593 research outputs found

    Volunteering with Project F.O.C.U.S.

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    Project F.O.C.U.S. is addressing the issue of education for those with developmental disabilities. This is an important ‘focus’—especially here in Nevada.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/educ_sys_202/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Perbarengan Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan dan Pencurian Perspektif Hukum Pidana Islam

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    Abstract: This article discusses criminal concourse of organized murder and theft with force which is regulated in Penal code article 340 and 55. The subjective and objective aspects in these crime is fulfilled and beyond reasonable doubt. From the perspective of Islamic criminal law, organized murder and theft concourse is called ta’addud al-jarâ’im in which lighter crime (theft) is absorbed by weightier crime (organized murder). The concept absorption is named al-jabb in Islamic criminal law. Thus, the punishment of theft is absorbed by the punishment of organized murder, which is capital punishment (qishâsh). Keywords: Criminal concourse, organized murder, forced theft, Islamic criminal law. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang perbarengan tindak pidana antara pembunuhan berencana dan pencurian dengan kekerasan dalam tinjauan fikih jinâyah. Kejahatan perbarengan tindak pidana antara pembunuhan berencana dan pencurian dengan kekerasan melanggar ketentuan pasal 340 KUHP jo. Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke 1 dan pasal 365 ayat (2) ke 2. Dalam pandangan fikih jinâyah, kasus perbarengan tindak pidana (concursus) pembunuhan berencana dan pencurian dengan kekerasan seharusnya mendapat hukuman mati atau qishâsh. Hal tersebut didasarkan kepada salah satu teori yang digunakan dalam memutuskan perkara gabungan tindak pidana yang di dalam kaidah fikih jinâyah dikenal dengan ta’addud al-jarâ’im atau gabungan hukuman, yaitu teori penyerapan (al-jabb). Teori al-jabb atau teori penyerapan adalah penjatuhan satu hukuman terhadap pelaku tindak pidana ganda dengan cara hukuman yang lebih kecil diserap oleh hukuman yang lebih besar, dalam hal ini adalah hukuman mati. Kata Kunci: Perbarengan tindak pidana, pembunuhan berencana, pencurian dengan kekerasan, hukum pidana Islam

    Achieving a Stable Magneto-Optical Trap

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    The utilization of the Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT) as a method for cooling and confining atoms is a recent development in the field of modern optical physics. Producing an effective MOT relies on a constant magnetic field throughout the trapping region and successful laser cooling, a technique used to achieve optical molasses by slowing particles using a three-dimensional intersection of laser beams. A successful MOT occurs when the trapped atoms slow down to approximately 30 cm/s at a temperature in the microkelvin range and is observable when a small bright orb of atoms is located in the center of the chamber. In this endeavor, the experimental setup for achieving a stable MOT was established using an array of infrared lasers provided by MogLabs. Future work on this project should seek to capture an image of trapped rubidium atoms using the ColdQuanta MiniMOT using the kit’s black and white CCD camera. Successfully establishing this MOT allows for further testing to optimize its effectiveness and can be applied in future experiments aimed at achieving Bose-Einstein Condensation

    The use of venous access devices in patients younger than 21 years with cancer to improve the ease of administration of intravenous therapies

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    Includes bibliographical references.The aims of this dissertation were: (a) To review the records of all patients 21 years and younger with cancer who were treated at a single institution (b) To examine the complications that occurred due to the VAD. (e) To measure the quality of life of those patients at serial intervals and to determine the financial cost of the VAD

    On Gorenstein Projective and Gorenstein Flat Modules

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    Purpose: H. Holm\u27s metatheorem states, Every result in classical homological algebra has a counterpart in Gorenstein homological algebra . We support this statement by showing over commutative Noetherian rings of finite Krull dimension, every Gorenstein at module has finite Gorenstein projective dimension. This statement is the Gorenstein counterpart of a famous theorem of Gruson, Jensen, and Raynaud. Using this result we prove that over such rings, a module M having finite Gorenstein at dimension is equivalent to M having finite Gorenstein projective dimension
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