CT was reported by 90% (n=1124) of dentists with MSDs. Dentists using complementary and alternative medicine reported greater health (P<0.001) and carrier satisfaction (P<0.001) and were able to work as many hours they wanted (P<0.001) compared to CT users. Complementary and alternative medicine therapies may improve the quality of life and enhance job satisfaction for a dentist who suffers from MSDs

    Rehabilitation of Nose following Chemical Burn Using CAD/CAM Made Substructure for Implant Retained Nasal Prosthesis: A Clinical Report

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    Insufficient knowledge of medical chemicals and their improper use have destructive effects. Accidental exposure to chemicals on facial tissue may result in large facial defect. For ages the tradition of piercing nose is common but improper use of unknown chemical for piercing has deleterious effect. Mostly rhinectomy defects are acquired caused by trauma or malignant diseases. Prosthetic rehabilitation is the preferred treatment of choice for any large rhinectomy defects as medical and surgical interventions are ineffective in developing esthetics. Main concern with the prosthesis for such defects is retention. This article describes rehabilitation of a patient with large size nasal defect created by chemical burn in childhood during piercing. Implant retained customized silicone nasal prosthesis was fabricated using simple O-ring attachments and innovative modified polyamide acrylic resin substructure acting as skeleton

    Efficacy of various herbal preparations against oral Candida: A lab-based study

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    Aim: This research was done to analyze the effectiveness related to herbal chemicals in tackling candidiasis. Materials and Methods: Grounded and ethanol-extracted residues of plants like Avicennia marina, Fagonia indica, Portulaca oleracea, Lawsania inermis, Ziziphus spina, Asphodelus tenuifolius, and Salvadora persica were used in the study. The extract was used against candida species, after which the antibacterial as well as cytotoxicity toward the former were evaluated. Results: L. inermis and P. oleracea with minimal inhibitory concentration of approx. 10 cenmL had an increased activity against candida species. The preparations of these plants acted against Candida albicans during its stages related to pathogenesis during biofilm production. Superadded infections like in case of bacterial infections along with candida can be difficult to cure. On human RBCs, these plant preparations had no toxicity at their minimum inhibitory concentration level. Conclusion: We concluded that, as far as being anti-candida and acting against MDR bacterial infections, preparations of plants were effective as an alternative to allopathic drugs

    Clinical Trial to Assess Physiology and Activity of Masticatory Muscles of Complete Denture Wearer Following Vitamin D Intervention

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    Background and Objectives: Little information is available on the role of Vitamin D as a micro-nutrient deficiency with masticatory muscle efficiency and its effect on the function of removable prosthesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of vitamin D on masticatory muscle activity among completely edentulous patients and its effect on the retention of removable complete dentures (RCDs). Materials and Methods: A non-randomized clinical control trial was conducted on completely edentulous patients (60.53 ± 7.01 years) in the Indian population between 2017 and 2019. Subjects were evaluated for temporomandibular disorders according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). Serum Vitamin D (S Vit D) levels, Ultrasonography (USG), and surface Electromyography (sEMG) readings of the masseter muscle were recorded at enrolment (Level 0), after 3 months of Vitamin D therapy (Level 3), and after consecutive 3 months of maintenance therapy, i.e., after 6 months from baseline (Level 6). The fabrication of new RCDs was done for all after the enrolment, and the retention of RCDs was assessed by asking a question regarding denture retention and asking respondents to mark their satisfaction on a 5-point Likert scale. Data were analysed using ANOVA, Paired’-test and Pearson correlation coefficients. A p-value less than 0.05 indicated a statistically significant association. Results: Between enrolment and a six-month follow-up, S Vit D levels showed an increase from 16.03 ± 5.68 ng/mL to 31.35 ± 9.28 ng/mL, showing an increase of 15.32 ± 9.38 ng/mL (95.57% rise). Statistically significant values were observed for USG and sEMG. Conclusions: Results showed that S Vit D affects masticatory muscle activity by improving its thickness and boosting its tonicity. Healthy muscles assist in the retention of RCDs, consequently aiding in mastication, speech, and phonetics, hence improving patient satisfaction. Clinical implication: Acknowledging the fact that the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency is worldwide. We suggest Vitamin D therapy as a nutritional intervention among the elderly completely edentulous population, following dietary counselling, and consider Vitamin D therapy to be an adjunct to nutritional counselling for improving masticatory muscle activity and efficiency, which aids in RCD retention and stability. Consequently, improving oral health-related quality of life for individuals

    Effect of Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin with a Nano-Hydroxyapatite Bone Graft on the Treatment of a Grade II Furcation Defect

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    Background: Periodontal diseases lead to bone loss, crestal defects and even loss of the tooth, which also further makes it difficult to replace the tooth. Autogenous bone grafts are considered the gold standard in bone regenerative procedures. This study aimed to compare and evaluate the bone regenerative effects of i-PRF (Injectable- Platelet-rich fibrin) with a bone graft and a bone graft alone in mandibular grade II furcation defects over a period of 9 months. Method: This was a comparative study of 12 participants, who were randomly selected and grouped into two groups: test and control. Following phase I therapy, both groups were subjected to open flap debridement. In the test group, after debridement, a nano-hydroxyapatite bone graft mixed with i-PRF was inserted, whereas in the control group only a nano-hydroxyapatite bone graft was inserted. The clinical parameters such as plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), pocket probing depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), horizontal probing depth (HPD) and vertical probing depth (VPD) were recorded at baseline, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months following the surgery. The bone area fill (BAF) was assessed using intraoral periapical radiographs (IOPARs) taken at baseline and 9 months after surgery. Results: At the baseline, there was no statistically significant difference between the tested parameters. After 9 months all the clinical parameters, PI, GI, PPD, CAL, HPD and VPD as well as radiographic bone fill showed a significant increase in both the groups (p &lt; 0.05) (PI-TGr; CGr&ndash;VPD&mdash;3.5 &plusmn; 0.54 to 0.66 &plusmn; 0.51; 3.3 &plusmn; 0.81 to 2 &plusmn; 0.63/BAF&mdash;2.9 &plusmn; 0.88 to 5.6 &plusmn; 1.10; 3.4 &plusmn; 1.39 to 3.9 &plusmn; 1.4). On comparison the test group showed better results for each clinical parameter. Conclusion: The results showed increased improvement in clinical conditions in both groups, although better results were seen in the group where i-PRF with a nano-HA bone graft was used in the furcation defect

