11 research outputs found

    Degree distributions of contact networks.

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    <p>(A) Elementary and elementary-middle schools, no threshold (B) Middle and high schools, no threshold (C) Elementary and elementary-middle schools, 5 min threshold (D) Middle and high schools, 5 min threshold. <i>k</i>: the number of contacts (degree); <i>N</i><sub><i>k</i></sub>: the number of students with <i>k</i> contacts; C: Charter school; P: Public school; ES: Elementary school; EM: Elementary-middle school; MS: Middle school; HS: High school.</p

    Average overlap ratio versus contact duration.

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    <p>(A) Elementary and elementary-middle schools (B) Middle and high schools. C: Charter school; P: Public school; ES: Elementary school; EM: Elementary-middle school; MS: Middle school; HS: High school.</p

    Contact network measurements and their standard deviations (and standard errors) for school contact networks<sup>*</sup>.

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    <p>Contact network measurements and their standard deviations (and standard errors) for school contact networks<sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0151139#t002fn001" target="_blank">*</a></sup>.</p

    Network modularity versus threshold*.

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    <p>(A) Elementary and elementary-middle schools (B) Middle and high schools. * The contacts with total duration less than threshold are ignored. (G): grade-based modularity; (C): classroom-based modularity; C: Charter school; P: Public school; ES: Elementary school; EM: Elementary-middle school; MS: Middle school; HS: High school.</p

    Contact matrices among the grades for each school*.

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    <p>* Each cell represents number of contacts between the grades per pair of students. The contacts with total duration less than 5 minutes are ignored. Each column and row corresponds to a grade and 0 is used for Kindergarten. C: Charter school; P: Public school; ES: Elementary school; EM: Elementary-middle school; MS: Middle school; HS: High school.</p

    School contact network visualizations*.

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    <p>* The darkness of the lines is proportional to contact durations and the shape and color of the nodes show the grade of the student. The contacts with total duration less than 5 minutes are not shown. K: Kindergarten; 1–12: Grades 1 through 12; C: Charter school; P: Public school; ES: Elementary school; EM: Elementary-middle school; MS: Middle school; HS: High school.</p

    Encounter and contact duration distributions.

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    <p><i>n</i>: relative frequency; C: Charter school; P: Public school; ES: Elementary school; EM: Elementary-middle school; MS: Middle school; HS: High school.</p