20 research outputs found
Interaction AB magnitude and blink/no-blink trials.
<p>Scatterplot depicting the interaction between AB magnitude and blink/no-blink trials for T1 amplitude in lag-3 trials. The vertical lines represent the quartiles of AB magnitude, where the solid vertical line represents the median AB magnitude.</p
Individual performances AB task.
<p>Boxplots depicting the distribution of individual differences in the AB task A) for mean T1 accuracy over all lags (lag 1, 3, and 8), and for mean T2|T1 accuracy at B) lag 1, C) lag 3, and D) lag 8.</p
AB magnitude vs reversed order reports.
<p>Scatterplot depicting the relation between AB magnitude and the number of reversed order reports of T1 and T2 per individual in lag-1 no-blink trials. The blue line depicts a simple linear regression line between AB magnitude and order reversals. The correlation presented is a Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient.</p
Deconvolved pupil dilation pulses.
<p>The mean strength of the deconvolved attentional pulses for small blinkers and large blinkers. For graphical purposes, the sample is divided in two groups based on the median AB magnitude. A) Lag-3 blink trials, i.e., T2 was identified incorrectly, B) Lag-3 no-blink trials, i.e., T2 was identified correctly, and C) Lag-8 no-blink trials. The depicted signal was smoothed with a Butterworth filter, and the x-axis was time-locked to the onset of T1. The error bars reflect the standard errors of the mean.</p
Mean accuracy AB task.
<p>Mean T1 accuracy and mean T2 accuracy assumed that T1 was identified correctly (T2|T1). The error bars reflect the standard errors of the mean.</p
Target accuracy in Experiment 1a.
<p>Mean percentage correct report of T1 (black symbols) and T2 given correct report of T1 (white symbols) as a function of lag, for non-blinkers (circles) and blinkers (squares). Error bars reflect standard error of the mean.</p
Task accuracy.
<p>Mean T1 accuracy and mean T2 accuracy given that T1 was identified correctly (T2|T1) without order reversal trials or temporal integration trials (dark yellow lines). Mean T1 and T2|T1 accuracy where both order reversals and temporal integration trials are counted as correct (blue lines). The error bars reflect the standard errors of the mean.</p
Suppression in Experiment 2.
<p>Suppression of the temporal selection process expressed as the accuracy of reporting an item within the 7-item window around a given target as a function of lag, for small, medium, and large blinkers.</p
Relations between temporal integration, order reversals and AB magnitude.
<p>The relation between A) mean temporal integration and AB magnitude, B) mean order reversals and AB magnitude, and C) mean temporal integration and mean order reversals when taking all trials into account (A-C). The relation between D) mean temporal integration and AB magnitude and E) mean order reversals and AB magnitude in the relative data (D-E), defined as trials where both target features are reported correctly, either in correct order, reversed order, or integrated. For graphical purposes, per scatterplot a trend line was added depicting simple linear regression between the two given variables.</p
Intrusion errors in Experiment 2.
<p>Percentage of erroneously selected letters (relative to all trials with an incorrect T2 response) presented 1–3 serial positions following T2 as a function of lag, for small, medium, and large blinkers.</p