9 research outputs found

    Technical feasibility of storage on large dish stirling systems

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    Dish-Stirling systems have been demonstrated to provide high-efficiency solar-only electrical generation, holding the world record at 31.25%. This high efficiency results in a system with a high possibility of meeting the DOE SunShot goal of 0.06/kWh.Currentdish−Stirlingsystemsdonotincorporatethermalstorage.Forthenextgenerationofnon−intermittentandcost−competitivesolarpowerplants,weproposeathermalenergystoragesystemthatcombineslatent(phase−change)energytransportandlatentenergystorageinordertomatchtheisothermalinputrequirementsofStirlingengineswhilealsomaximizingtheexergeticefficiencyoftheentiresystem.ThisreporttakesaninitiallookatthetechnicaladvantagesofdishStirlingwithstorageaswellasthetechnicalchallenges,inordertomakeapreliminaryestimateastothetechnicalfeasibilityofsuchasystem.Wefindthatastoragesystemusingmetalliceutecticphasechangestorageresultsinafeasiblephysicalembodiment,withmass,volume,andcomplexitysuitablefor25kWedishStirlingsystems.Theresultsindicateasystemwith6hoursofstorageandasolarmultipleof1.25providestheoptimumimpacttoLCOEandprofit.Further,fornonegativeimpactonLCOE,theoptimalstoragesystemmaycostasmuchas0.06/kWh. Current dish-Stirling systems do not incorporate thermal storage. For the next generation of non-intermittent and cost-competitive solar power plants, we propose a thermal energy storage system that combines latent (phase-change) energy transport and latent energy storage in order to match the isothermal input requirements of Stirling engines while also maximizing the exergetic efficiency of the entire system. This report takes an initial look at the technical advantages of dish Stirling with storage as well as the technical challenges, in order to make a preliminary estimate as to the technical feasibility of such a system. We find that a storage system using metallic eutectic phase change storage results in a feasible physical embodiment, with mass, volume, and complexity suitable for 25kWe dish Stirling systems. The results indicate a system with 6 hours of storage and a solar multiple of 1.25 provides the optimum impact to LCOE and profit. Further, for no negative impact on LCOE, the optimal storage system may cost as much as 82/kWhth or $33k/dish, a substantial departure from the SunShot goals for tower systems. The storage system also is shown to have substantial structural benefits to the dish design. In addition, there may be benefits in terms of capacity payments or failure-to-deliver penalties. A dish storage system design must take into account the value placed on storage by the PUC or utility

    Sandia capabilities for the measurement, characterization, and analysis of heliostats for CSP.

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    The Concentrating Solar Technologies Organization at Sandia National Laboratories has a long history of performing important research, development, and testing that has enabled the Concentrating Solar Power Industry to deploy full-scale power plants. Sandia continues to pursue innovative CSP concepts with the goal of reducing the cost of CSP while improving efficiency and performance. In this pursuit, Sandia has developed many tools for the analysis of CSP performance. The following capabilities document highlights Sandia's extensive experience in the design, construction, and utilization of large-scale testing facilities for CSP and the tools that Sandia has created for the full characterization of heliostats. Sandia has extensive experience in using these tools to evaluate the performance of novel heliostat designs


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    ABSTRACT Dish Stirling power generation systems have been identified by DOE, Sandia National Laboratories, and Stirling Energy Systems (SES) as having the capability of delivering utility-scale renewable energy to the nation's electrical grid. SES has proposed large plants, 20,000 units or more (0.5 GW rated power) in one place, in order to rapidly ramp up production automation. With the large capital investment needed in such a plant it becomes critical to optimize the system at the field level, as well as at the individual unit level. In this new software model, we provide a tool that predicts the annual and monthly energy performance of a field of dishes, in particular taking into account the impact of dish-to-dish shading on the energy and revenue streams. The Excel-based model goes beyond prior models in that it incorporates the true dish shape (flexible to accommodate many dish designs), multiple-row shading, and a revenue stream model that incorporates time-of-day and time-of-year pricing. This last feature is critical to understanding key shading tradeoffs on a financial basis. The model uses TMY or 15-minute meteorological data for the selected location. It can incorporate local ground slope across the plant, as well as stagger between the rows of dish systems. It also incorporates field-edge effects, which can be significant on smaller plants. It also incorporates factors for measured degraded performance due to shading. This tool provides one aspect of the decision process for fielding many systems, and must be combined with land costs, copper layout and costs, and O&M predictions (driving distance issues) in order to optimize the loss of power due to shading against the added expense of a larger spatial array. Considering only the energy and revenue stream, the model indicates that a rectangular, unstaggered field layout maximizes field performance. We also found that recognizing and accounting for true performance degradation due to shading significantly impacts plant production, compared with prior modeling attempts