24 research outputs found

    MYC Overexpression Induces Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Loss of Nkx3.1 in Mouse Luminal Epithelial Cells

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    Lo-MYC and Hi-MYC mice develop prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and prostatic adenocarcinoma as a result of MYC overexpression in the mouse prostate[1]. However, prior studies have not determined precisely when, and in which cell types, MYC is induced. Using immunohistochemistry (IHC) to localize MYC expression in Lo-MYC transgenic mice, we show that morphological and molecular alterations characteristic of high grade PIN arise in luminal epithelial cells as soon as MYC overexpression is detected. These changes include increased nuclear and nucleolar size and large scale chromatin remodeling. Mouse PIN cells retained a columnar architecture and abundant cytoplasm and appeared as either a single layer of neoplastic cells or as pseudo-stratified/multilayered structures with open glandular lumina—features highly analogous to human high grade PIN. Also using IHC, we show that the onset of MYC overexpression and PIN development coincided precisely with decreased expression of the homeodomain transcription factor and tumor suppressor, Nkx3.1. Virtually all normal appearing prostate luminal cells expressed high levels of Nkx3.1, but all cells expressing MYC in PIN lesions showed marked reductions in Nkx3.1, implicating MYC as a key factor that represses Nkx3.1 in PIN lesions. To determine the effects of less pronounced overexpression of MYC we generated a new line of mice expressing MYC in the prostate under the transcriptional control of the mouse Nkx3.1 control region. These “Super-Lo-MYC” mice also developed PIN, albeit a less aggressive form. We also identified a histologically defined intermediate step in the progression of mouse PIN into invasive adenocarcinoma. These lesions are characterized by a loss of cell polarity, multi-layering, and cribriform formation, and by a “paradoxical” increase in Nkx3.1 protein. Similar histopathological changes occurred in Hi-MYC mice, albeit with accelerated kinetics. Our results using IHC provide novel insights that support the contention that MYC overexpression is sufficient to transform prostate luminal epithelial cells into PIN cells in vivo. We also identified a novel histopathologically identifiable intermediate step prior to invasion that should facilitate studies of molecular pathway alterations occurring during early progression of prostatic adenocarcinomas

    NKX3.1 Is Regulated by Protein Kinase CK2 in Prostate Tumor Cells

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    Diminished expression of NKX3.1 is associated with prostate cancer progression in humans, and in mice, loss of nkx3.1 leads to epithelial cell proliferation and altered gene expression patterns. The NKX3.1 amino acid sequence includes multiple potential phosphoacceptor sites for protein kinase CK2. To investigate posttranslational regulation of NKX3.1, phosphorylation of NKX3.1 by CK2 was studied. In vitro kinase assays followed by mass spectrometric analyses demonstrated that CK2 phosphorylated recombinant NKX3.1 on Thr89 and Thr93. Blocking CK2 activity in LNCaP cells with apigenin or 5,6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside led to a rapid decrease in NKX3.1 accumulation that was rescued by proteasome inhibition. Replacing Thr89 and Thr93 with alanines decreased NKX3.1 stability in vivo. Small interfering RNA knockdown of CK2α′ but not CK2α also led to a decrease in NKX3.1 steady-state level. In-gel kinase assays and Western blot analyses using fractionated extracts of LNCaP cells demonstrated that free CK2α′ could phosphorylate recombinant human and mouse NKX3.1, whereas CK2α′ liberated from the holoenzyme could not. These data establish CK2 as a regulator of NKX3.1 in prostate tumor cells and provide evidence for functionally distinct pools of CK2α′ in LNCaP cells

    Polyamine Depletion Strategies in Cancer: Remodeling the Tumor Immune Microenvironment to Enhance Anti-Tumor Responses

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    Polyamine biosynthesis is frequently dysregulated in cancers, and enhanced flux increases intracellular polyamines necessary for promoting cell growth, proliferation, and function. Polyamine depletion strategies demonstrate efficacy in reducing tumor growth and increasing survival in animal models of cancer; however, mechanistically, the cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic alterations within the tumor microenvironment underlying positive treatment outcomes are not well understood. Recently, investigators have demonstrated that co-targeting polyamine biosynthesis and transport alters the immune landscape. Although the polyamine synthesis-targeting drug 2-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) is well tolerated in humans and is FDA-approved for African trypanosomiasis, its clinical benefit in treating established cancers has not yet been fully realized; however, combination therapies targeting compensatory mechanisms have shown tolerability and efficacy in animal models and are currently being tested in clinical trials. As demonstrated in pre-clinical models, polyamine blocking therapy (PBT) reduces immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment and enhances the therapeutic efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade (ICB). Thus, DFMO may sensitize tumors to other therapeutics, including immunotherapies and chemotherapies

