5 research outputs found

    Transgenic Microalgae Expressing Double-Stranded RNA as Potential Feed Supplements for Controlling White Spot Syndrome in Shrimp Aquaculture

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    Viral infection of farmed fish and shellfish represents a major issue within the aquaculture industry. One potential control strategy involves RNA interference of viral gene expression through the oral delivery of specific double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). In previous work, we have shown that recombinant dsRNA can be produced in the chloroplast of the edible microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and used to control disease in shrimp. Here, we report a significant improvement in antiviral dsRNA production and its use to protect shrimp against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). A new strategy for dsRNA synthesis was developed that uses two convergent copies of the endogenous rrnS promoter to drive high-level transcription of both strands of the WSSV gene element in the chloroplast. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated that ~119 ng dsRNA was produced per liter of culture of the transgenic microalga. This represents an ~10-fold increase in dsRNA relative to our previous report. The engineered alga was assessed for its ability to prevent WSSV infection when fed to shrimp larvae prior to a challenge with the virus. The survival of shrimp given feed supplemented with dried alga containing the dsRNA was significantly enhanced (~69% survival) relative to a negative control (<10% survival). The findings suggest that this new dsRNA production platform could be employed as a low-cost, low-tech control method for aquaculture

    Generation of microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii expressing shrimp antiviral dsRNA without supplementation of antibiotics

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is an efective way of combating shrimp viruses by using sequence-specifc double-stranded (dsRNA) designed to knock down key viral genes. The aim of this study was to use microalgae expressing antiviral dsRNA as a sustainable feed supplement for shrimp ofering viral protection. In this proof of concept, we engineered the chloroplast genome of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii for the expression of a dsRNA cassette targeting a shrimp yellow head viral gene. We used a previously described chloroplast transformation approach that allows for the generation of stable, marker-free C. reinhardtii transformants without the supplementation of antibiotics. The generated dsRNA-expressing microalgal strain was then used in a shrimp feeding trial to evaluate the efciency of the algal RNAi-based vaccine against the virus. Shrimps treated with dsRNA-expressed algal cells prior to YHV infection had 50% survival at 8 day-post infection (dpi), whereas 84.1% mortality was observed in control groups exposed to the YHV virus. RT-PCR using viral specifc primers revealed a lower infection rate in dsRNA-expressing algae treated shrimp (55.6±11.1%) compared to control groups (88.9±11.1% and 100.0±0.0%, respectively). Our results are promising for using microalgae as a novel, sustainable alternative as a nutritious, anti-viral protective feedstock in shrimp aquaculture

    Transgenic Microalgae Expressing Double-Stranded RNA as Potential Feed Supplements for Controlling White Spot Syndrome in Shrimp Aquaculture

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    Viral infection of farmed fish and shellfish represents a major issue within the aquaculture industry. One potential control strategy involves RNA interference of viral gene expression through the oral delivery of specific double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). In previous work, we have shown that recombinant dsRNA can be produced in the chloroplast of the edible microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and used to control disease in shrimp. Here, we report a significant improvement in antiviral dsRNA production and its use to protect shrimp against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). A new strategy for dsRNA synthesis was developed that uses two convergent copies of the endogenous rrnS promoter to drive high-level transcription of both strands of the WSSV gene element in the chloroplast. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated that ~119 ng dsRNA was produced per liter of culture of the transgenic microalga. This represents an ~10-fold increase in dsRNA relative to our previous report. The engineered alga was assessed for its ability to prevent WSSV infection when fed to shrimp larvae prior to a challenge with the virus. The survival of shrimp given feed supplemented with dried alga containing the dsRNA was significantly enhanced (~69% survival) relative to a negative control (<10% survival). The findings suggest that this new dsRNA production platform could be employed as a low-cost, low-tech control method for aquaculture

    Functional and genomic characterization of a novel probiotic Lactobacillus johnsonii KD1 against shrimp WSSV infection

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    White Spot syndrome virus (WSSV) causes rapid shrimp mortality and production loss worldwide. This study demonstrates potential use of Lactobacillus johnsonii KD1 as an anti-WSSV agent for post larva shrimp cultivation and explores some potential mechanisms behind the anti-WSSV properties. Treatment of Penaeus vannamei shrimps with L. johnsonii KD1 prior to oral challenge with WSSV-infected tissues showed a significantly reduced mortality. In addition, WSSV copy numbers were not detected and shrimp immune genes were upregulated. Genomic analysis of L. johnsonii KD1 based on Illumina and Nanopore platforms revealed a 1.87 Mb chromosome and one 15.4 Kb plasmid. Only one antimicrobial resistance gene (ermB) in the chromosome was identified. Phylogenetic analysis comparing L. johnsonii KD1 to other L. johnsonii isolates revealed that L. johnsonii KD1 is closely related to L. johnsonii GHZ10a isolated from wild pigs. Interestingly, L. johnsonii KD1 contains isolate-specific genes such as genes involved in a type I restriction-modification system and CAZymes belonging to the GT8 family. Furthermore, genes coding for probiotic survival and potential antimicrobial/anti-viral metabolites such as a homolog of the bacteriocin helveticin-J were found. Protein–protein docking modelling suggests the helveticin-J homolog may be able to block VP28–PmRab7 interactions and interrupt WSSV infection