435 research outputs found

    The Cretaceous of the Swiss Jura Mountains: an improved lithostratigraphic scheme

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    In the course of the HARMOS project of the Swiss Geological Survey, the lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks outcropping in the Swiss Jura Mountains were revisited. New formation names are proposed where only inadequate facies terms existed so far. As in some cases outcrop conditions in the Swiss Jura do not allow for logging complete sections to characterise the formations, type localities in neighbouring France have been chosen. The following formations (Fm.) are defined to describe the Cretaceous lithological units (from bottom to top): Goldberg Fm., Pierre-Chñtel Fm., Vions Fm., Chambotte Fm., Vuache Fm., Grand Essert Fm., Gorges de l’Orbe Fm., Vallorbe Fm., Perte du Rhîne Fm., Narlay Fm. Dating of the formations is based on biostratigraphy (ammonites, echinids, dasycladalean algae, foraminifera, calpionellids, dinocysts, nannofossils). The fossils indicate Berriasian through to Coniacian ages. The lithostratigraphic units describe the general evolution from a shallow, peritidal platform to deeper-water shelf environments, then the installation of a carbonate platform, and finally the drowning of this platform followed by the predominance of pelagic conditions. The common lateral and vertical changes in facies and sedimentation rates as well as numerous hiatuses within the formations testify to a complex interplay of tectonics, climate, and sea level that controlled the Swiss Jura realm during the Cretaceous

    De l'importance des dissolutions partielles dans des ooĂŻdes calcaires : Exemple des oolithes hauteriviennes de Suisse

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    In the Canton of Vaud (Switzerland), two Hauterivian oolitic units were penetrated by a borehole. In both units, the ooids are partly leached. More specifically, the ooid cortices were partly leached and some ooid nuclei appear suspended in the middle of cortical moldic cavities created by leaching, rather than having fallen to the bottom of these cavities before the final cementation take place. We demonstrate that these ooids were originally calcitic, not aragonitic, not "two-phase" nor "bimineral". This leaching is not an early diagenetic feature related to subaerial exposure, but a late diagenetic feature, possibly related to the migration of acidic pore waters, brought about by Alpine tectonics and/or karstification

    Commentaires sur "Estimating the impact of early diagenesis on isotope records in shallow-marine carbonates: A case study from the Urgonian platform in western Swiss Jura" par A. Godet et al. [Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 454 (2016) 125-138]

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    A recent paper by Godet et al. on Urgonian carbonates from the Swiss Jura concluded that diagenesis may hinder chemostratigraphic correlations of deep- to shallow-water facies. Although we agree with this conclusion we question their arguments and interpretations. These authors correctly identified diagenesis as the key factor, but we question the timing of events in their paragenetic sequence. In particular, they reported the leaching of originally calcitic oolitic cortices but failed to discuss this puzzling feature properly. In addition, the backbone of their argument is the stratigraphic correlation of a specific sequence from three dominantly shallow-water sections together with a basinal reference section. However, a reliable alternative biostratigraphic framework shows that this attempt of long-distance correlation might be erroneous.Une publication récente de Godet et al. sur les carbonates urgoniens du Jura suisse concluait que la diagenÚse pouvait compromettre les corrélations chimiostratigraphiques des faciÚs distaux vers les proximaux. Bien que nous soyons d'accord avec cette conclusion, nous nous interrogeons sur les arguments des auteurs et leurs interprétations. Ils ont bien identifié la diagénÚse comme étant le facteur déterminant, mais nous mettons en doute la chronologie des événements de leur séquence paragénétique. Ils ont notamment signalé la dissolution de cortex d'ooïdes originellement calcitiques mais n'ont pas abordé sous un bon angle cet élément étonnant. De plus, leur argumentaire s'appuie sur la corrélation stratigraphique d'une séquence spécifique identifiée dans trois coupes aux faciÚs essentiellement peu profonds avec une coupe de bassin utilisée comme référence. Toutefois, un autre cadre biostratigraphique plus robuste que celui utilisé par Godet et al. suggÚre que leur tentative de corrélations sur de longues distances est erronée

    Cx36 Is a Target of Beta2/NeuroD1, Which Associates with Prenatal Differentiation of Insulin-producing ÎČ Cells

