1,131 research outputs found
Alien Registration- Charette, Joseph A. (Van Buren, Aroostook County)
Phenomenological Dynamic of How ADHD Student Recidivism Affects Alternative Education Teacher Services
The research problem in this study involved the student cycling, or recidivism, problem associated with specialized education environments. In particular, alternative education students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are cycling in and out of alternative and regular education at a concerning frequency. This student recidivism problem affects the services of teachers who are trying to transform them into permanent regular education learners. The purpose of this study was to obtain specific information from these teachers, via the research questions, as it applies to the theoretical foundation of Bandura\u27s self-efficacy construct, and methodological design of the study. The qualitative method of the study used a phenomenological approach and leadership model to obtain the lived experiences, thus, the perceptions and opinions, of the 10 interviewed teachers experiencing the student cycling problem. A continuous iterative process and constant comparative analysis with inductive analyses of significant statements was used to analyze the data. The study results revealed that the complex study problem affects self-efficacy, thus, their belief in the ability to effectively teach these students. Because nearly 4 decades have passed since Bandura introduced the construct of self-efficacy beliefs, it suggests that teachers\u27 efficacy beliefs are related to their instructional practices and various student outcomes. This study helps to fill in the knowledge gaps within specialized education and attempts to bring teacher-voiced positive social change to the teaching profession and its services particularly within alternative education
Mathematical modelling of the phenomena occurring in a combustion chamber is a
very difficult task. Recently, computational methods have been developed allowing the
simulation of all the processes involved in a more elaborate and reliable manner than ever
before. These methods however often present weaknesses originating from their lack of gener-
ality and prohibitive computation time. Our aim was to come up with a technique that could
be applied to rectangular furnaces of any size and characteristics, and that would require a
reasonable computation time. The technique is based on combining the PHOENICS code
(used for velocity and combustion fields) with a new radiation method, the so-called imaginary
planes method. Results are presented for an aluminium melter/holder furnace. Comparison
between the imaginary planes method and the zone method illustrates the excellent agree-
ment obtained for the radiative transfer. The technique used for the coupling of PHOENICS
with the radiative part is explained. Provisions are made to take care of the unsteady state
regime often encountered in such furnaces where several different operations are performed
in a row. The simulation of a transient operation is presented and it is found that a single
determination of the velocity pattern on the basis of a steady state assumption is sufficient
to simulate adequately time dependent gas temperature and heat flux distributions
Évolution de l’épargne réglementée depuis la généralisation de la distribution du livret A.
L’Observatoire de l’épargne réglementée a remis au Parlement et au Gouvernement son premier rapport annuel portant sur la mise en place de la réforme généralisant la distribution du livret A.épargne réglementée, livret A, Loi de modernisation de l’économie, fonds d’épargne.
Compact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor
It is shown that in every dimension n=3j+2, j=1,2,3,..., there exist compact
pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor, which are
Ricci-recurrent, but neither conformally flat nor locally symmetric, and
represent all indefinite metric signatures. The manifolds in question are
diffeomorphic to nontrivial torus bundles over the circle. They all arise from
a construction that a priori yields bundles over the circle, having as the
fibre either a torus, or a 2-step nilmanifold with a complete flat torsionfree
connection; our argument only realizes the torus case.Comment: 19 page
The volume of earth's ocean
Author Posting. © Oceanography Society, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 23, no. 2 (2010): 112-114.Despite playing a significant role in the global water
cycle, ocean volume has not been re-examined in over 25 years. The
main uncertainty associated with ocean volume is the mean ocean
depth. The earliest studies tended to overestimate ocean depth due
to undersampling of seamounts and ocean ridges. The advent of the
echosounder in the 1920s and subsequent ship-borne technologies
rapidly increased aerial coverage of the ocean; hence, over time there
has been a gradual decrease in calculated mean ocean depth. Today,
however, in situ measurements span only ~ 10% of the ocean’s surface
area. Here, we use satellite altimetry data to estimate the ocean’s
volume, which is lower by a volume equivalent to 500 times the Great
Lakes or five times the Gulf of Mexico when compared to the most
recent published estimates.This work was funded in part by the
EarthWater Institute (http://www.
earthwaterinstitute.org) in concert with
the institute’s ongoing Global Water
Finite-sided deformation spaces of complete affine 3-manifolds
A Margulis spacetime is a complete affine 3-manifold M with nonsolvable
fundamental group. Associated to every Margulis spacetime is a noncompact
complete hyperbolic surface S. We show that every Margulis spacetime is
orientable, even though S may be nonorientable. We classify Margulis spacetimes
when S is homeomorphic to a two-holed cross-surface, that is, the complement of
two disjoint discs in the real projective plane. We show that every such
manifold is homeomorphic to a solid handlebody of genus two, and admits a
fundamental polyhedron bounded by crooked planes. Furthermore, the deformation
space is a bundle of convex quadrilateral cones over the space of marked
hyperbolic structures. The sides of each quadrilateral cone are defined by
invariants of the two boundary components and the two orientation-reversing
simple curves. The two-holed cross-surface, together with the three-holed
sphere, are the only topologies for which the deformation space of complete
affine structures is finite-sided.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the Journal of
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