    Dental services and their awareness and utilization among the health care workers in a South Indian district – A cross sectional study

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    Aim: The present research was carried out to evaluate the amount of usage of dental care opportunities and also to assess the problems faced by health care workers (HCWs) of a south Indian district in using dental services. Methodology: This study had around 500 participants who belonged from various health care sectors who were selected with the help of multistage sampling. The data obtained from this cross-sectional research was analysed statistically using SPSS 22.0. Results: It was noticed that around 35% of participants went for a dentist's appointment in past 1 year where male members predominated (45%). One of the commonest reasons for utilizing dental care services was pain as an dental emergency factor (70%). Other reasons were dental caries (18%) restoration, breakage of tooth (10%) and a host of other factors (11%). Around 350 participants felt that going to the dentist was only necessary when there was an emergency (61%). Conclusion: The target population less frequently visited the dentist to maintain their teeth as they believed when you have pain, that is the time you go to a dental specialist

    Effectiveness of a Single Chair Side Application of NovaMin&reg; [Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate] in the Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity following Ultrasonic Scaling&mdash;A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Dentinal hypersensitivity or cervical dentinal sensitivity is one of the commonest clinical problems. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a single chair side application of 100% pure calcium sodium phosphosilicate (NovaMin&reg;) in reducing dentin hypersensitivity following ultrasonic scaling as evaluated on a visual analogue scale (VAS). The study included 50 subjects who were selected based on an evaluation of dentinal hypersensitivity on a VAS carried out using a metered air blast from a three-way syringe and divided into two groups (n = 25/group); i.e., the test group (Group A) received the NovaMin&reg; paste and the control group (Group B) received a placebo paste made from pumice. All the 50 subjects included in the study were had VAS scores of 3 or more. The NovaMin&reg; powder mixed with distilled water was applied. Dentinal hypersensitivity was reassessed immediately and after 1, 2 and 4 weeks after the procedure. Results showed that the percentage reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity following a single application of NovaMin&reg; in powder form was about 76.38% immediately, 67.72% one week postoperatively, 52.76% two weeks postoperatively and 26.78% four weeks postoperatively. It can be concluded from the results of the current clinical study demonstrated that a single chair side application of NovaMin&reg; in powder form has a significant and immediate reduction in dentinal hypersensitivity, which lasted nearly for four weeks

    Effectiveness of a Single Chair Side Application of NovaMin<sup>®</sup> [Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate] in the Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity following Ultrasonic Scaling—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Dentinal hypersensitivity or cervical dentinal sensitivity is one of the commonest clinical problems. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a single chair side application of 100% pure calcium sodium phosphosilicate (NovaMin®) in reducing dentin hypersensitivity following ultrasonic scaling as evaluated on a visual analogue scale (VAS). The study included 50 subjects who were selected based on an evaluation of dentinal hypersensitivity on a VAS carried out using a metered air blast from a three-way syringe and divided into two groups (n = 25/group); i.e., the test group (Group A) received the NovaMin® paste and the control group (Group B) received a placebo paste made from pumice. All the 50 subjects included in the study were had VAS scores of 3 or more. The NovaMin® powder mixed with distilled water was applied. Dentinal hypersensitivity was reassessed immediately and after 1, 2 and 4 weeks after the procedure. Results showed that the percentage reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity following a single application of NovaMin® in powder form was about 76.38% immediately, 67.72% one week postoperatively, 52.76% two weeks postoperatively and 26.78% four weeks postoperatively. It can be concluded from the results of the current clinical study demonstrated that a single chair side application of NovaMin® in powder form has a significant and immediate reduction in dentinal hypersensitivity, which lasted nearly for four weeks

    Comparative evaluation of honey, chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2%) and combination of xylitol and chlorhexidine mouthwash (0.2%) on the clinical level of dental plaque: A 30 days randomized control trial

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    Aim: To compare the effect of honey, chlorhexidine mouthwash and combination of xylitol chewing gum and chlorhexidine mouthwash on the dental plaque level. Materials and Methods: Ninety healthy dental students, both male and female, aged between 21 to 25 years participated in the study. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups, i.e. the honey group, the chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash group and the combination of xylitol chewing gum and chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash group. The data was collected at the baseline, 15 th day and 30 th day; the plaque was disclosed using disclosing solution and their scores were recorded at six sites per tooth using the Quigley and Hein plaque index modified by Turesky-Gilmore-Glickman. Statistical analysis was carried out later to compare the effect of all the three groups. P ≤ 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Our result showed that all the three groups were effective in reducing the plaque but post-hoc LSD (Least Significant Difference) showed that honey group and chlorhexidine + xylitol group were more effective than chlorhexidine group alone. The results demonstrated a significant reduction of plaque indices in honey group and chlorhexidine + xylitol group over a period of 15 and 30 days as compared to chlorhexidine