29 research outputs found

    Border crossings in the African travel narratives of Ibn Battuta, Richard Burton and Paul Theroux

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    This article compares the representation of African borders in the 14th-century travelogue of Ibn Battuta, the 19th-century travel narrative of Richard Burton and the 21st-century travel writing of Paul Theroux. It examines the mutually constitutive relationship between conceptions of literal territorial boundaries and the figurative boundaries of the subject that ventures across borders in Africa. The border is seen as a liminal zone which paradoxically separates and joins spaces. Accounts of border crossings in travel writing from different periods suggest the historicity and cultural specificity of conceptions of geographical borders, and the way they index the “boundaries” of the subjects who cross them. Tracing the transformations in these conceptions of literal and metaphorical borders allows one to chart the emergence of the dominant contemporary idea of “Africa” as the inscrutable, savage continent

    Cosmopolitismes en Asie du Sud

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    Le cosmopolitisme est-il un enfant de la modernité occidentale ou peut-on le trouver en d’autres temps et d’autres lieux ? Cet ouvrage entend apporter une réponse à cette question aujourd’hui vivement débattue en retraçant ses contours en tant que pratique et Weltanschauung dans une région du monde - l’Asie du Sud - pôle majeur de l’espace de circulation de l’Asie musulmane et nœud des flux humains, matériels et immatériels reliant l’Occident à l’Orient au cours des XVIe-XVIIIe siècles. Terre d’accueil pour de nombreuses élites en quête de patronage, port d’ancrage pour d’autres ou encore simple étape au sein de parcours transocéaniques guidés par l’appétit de richesses ou de savoirs, l’Asie du Sud de la première modernité est un terreau particulièrement fertile pour la construction d’identités et de visions cosmopolites, tant au niveau individuel qu’à celui de la polis. Aussi hétérogène comme idée que comme habitus, le cosmopolitisme est abordé ici sous un angle résolument pluriel favorisant la multiplication des approches (acteurs, langues, lieux, activités à « vocation » cosmopolite) et le croisement de ses différentes manifestations - moghole, marathe, européennes, etc. - afin d’en faire mieux ressortir les constantes, variantes, limites et interactions. Dans cette optique, les études réunies au fil de ce numéro illustrent bel et bien ce que le « citoyen du monde » des Lumières doit aux « Indes orientales »

    A defective oxidative burst and impaired antigen presentation are hallmarks of human visceral leishmaniasis

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    Purpose: Survival of the Leishmania parasite within monocytes hinges on its ability to effectively nullify their microbicidal effector mechanisms. Accordingly, this study aimed to delineate this biological niche in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Methods: In monocytes, the redox status, antigen presenting capacity, expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), co-stimulatory molecules (CD80/86) and generation of intracellular cytokines (IL-8, IL-1β, IL-10 and LAP-TGF-β1) was measured by flow cytometry, levels of circulating cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-8, IL-4, IL-13, IL-10 and GM-CSF) by ELISA and arginase activity by spectrophotometry. Results: Within monocytes, generation of an oxidative burst was markedly attenuated as evident by decreased generation of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species, concomitant with raised levels of thiols. This was accompanied by lowered frequency of TLR<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> monocytes, but the arginase activity remained unaltered. Pathogen persistence was enhanced by the predominance of anti-inflammatory cytokines within monocytes, notably IL-10. Alongside, development of adaptive immunity was severely attenuated as manifested by a pronounced impairment of antigen presentation and co-stimulation evident by down regulation of CD<sub>54</sub>, HLA-DR and CD86. Treatment corrected the redox imbalance and reversed the impaired antigen presentation. Conclusions: In VL, monocyte functions were severely impaired facilitating parasite persistence; anti-leishmanial chemotherapy mediated parasite elimination through modulation of the macrophage microenvironment by restoring its redox status and antigen presenting capacity