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    The insulin-producing ÎČ cells of pancreatic islets are coupled by connexin36 (Cx36) channels. To investigate what controls the expression of this connexin, we have investigated its pattern during mouse pancreas development, and the influence of three transcription factors that are critical for ÎČ-cell development and differentiation. We show that (1) the Cx36 gene (Gjd2) is activated early in pancreas development and is markedly induced at the time of the surge of the transcription factors that determine ÎČ-cell differentiation; (2) the cognate protein is detected about a week later and is selectively expressed by ÎČ cells throughout the prenatal development of mouse pancreas; (3) a 2-kbp fragment of the Gjd2 promoter, which contains three E boxes for the binding of the bHLH factor Beta2/NeuroD1, ensures the expression of Cx36 by ÎČ cells; and (4) Beta2/NeuroD1 binds to these E boxes and, in the presence of the E47 ubiquitous cofactor, transactivates the Gjd2 promoter. The data identify Cx36 as a novel early marker of ÎČ cells and as a target of Beta2/NeuroD1, which is essential for ÎČ-cell development and differentiatio

    Connexin30 mutations responsible for hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia cause abnormal hemichannel activity

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    Clouston syndrome or hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is a rare dominant genodermatosis characterized by palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, generalized alopecia and nail defects. The disease is caused by mutations in the human GJB6 gene which encodes the gap junction protein connexin30 (Cx30). To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying HED, we have analyzed the consequences of two of these mutations (G11R Cx30 and A88V Cx30) on the functional properties of the connexons they form. Here, we show that the distribution of Cx30 is similar in affected palmoplantar skin and in normal epidermis. We further demonstrate that the presence of the wild-type protein (wt Cx30) improves the trafficking of mutated Cx30 to the plasma membrane where both G11R and A88V Cx30 co-localize with wt Cx30 and form functional intercellular channels. The electrophysiological properties of channels made of G11R and A88V Cx30 differ slightly from those of wt Cx30 but allow for dye transfer between transfected HeLa cells. Finally, we document a gain of function of G11R and A88V Cx30, which form functional hemichannels at the cell surface and, when expressed in HeLa cells, generate a leakage of ATP into the extracellular medium. Such increased ATP levels might act as a paracrine messenger that, by altering the epidermal factors which control the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, may play an important role in the pathophysiological processes leading to the HED phenotyp

    Barremian ammonite fauna from L'Estellon section (Baronnies, SE France): preli-minary biostratigraphic results

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    The study of the ammonite fauna in the L'Estellon section (DrÎme department, SE France) allows us to date episodes with gravitational deposition in this area of the "Vo-contian Trough". They span most of the Barremian Stage, from the Nicklesi Zone up to the Giraudi Zone. We did not identify any Bedoulian redeposits, the "Bedoulian ridge" auct. being latest Barremian in age.L'étude de l'ammonitofaune de la coupe de L'Estellon (département de la DrÎme, France) permet de dater les épisodes de la sédimentation gravitaire dans ce secteur de la "Fosse vocontienne". Ils couvrent pratiquement l'ensemble du Barrémien, depuis la Zone à Nicklesi jusqu'à celle à Giraudi. Nous n'y avons pas caractérisé de resédimentation bédoulienne, la "barre bédoulienne" auct. Cor-respondant au Barrémien terminal

    Consortin, a trans-Golgi network cargo receptor for the plasma membrane targeting and recycling of connexins

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    Targeting of numerous transmembrane proteins to the cell surface is thought to depend on their recognition by cargo receptors that interact with the adaptor machinery for anterograde traffic at the distal end of the Golgi complex. We report here on consortin, a novel integral membrane protein that is predicted to be intrinsically disordered, i.e. that contains large segments whose native state is unstructured. We identified consortin as a binding partner of connexins, the building blocks of gap junctions. Consortin is located at the trans-Golgi network (TGN), in tubulovesicular transport organelles, and at the plasma membrane. It directly interacts with the TGN clathrin adaptors GGA1 and GGA2, and disruption of this interaction by expression of a consortin mutant lacking the acidic cluster-dileucine (DXXLL) GGA interaction motif causes an intracellular accumulation of several connexins. RNA interference-mediated silencing of consortin expression in HeLa cells blocks the cell surface targeting of these connexins, which accumulate intracellularly, whereas partial depletion and redistribution of the consortin pool slows down the intracellular degradation of gap junction plaques. Altogether, our results show that, by studying connexin trafficking, we have identified the first TGN cargo receptor for the targeting of transmembrane proteins to the plasma membrane. The identification of consortin provides in addition a potential target for therapies aimed at diseases in which connexin traffic is altered, including cardiac ischemia, peripheral neuropathies, cataracts and hearing impairment. Sequence accession numbers. GenBank: Human CNST cDNA, NM_152609; mouse Cnst cDNA, NM_14610

    Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is upregulated during diet-induced obesity and regulates insulin sensitivity in rodents

