9 research outputs found

    Clarity on frequently asked questions about drought measurements in plant physiology

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    Drought, or environmental water deficit, is one of the major limiting factors affecting crop yield worldwide. Development of drought-resistant crop cultivars is a major research and development challenge. Drought-related experiments are performed usually to understand the physiological and molecular mechanisms of drought tolerance. Such experiments are also performed to develop transgenics or crop cultivars resistant to drought using physiological and molecular markers. Drought-related experiments are executed in growth chambers, growth rooms, greenhouses, wire net-houses or in research fields. However, a plethora of research publications investigating drought has experimental weaknesses and flaws with respect to the approaches used. It is, therefore, necessary for agronomists, plant breeders, plant physiologists, and molecular biologists to be aware of common pitfalls and have the minimum knowledge required for drought measurements. There are several questions that are often asked by students and professionals alike, and these questions often appear on academic social media platforms. This article summarises the questions we have been asked about drought measurements personally and those asked on academic social media platforms. It also addresses ambiguous questions arising from published literature. We aim to respond to them to the best of our knowledge in order to provide a reference point for a beginner interested in performing drought-related experiments. This article will only focus on drought in relation to plant physiology and will not cover the usage of the term or drought measurements in other contexts

    Rice plants overexpressing OsEPF1 show reduced stomatal density and increased root cortical aerenchyma formation

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    Stomata are adjustable pores in the aerial epidermis of plants. The role of stomata is usually described in terms of the trade-off between CO2 uptake and water loss. Little consideration has been given to their interaction with below-ground development or diffusion of other gases. We overexpressed the rice EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR1 (OsEPF1) to produce rice plants with reduced stomatal densities, resulting in lowered leaf stomatal conductance and enhanced water use efficiency. Surprisingly, we found that root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) is formed constitutively in OsEPF1OE lines regardless of tissue age and position. Aerenchyma is tissue containing air-spaces that can develop in the plant root during stressful conditions, e.g. oxygen deficiency when it functions to increase O2 diffusion from shoot to root. The relationship with stomata is unknown. We conclude that RCA development and stomatal development are linked by two possible mechanisms: first that reduced stomatal conductance inhibits the diffusion of oxygen to the root, creating an oxygen deficit and stimulating the formation of RCA, second that an unknown EPF signalling pathway may be involved. Our observations have fundamental implications for the understanding of whole plant gas diffusion and root-to-shoot signalling events

    Land plants acquired active stomatal control early in their evolutionary history

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    SummaryStomata are pores that regulate plant gas exchange [1]. They evolved more than 400 million years ago [2, 3], but the origin of their active physiological responses to endogenous and environmental cues is unclear [2–6]. Recent research suggests that the stomata of lycophytes and ferns lack pore closure responses to abscisic acid (ABA) and CO2. This evidence led to the hypothesis that a fundamental transition from passive to active control of plant water balance occurred after the divergence of ferns 360 million years ago [7, 8]. Here we show that stomatal responses of the lycophyte Selaginella [9] to ABA and CO2 are directly comparable to those of the flowering plant Arabidopsis [10]. Furthermore, we show that the underlying intracellular signaling pathways responsible for stomatal aperture control are similar in both basal and modern vascular plant lineages. Our evidence challenges the hypothesis that acquisition of active stomatal control of plant carbon and water balance represents a critical turning point in land plant evolution [7, 8]. Instead, we suggest that the critical evolutionary development is represented by the innovation of stomata themselves and that physiologically active stomatal control originated at least as far back as the emergence of the lycophytes (circa 420 million years ago) [11]

    Editorial: Linking Stomatal Development and Physiology: From Stomatal Models to Non-model Species and Crops

