11,569 research outputs found

    Major Problems of Catholic Hospitals in Medical Education

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    Implementation of Particle Flow Algorithm and Muon Identification

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    We present the implementation of the Particle Flow Algorithm and the result of the muon identification developed at the University of Iowa. We use Monte Carlo samples generated for the benchmark LOI process with the Silicon Detector design at the International Linear Collider. With the muon identification, an improved jet energy resolution, good muon efficiency and purity are achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, lcws08 at Chicag

    Lagrangian Refined Kolmogorov Similarity Hypothesis for Gradient Time-evolution in Turbulent Flows

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    We study the time evolution of velocity and pressure gradients in isotropic turbulence, by quantifying their decorrelation time scales as one follows fluid particles in the flow. The Lagrangian analysis uses data in a public database generated using direct numerical simulation of the Naiver-Stokes equations, at a Reynolds number 430. It is confirmed that when averaging over the entire domain, correlation functions decay on timescales on the order of the mean Kolmogorov turnover time scale, computed from the globally averaged rate of dissipation and viscosity. However, when performing the analysis in different subregions of the flow, turbulence intermittency leads to large spatial variability in the decay time scales. Remarkably, excellent collapse of the auto-correlation functions is recovered when using the `local Kolmogorov time-scale' defined using the locally averaged, rather than the global, dissipation-rate. This provides new evidence for the validity of Kolmogorov's Refined Similarity Hypothesis, but from a Lagrangian viewpoint that provides a natural frame to describe the dynamical time evolution of turbulence.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 figure

    Magic wavelengths for optical cooling and trapping of lithium

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    Using first-principles calculations, we identify magic wavelengths for the 2s-2p and 2s-3p transitions in lithium. The ns and np atomic levels have the same ac Stark shifts at the corresponding magic wavelength, which facilitates state-insensitive optical cooling and trapping. Tune-out wavelengths for which the ground-state frequency-dependent polarizability vanishes are also calculated. Differences of these wavelengths between 6Li and 7Li are reported. Our approach uses high-precision, relativistic all-order methods in which all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders of perturbation theory. Recommended values are provided for a large number of Li electric-dipole matrix elements. Static polarizabilities for the 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and 3d levels are compared with other theory and experiment where available. Uncertainties of all recommended values are estimated. The magic wavelengths for the uv 2s-3p transition are of particular interest for the production of a quantum gas of lithium [Duarte et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, 061406R (2011)].Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-scale model of gradient evolution in turbulent flows

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    A multi-scale model for the evolution of the velocity gradient tensor in fully developed turbulence is proposed. The model is based on a coupling between a ``Restricted Euler'' dynamics [{\it P. Vieillefosse, Physica A, {\bf 14}, 150 (1984)}] which describes gradient self-stretching, and a deterministic cascade model which allows for energy exchange between different scales. We show that inclusion of the cascade process is sufficient to regularize the well-known finite time singularity of the Restricted Euler dynamics. At the same time, the model retains topological and geometrical features of real turbulent flows: these include the alignment between vorticity and the intermediate eigenvector of the strain-rate tensor and the typical teardrop shape of the joint probability density between the two invariants, R−QR-Q, of the gradient tensor. The model also possesses skewed, non-Gaussian longitudinal gradient fluctuations and the correct scaling of energy dissipation as a function of Reynolds number. Derivative flatness coefficients are in good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Imperatives of Physical Education in the Training of Artists in Nigeria

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    Despite the fact that physical education plays an important role in general education, it has not been given any consideration in the training of actors in Nigeria. Consequently, most actors lack the physical fitness required to accomplish acting roles on stage and screen in Nigeria. in this regards, the study identifies and presents physical education as an indispensable academic disciplines from which acting instructors, actors trainees, and theatre practitioners can adapt, modify, and apply physical education instructions and programmes to the training of performing artists in Nigeria. In the process, the study applied the experimental and control group research methods to monitor and record the effect of the exercise regimes on actors’ trainees over the study period. The result obtained show that the application of physical education programmes, instructions and activities to the training artists would guaranteed actor’s physique and physical fitness to withstand the physical demands of acting today, so as to improved their performances on stage and screen. The paper, therefore calls on the performing artists in the academics, the management of public and private theatres in Nigeria to articulate of reform policies that will enable them confidently apply physical education requirements in the development of actors over a stretch of time. Key words: Imperatives; Physical; Education; Training; ArtistRésumé: Malgré le fait que l'éducation physique joue un rôle important dans l'éducation générale, elle n'a pas été donnée aucune considération dans la formation des acteurs au Nigéria. En conséquence, la plupart des acteurs n'ont pas la forme physique nécessaires pour accomplir de rôles joués sur la scène et sur l'écran au Nigeria. A cet égard, l'étude identifie et présente l'éducation physique en tant que'une discipline académique indispensable à partir de laquelle les enseignants, les stagiaires et les praticiens du théâtre peuvent adapter, modifier et appliquer les instructions et les programmes de l'éducation physique pour la formation des artistes au Nigéria. Dans le processus, l'étude a appliqué les méthodes expérimentales et les méthodes de groupe de contrôle de recherches pour surveiller et enregistrer les effets de régimes des exercices sur les acteurs au cours de la période scolaire.Le résultat obtenu montre que l'application des programmes, des instructions et des activités de l'éducation physique pour les artistes pourrait assurer la forme physique des acteur, à fin de répondre aux exigences physiques d'aujourd'hui, de manière à améliorer leurs performances sur la scène et sur l'écran. Cet article invite donc les artistes dans les académies, la direction des théâtres publics et privés au Nigeria à articuler des politiques de réforme qui leur permettront d'appliquer des exigences de l'éducation physique dans le développement des acteurs pendant une certaine période.Mots-Clés: sexes dans les organisations arabes; organisations dans les Emirats arabes unis; praticiens de relations publiques; théorie de conflits interpersonnel
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