86 research outputs found

    A Critical Study of Nonlinear Echo Phenomena

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    The present thesis attempts to give a concise and critical account of the evolution of the echo phenomena over the last thirty years. Starting with spin and photon echoes, which were among the earliest to be observed and studied, the thesis explores the experimental findings and the models proposed in connection with the more contemporary echo experiments, viz. those involving electroacoustic or polarization echoes in single and polycrystalline piezoelectric materials and in powders. Although the investigations regarding the various mechanisms of short and long term echo formation are by no means complete, a coherent picture is beginning to emerge as will be shown in this study

    Galileo Probe

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    The Galileo mission to Jupiter was formally approved by the United States Congress in 1977, several years before the space shuttle Columbia made its maiden flight into Earth orbit. The mission was a cooperative project involving scientists and engineers from the United States, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Spain, and Australia. Even though the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft had performed flybys of planet Jupiter and its sixteen moons in 1979, the Galileo mission was envisioned to initiate several novel observations of Jupiter, the most massive gas planet of the solar system, and its principal moons, and conduct exclusive, often in situ, experiments on their fascinating environments

    Translation of Rabindranath Tagore\u27s \u27Ode to Africa\u27

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    During his illustrious lifetime, Rabindranath Tagore travelled extensively around the world, spreading inspiration and gaining veneration in most destinations as the emissary of the East and of a deeply futuristic Universalist philosophy. An assessment of the intellectuals and cultural icons of the world whom Tagore encountered, interacted with, and influenced, is both astonishing and indeed still waiting to be adequately evaluated. His exchanges with Einstein, Wells, Rolland, Gide, Freud, Durant, Yeats, Rothenstein, Andrews, Noguchi, Gandhi, Radhakrishnan, Nehru, Bose and numerous others are well-documented. Tagore\u27s literary works and public life centered on rejoicing in and celebrating everything unique and artistic in human culture. In the grandest sense, he saw all cultures (East, West, Middle-East, or Latin America) as equally rich in their potential to inspire lofty pursuits of the human mind. As much as he participated in India\u27s freedom movement against British imperial rule, serving as the nation\u27s inspirational voice through his lectures, teachings, literary works, and of course, his greatest forte -- poetry and musical compositions, Tagore empathized as well as identified with the cause of freedom and the struggle against oppression and violence everywhere in the world

    Translation of \u27Balika Badhu: A Selected Anthology of Bengali Short Stories\u27

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    This project, which began with the desire to render into English a rather long tale by Bimal Kar about five years ago, eventually grew into a considerably more extended compilation of Bengali short stories by 10 of the most well-known practitioners of that art since the heyday of Rabindranath Tagore. The collection is limited in many ways, not the least of which being that no woman writer has been included, and that it contains only a baker\u27s dozen stories (if we count Bonophool\u27s micro-stories collectively as one ) — a number pitifully small considering the vast and prolific field of authors and stories a translator has at his or her disposal. I have attempted to explain my rationale for my intent and selections in the introductory essay. Since beginning this project, I have sustained a number of personal losses, and what makes the completion of it particularly poignant for me is that the individuals who have left my world were almost unanimously supportive of my feeble efforts at upholding Bengal\u27s contributions to the literary and cultural heritage of the world. My work continues, and my only solace is that I had come to know these kind people with extraordinary wisdom and humility, and that they had extended to me a generosity and affection that exceeded by far my capacity to reciprocate or demonstrate my worthiness. For their support and encouragement, I must sincerely thank my friend and colleague Nikolaos Bourbakis, and another friend and mentor, Arindam Purkayastha — two individuals with unlimited optimism and uncommon goodness of heart. A special note of thanks is also due to a dear friend, Sandeep Mitra, whose enthusiastic and well-reasoned commitment to preserving and enhancing the history and culture of India is only matched by his genuine interest in all aspects of human civilization. Finally, let me close this prologue by expressing the hope that my young son and daughter, growing up in a place separated by continents from the land of their parents\u27 birth, may develop an active interest in the history, aspirations and achievements of India and Bengal, and attempt to bring those far-flung outposts of high civilization closer to the rest of the world — a world increasingly interconnected by commerce and communcation, yet still so far apart, at times, in spirit and goodwill

    Commentary and Interpretations of Tagore’s \u27Ode to Africa\u27

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    This is a commentary/interpretation of Rabindranath Tagore\u27s poem Ode to Africa