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    Stomata are highly dynamic valves in the epidermis of plants. These microscopic structures regulate the exchange of gases with the atmosphere and are essential for plant survival on land (Raven, 2002). There is an enduring fascination with stomata because of their specialized nature: from their unique development out of undifferentiated epidermal cells; to the environmental and internal signals they respond to; and the impacts their function have on climate and global change. These key themes have been the topic of many classical compendiums and scientific conferences (Jarvis and Mansfield, 1981; Ziegler et al., 1987; Roelfsema and Kollist, 2013). Research in the past two decades has accelerated our understanding of stomatal function, particularly through the accumulation of a critical mass of knowledge on the genetic underpinnings of stomatal development and physiology in the model angiosperm Arabidopsis (Assmann and Jegla, 2016; Qi and Torii, 2018). In this Frontiers eBook, we sought to bring together the latest research and reviews on stomatal biology that span a vast continuum: from cells to ecosystems. The articles were solicited with four key themes in mind: (1) The coordination of stomatal development with plant growth, development, and environmental signaling; (2) The role of stomatal development in plant acclimation and adaptation to the environment; (3) The influence of stomatal development and function on plant resource use, ecosystem processes, and global climate; and (4) The selection for stomatal traits in plant evolution, crop domestication and breeding, and designing food for the future.ISSN:1664-462

    Morphoanatomical and phylogenetic characterization of the ectomycorrhiza between Laccaria squarrosa with Pinus pseudostrobus and its relevance for reforestation programs.

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    Background: Pinus (Coniferophyta) and Laccaria (Basidiomycota) establish ectomycorrhizal symbioses in natural forests. However, their detailed morphoanatomical and phylogenetic characterization have received little attention. Accurate identification of native host symbionts is of paramount relevance to the production of mycorrhized seedlings for successful reforestation programs. Questions/Objective: We aimed to determine if L. squarrosa is able to establish ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with gymnosperms, thereby widening its host range and highlighting its relevance as a potential inoculant for pine seedlings. Currently, L. squarrosa is only known from its type collection associated with the angiosperm Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana. Studied species: The fungus L. squarrosa and Pinus pseudostrobus, a tree endemic to Mexico. Study site and dates: A Pinus-Quercus forest in Piedra Canteada, Nanacamilpa, Tlaxcala; 2018-2020. Methods: L. squarrosa basidiomata were identified and ectomycorrhizal roots were collected and morphoanatomically characterized. For molecular identification, DNA was extracted, PCR was performed targeting the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (nucrDNA ITS) for the mycobiont identification and the chloroplastic single-locus trnL region for the phytobiont. Results: In the phylogenetic analyses, our sequences from basidiomata and ectomycorrhizae clustered together with L.squarrosa with high values of supporting identity. Meanwhile, P. pseudostrobus was molecularly identified as the phytobiont. Conclusions: This is one of the few worldwide characterizations of Laccaria ectomycorrhiza under field conditions and contributes to the understanding of the ecology, distribution, and economic relevance of the symbiotic association. Our data suggest that L. squarrosa has potential for use as a native inoculant for P. pseudostrobus tree production. Translate stop Translate sto

    Soil rehabilitation promotes resilient microbiome with enriched keystone taxa than agricultural infestation in barren soils on the loess plateau

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    Drylands provide crucial ecosystem and economic services across the globe. In barren drylands, keystone taxa drive microbial structure and functioning in soil environments. In the current study, the Chinese Loess plateau’s agricultural (AL) and twenty-year-old rehabilitated lands (RL) provided a unique opportunity to investigate land-use-mediated effects on barren soil keystone bacterial and fungal taxa. Therefore, soils from eighteen sites were collected for metagenomic sequencing of bacteria specific 16S rRNA and fungi specific ITS2 regions, respectively, and to conduct molecular ecological networks and construct microbial OTU-based correlation matrices. In RL soils we found a more complex bacterial network represented by a higher number of nodes and links, with a link percentage of 77%, and a lower number of nodes and links for OTU-based fungal networks compared to the AL soils. A higher number of keystone taxa was observed in the RL (66) than in the AL (49) soils, and microbial network connectivity was positively influenced by soil total nitrogen and microbial biomass carbon contents. Our results indicate that plant restoration and the reduced human interventions in RL soils could guide the development of a better-connected microbial network and ensure sufficient nutrient circulation in barren soils on the Loess platea