    Functional and molecular features of the Id4+ germline stem cell population in mouse testes

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    The maintenance of cycling cell lineages relies on undifferentiated subpopulations consisting of stem and progenitor pools. Features that delineate these cell types are undefined for many lineages, including spermatogenesis, which is supported by an undifferentiated spermatogonial population. Here, we generated a transgenic mouse line in which spermatogonial stem cells are marked by expression of an inhibitor of differentiation 4 (Id4)-green fluorescent protein (Gfp) transgene. We found that Id4-Gfp(+) cells exist primarily as a subset of the type A(single) pool, and their frequency is greatest in neonatal development and then decreases in proportion during establishment of the spermatogenic lineage, eventually comprising ∼ 2% of the undifferentiated spermatogonial population in adulthood. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that expression of 11 and 25 genes is unique for the Id4-Gfp(+)/stem cell and Id4-Gfp(-)/progenitor fractions, respectively. Collectively, these findings provide the first definitive evidence that stem cells exist as a rare subset of the A(single) pool and reveal transcriptome features distinguishing stem cell and progenitor states within the mammalian male germline

    MYC and Prostate Cancer

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    Prostate cancer, the majority of which is adenocarcinoma, is the most common epithelial cancer affecting a majority of elderly men in Western nations. Its manifestation, however, varies from clinically asymptomatic insidious neoplasms that progress slowly and do not threaten life to one that is highly aggressive with a propensity for metastatic spread and lethality if not treated in time. A number of somatic genetic and epigenetic alterations occur in prostate cancer cells. Some of these changes, such as loss of the tumor suppressors PTEN and p53, are linked to disease progression. Others, such as ETS gene fusions, appear to be linked more with early phases of the disease, such as invasion. Alterations in chromosome 8q24 in the region of MYC have also been linked to disease aggressiveness for many years. However, a number of recent studies in human tissues have indicated that MYC appears to be activated at the earliest phases of prostate cancer (e.g., in tumor-initiating cells) in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, a key precursor lesion to invasive prostatic adenocarcinoma. The initiation and early progression of prostate cancer can be recapitulated in genetically engineered mouse models, permitting a richer understanding of the cause and effects of loss of tumor suppressors and activation of MYC. The combination of studies using human tissues and mouse models paints an emerging molecular picture of prostate cancer development and early progression. This picture reveals that MYC contributes to disease initiation and progression by stimulating an embryonic stem cell–like signature characterized by an enrichment of genes involved in ribosome biogenesis and by repressing differentiation. These insights pave the way to potential novel therapeutic concepts based on MYC biology

    Identification and Validation of Inhibitor-Responsive Kinase Substrates Using a New Paradigm To Measure Kinase-Specific Protein Phosphorylation Index

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    Regulation of all cellular processes requires dynamic regulation of protein phosphorylation. We have developed an unbiased system to globally quantify the phosphorylation index for substrates of a specific kinase by independently quantifying phosphorylated and total substrate molecules in a reverse in-gel kinase assay. Non-phosphorylated substrate molecules are first quantified in the presence and absence of a specific stimulus. Total substrate molecules are then measured after complete chemical dephosphorylation, and a ratio of phosphorylated to total substrate is derived. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we profiled and quantified changes in phosphorylation index for Protein Kinase CK2 substrates that respond to a small-molecule inhibitor. A broad range of inhibitor-induced changes in phosphorylation was observed in cultured cells. Differences among substrates in the kinetics of phosphorylation change were also revealed. Comparison of CK2 inhibitor-induced changes in phosphorylation in cultured cells and in mouse peripheral blood lymphocytes <i>in vivo</i> revealed distinct kinetic and depth-of-response profiles. This technology provides a new approach to facilitate functional analyses of kinase-specific phosphorylation events. This strategy can be used to dissect the role of phosphorylation in cellular events, to facilitate kinase inhibitor target validation studies, and to inform <i>in vivo</i> analyses of kinase inhibitor drug efficacy

    Quantifying Kinase-Specific Phosphorylation Stoichiometry Using Stable Isotope Labeling In a Reverse In-Gel Kinase Assay