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    Aims/hypothesis: The IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine known to antagonise the actions of IL-1. We have previously shown that IL-1Ra is markedly upregulated in the serum of obese patients, is correlated with BMI and insulin resistance, and is overexpressed in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of obese humans. The aim of this study was to examine the role of IL-1Ra in the regulation of glucose homeostasis in rodents. Methods: We assessed the expression of genes related to IL-1 signalling in the WAT of mice fed a high-fat diet, as well as the effect of Il1rn (the gene for IL-1Ra) deletion and treatment with IL-1Ra on glucose homeostasis in rodents. Results: We show that the expression of Il1rn and the gene encoding the inhibitory type II IL-1 receptor was upregulated in diet-induced obesity. The blood insulin:glucose ratio was significantly lower in Il1rn −/− animals, which is compatible with an increased sensitivity to insulin, reinforced by the fact that the insulin content and pancreatic islet morphology of Il1rn −/− animals were normal. In contrast, the administration of IL-1Ra to normal rats for 5days led to a decrease in the whole-body glucose disposal due to a selective decrease in muscle-specific glucose uptake. Conclusions/interpretation: The expression of genes encoding inhibitors of IL-1 signalling is upregulated in the WAT of mice with diet-induced obesity, and IL-1Ra reduces insulin sensitivity in rats through a muscle-specific decrease in glucose uptake. These results suggest that the markedly increased levels of IL-1Ra in human obesity might contribute to the development of insulin resistanc

    La Formation du Grand Essert (Jura franco-suisse; Valanginien supérieur p.p. à Hauterivien supérieur basal)

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    Le terme de Formation du Grand Essert a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© en 2016 pour remplacer ceux de « Marnes d’Hauterive » auct. et « Pierre jaune de NeuchĂątel » auct. attribuĂ©s Ă  l’« Hauterivien » auct. dans le Jura franco-suisse. L’objet de cette note est, dans un premier temps, de dĂ©crire et d’interprĂ©ter la lithologie de la coupe-type reprĂ©sentative de cette nouvelle formation, d’une Ă©paisseur de 112,5 m, relevĂ©e dans la localitĂ©-type du Grand Essert le long de la route D991, entre Confort et ChĂ©sery, sur la rive gauche de la vallĂ©e de la Valserine (Jura mĂ©ridional, Ain, France). La Formation du Grand Essert comprend, Ă  la base, le Membre d’Hauterive composĂ© de 52 m de marnes dans lesquelles apparaissent des bancs et des nodules calcaires contenant souvent des grains de quartz et de glauconie. Les faciĂšs indiquent un milieu calme en dessous de la limite de l’action des vagues de beau temps, avec l’apport pĂ©riodique de matĂ©riel bioclastique allochtone. Au-dessus, le Membre de NeuchĂątel d’une Ă©paisseur de 60,5 m se compose de calcaires bioclastiques localement quartzo-glauconieux. Au sein de ce membre s’intercale un horizon marneux d’origine marine, les Marnes des Uttins. Les bancs calcaires montrent des structures sĂ©dimentaires entrecroisĂ©es qui suggĂšrent la prĂ©sence de courants tidaux. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, les auteurs proposent des corrĂ©lations basĂ©es sur la biostratigraphie (ammonites et dinokystes) et l’analyse sĂ©quentielle, entre la coupe-type et d’autres coupes et forages publiĂ©s dans le Jura franco-suisse. La corrĂ©lation avec une coupe du Bassin vocontien (Haut Vergons) permet de discuter jusqu’à quel point l’enregistrement sĂ©dimentaire de la Formation du Grand Essert Ă©tait contrĂŽlĂ© par des fluctuations du niveau marin. Finalement, les ammonites et dinokystes permettent de bien dater la Formation du Grand Essert qui s’étend du Valanginien supĂ©rieur pro parte jusqu’à la base de l’Hauterivien supĂ©rieur. Le Membre d’Hauterive commence dans la zone Ă  Peregrinus. L’intervalle Peregrinus-Furcillata est partout fortement condensĂ© (comme la partie sommitale de la Formation du Vuache sous-jacente dans le Jura neuchĂątelois) tandis que les sĂ©diments de la zone Ă  Radiatus sont bien reprĂ©sentĂ©s. La limite entre le Membre d’Hauterive et le Membre de NeuchĂątel se situe dans la zone Ă  Loryi. Le Membre de NeuchĂątel occupe la partie supĂ©rieure de la zone Ă  Loryi et toute la zone Ă  Nodosoplicatum. La limite Nodosoplicatum / Sayni se trouve au sein de la partie sommitale du Membre de NeuchĂątel. La base de la Formation des Gorges de l’Orbe sus-jacente est datĂ©e de la zone Ă  Sayni