    1991: Pinatubo Eruption

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    Date: June 12-16, 1991 Place: Luzon, Philippines Result: About 350 dead (mostly from collapsed roofs); extensive damage to homes, bridges, irrigation-canal dikes, and cropland; 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide spewed into the stratosphere up to an elevation of 15.5 miles Prior to the 1991 eruption, Pinatubo had the appearance of a steep, domelike spheroid that rose about 2,297 feet (700 meters) above a gently sloping apron made of pyroclastic and epiclastic materials. Such a volcano belongs to the class of stratocones, of which such 803 well-known exemplars as Fuji and Mayon are considerably larger than Pinatubo. The extensive pyroclastic apron of Pinatubo, however, indicated that the volcano was extremely active in prehistoric times. Until the collapse of the summit in the 1991 eruption, Pinatubo rose 5,725 feet (1,745 meters) above sea level, surrounded by older volcanic centers, including an ancestral Pinatubo due south, east, and northeast

    Translation of \u27Kamalakanta: A Collection of Satirical Essays and Reflections\u27

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    This venture was born initially out of the desire to make those works of Bengali literature which have moved me profoundly, and which I consider first-rate by any yardstick, available to friends and fellow enthusiasts who cannot read the original. In attempting to channel literary and philosophical masterpieces into a different medium, I Have experienced firsthand the formidable challenge that a translator must face because not only of the barrier imposed by the languages involved, but perhaps more so because .of his or her own severely inadequate faculty being called upon to match both the genius and the inspiration of the creator. But I trust that the love of literature and the written word which drives such a precarious project, often makes up in some measure for the beauty, grace and import of the original lost in transition. I would also hope that a translator\u27s impertinence and deficiencies have the clemency of the creator, in person or in spirit. On a personal note, I must express my appreciation to my friend and colleague Dr. Anjan Ghosh for sharing many hours of long-distance discussions of our mutual interest in the literature and culture of India. I must also offer my love and thanks to my wife, Toyoti, who valiantly stood by me during a time when she could not be by my side. Special thanks are also due to Professor P. Lal of the Writers Workshop for his kind encouragement, Shri N.D. Mehra and Shri R.K. Mehra, my publishers, who were brave enough to undertake publishing a literary classic, given today\u27s trends in readership ix worldwide, and Dr. Debashish Sanyal for playing an active role in making this publication possible. Above all, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my father, Shri Suranjan Chatterjee, for his boundless love and support

    Neil Armstrong

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    In addition to his outstanding and pioneering contributions to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) crewed spaceflight program, Armstrong served with distinction as a professor of aerospace engineering, chairman and director of several corporations, and member of presidential commissions

    Translation of \u27Profiles in Faith\u27

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    Sarat Chandra Chatterjee (1876-1938) may be considered one of the three most significant figures of the literary component of the Bengal Renaissance, the other two being Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (1838-1894) and Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). As much as Bankim Chandra is identified with the new age in the Bengali novel, and the development of serious vernacular journalism, and Rabindranath with modern/classical movements in Bengali poetry and music, along with novel ideas in methods of education and teaching, Sarat Chandra, as a novelist and storyteller, perfected the art of narration and critical analyses of a variety of contemporaneous social and political issues, combining with consummate skill and great effectiveness, both urban and rural scenarios within Bengal. Born in a period of great social and political unrest in India, and in close proximity to the greatest flowering of modern Bengali culture, Sarat Chandra evolved a literary style which was at once filled with sympathy for the underdog and the downtrodden, and unequivocal condemnation of all forms of hypocrisy and exploitation. Sarat Chandra\u27s writings have been characterized by their ability to speak directly from the heart, through simple yet elegant imagery, and an exceedingly realistic style of prose which evokes identification with the higher and lower facets of human character. Since Sarat Chandra the creator was more concerned with the compelling issues of his time, including the feudal zamindari system, the status of women in the Indian society and family, the various reform movements in Bengal and India and their inherent strengths and self-contradictions, and the repressions and freedom efforts in colonial India, he is sometimes perceived as more of a period writer, whose relevance in a changed world is minuscule. However, one must realize that the very discussion of whether a classic is relevant or otherwise is moot, the same way that one cannot question the timeliness of Dickens simply because the London or Europe of the early nineteenth century no longer exists

    Investigation of Electronic Holography using SPICE Computer Simulation Experiments

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    Using SPICE experiments, it has been possible to verify most of the important aspects of electronic holography. The generation and properties of dynamic echoes under different types of nonlinearities have been extensively tested, and some new information has been garnered in the process. The case of pulse and generalized memory echoes has also been tested, and the results have been fairly satisfactory. Most of all, the simplicity with which the intriguing concept of memory echoes has translated into the circuit implementation on SPICE, and the closeness of the results to predicted behavior have been somewhat of a pleasant surprise. Since the SPICE computer modeling experiments have been the main thrust of this research, we devote the remaining chapters in this thesis to detailed discussion of those experiments
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