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    Despite recent advancements in large-scale phosphoproteomics, methods to quantify kinase-specific phosphorylation stoichiometry of protein substrates are lacking. We developed a method to quantify kinase-specific phosphorylation stoichiometry by combining the reverse in-gel kinase assay (RIKA) with high-resolution liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Beginning with predetermined ratios of phosphorylated to nonphosphorylated protein kinase CK2 (CK2) substrate molecules, we employed <sup>18</sup>O-labeled adenosine triphosphate (<sup>18</sup>O-ATP) as the phosphate donor in a RIKA, then quantified the ratio of <sup>18</sup>O- versus <sup>16</sup>O-labeled tryptic phosphopeptide using high mass accuracy mass spectrometry (MS). We demonstrate that the phosphorylation stoichiometry determined by this method across a broad percent phosphorylation range correlated extremely well with the predicted value (correlation coefficient = 0.99). This approach provides a quantitative alternative to antibody-based methods of determining the extent of phosphorylation of a substrate pool

    NKX3.1 as a Marker of Prostatic Origin in Metastatic Tumors

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    NKX3.1 is a prostatic tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 8p. Although most studies have shown that staining for NKX3.1 protein is positive in the majority of primary prostatic adenocarcinomas, it has been shown to be downregulated in many high-grade prostate cancers, and completely lost in the majority of metastatic prostate cancers (eg, in 65% to 78% of lesions). A recent study showed that NKX3.1 staining with a novel antibody was highly sensitive and specific for high-grade prostatic adenocarcinoma when compared with high-grade urothelial carcinoma. This raised the question that this antibody may perform better than earlier used antibodies in metastatic prostate tumors. However, the sensitivity and specificity for prostate carcinomas for this antibody in metastatic lesions was not determined. Although prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic-specific acid phosphatase (PSAP) are excellent tissue markers of prostate cancer, at times they may be expressed at low levels, focally, or not at all in poorly differentiated primary and metastatic prostatic adenocarcinomas. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of NKX3.1 as a marker of metastatic adenocarcinoma of prostatic origin. Immunohistochemical staining against NKX3.1, PSA, and PSAP was carried out on a tissue microarray (TMA) (0.6-mm tissue cores) of hormone naïve metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma specimens from lymph nodes, bone, and soft tissue. To determine the specificity of NKX3.1 for prostatic adenocarcinoma, we used TMAs that contained cancers from various sites including the urinary bladder, breast, colon, salivary gland, stomach, pancreas, thyroid, and central nervous system, and standard paraffin sections of cancers from other sites including the adrenal cortex, kidney, liver, lung, and testis. Overall 349 nonprostatic tumors were evaluated. Any nuclear staining for NKX3.1 was considered positive and the percentage of cells with nuclear staining and their mean intensity level were assessed visually. Sensitivity was calculated by considering a case positive if any TMA core was positive. The sensitivity for identifying metastatic prostatic adenocarcinomas overall was 98.6% (68/69 cases positive) for NKX3.1, 94.2% (65/69 cores positive) for PSA, and 98.6% (68/69 cores positive) for PSAP. The specificity of NKX3.1 was 99.7% (1/349 nonprostatic tumors positive). The sole positive nonprostatic cancer case was an invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast. NKX3.1 seems to be a highly sensitive and specific tissue marker of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma. In the appropriate clinical setting, the addition of IHC staining for NKX3.1, along with other prostate-restricted markers, may prove to be a valuable adjunct to definitively determine prostatic origin in poorly differentiated metastatic carcinomas

    If this is true, what does it imply? How end-user antibody validation facilitates insights into biology and disease

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    Antibodies are employed ubiquitously in biomedical sciences, including for diagnostics and therapeutics. One of the most important uses is for immunohistochemical (IHC) staining, a process that has been improving and evolving over decades. IHC is useful when properly employed, yet misuse of the method is widespread and contributes to the “reproducibility crisis” in science. We report some of the common problems encountered with IHC assays, and direct readers to a wealth of literature documenting and providing some solutions to this problem. We also describe a series of vignettes that include our approach to analytical validation of antibodies and IHC assays that have facilitated a number of biological insights into prostate cancer and the refutation of a controversial association of a viral etiology in gliomas. We postulate that a great deal of the problem with lack of accuracy in IHC assays stems from the lack of awareness by researchers for the critical necessity for end-users to validate IHC antibodies and assays in their laboratories, regardless of manufacturer claims or past publications. We suggest that one reason for the pervasive lack of end-user validation for research antibodies is that researchers fail to realize that there are two general classes of antibodies employed in IHC. First, there are antibodies that are “clinical grade” reagents used by pathologists to help render diagnoses that influence patient treatment. Such diagnostic antibodies, which tend to be highly validated prior to clinical implementation, are in the vast minority (e.g. 3 800 000), which are often not extensively validated prior to commercialization. Given increased awareness of the problem, both the United States, National Institutes of Health and some journals are requiring investigators to provide evidence of specificity of their antibody-based assays. Keywords: Prostate cancer, Antibodies, Immunohistochemistr