157 research outputs found

    A Computational Model to Estimate the Thickness of the Waterfilm Due to Rain on the Upper Surface of an Airfoil

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    Based on a two-phase boundary layer approach, a computational model is proposed to estimate the thickness of the waterfilm due to rain on the upper surface of an airfoil. The coupling between the air boundary layer and the water film is established by the conservation of mass and momentum at the interface. By a simple coordinate transformation, the interface is conformed to the finite difference grid system. Trajectory analysis of a raindrop of 1 mm diameter shows that the impingement of drops is high near the leading edge of the airfoil and decreases downstream. The finite difference equations of air/waterfilm are based on a Crank Nicholson scheme. The solution of finite difference equations at the initial station indicates a film thickness of 0.01 mm. Marching downstream along the surface of the airfoil gives raise to stability problems in the finite difference equations

    Career Engine [Jobsey]

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    The Career Engine software is focused with job posting and registration. We may also use this application to look for employment openings in a certain location, and the name of the firm will be presented. Timings and other details are also available online. It will assist you in applying for a better job than the one you now have. Position seekers may select and register for positions that interest them, and the information received from the recruiter providing the job will be shown on the job details site. We chose the MERN stack to develop our JobEsy career engine website, which comprises Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, and I utilize MySQL for the database. The administrator may use Career Engine to get into the system, authorize a vacancy, and post it on the web. Job searchers and recruiters are managed by the administration. Job searchers may also log in and search for open opportunities. They can apply for work by presenting their stuff, such as a resume. Our career engine online application will be responsively maintained. This will adjust web pages to fit the size of the device\u27s window. On this website, all job searchers, recruiters, and administrators have their own logins

    ioinformatička karakterizacija transmembranskog proteina gena 95 (TMEM95) u murah bivola (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Idiopathic male subfertility is often a neglected phenotype with respect to male fertility in bovines. The gene TMEM95 plays a crucial role in idiopathic male subfertility in cattle. Using the DNA sequence information from cattle TMEM95 gene, we characterized the gene in Murrah buffalo. A total of 2.6 kb of a fragment orthologous to cattle was sequenced from Murrah buffalo and Gir cattle. A 2 bp deletion is present in Murrah buffalo, causing missense mutations in three isoforms that are present in cattle. The functional effects of various non-synonymous mutations were predicted using the SNAP2 program, and showed that the non-synonymous SNPs could affect the protein function. Functional motif annotation revealed the presence of a Casein kinase II phosphorylation site that plays an important role in sperm morphology, Leucine zipper pattern, N-myristoylation site, protein kinase C phosphorylation site, CHRD domain profile, N-glycosylation site and HIT zinc finger motifs in cattle. The HIT ZF motif is absent in all of the functional isoforms in buffalo. The results together suggest that the subfertility gene TMEM95 in cattle and buffalo must have evolved with different functions but plays a role in male fertility as in other mammals.Pri razmatranju plodnosti goveda, idiopatska neplodnost mužjaka često je zanemareno fenotipsko obilježje. S obzirom na gensku osnovu, smatra se da je obilježje povezano s genom TMEM9. U radu je, upotrebom DNA sekvencijskih informacija dobivenih od goveđeg TMEM95, provedena karakterizaciju tog gena u murah bivola. Uz bivola, fragment od ukupno 2.6 kb koji je ortologan govedima, sekvenciran je i u gir goveda. Delecija od 2 bp prisutna je u murah bivola što uzrokuje pogrešnu mutaciju u tri izoformna oblika prisutna u goveda. Funkcijski učinci nesinonimnih mutacija predviđani su primjenom SNAP2 programa koji je pokazao da nesinonimni SNP-i mogu utjecati na funkciju proteina. Funkcionalna bilješka motiva pokazala je prisustvo kazein kinaze II fosforilacijskog mjesta koje ima važnu ulogu u morfologiji spermija, zatim prisustvo leucin patentnog-zatvarača, N-miristoilacijskog mjesta, protein kinaze C-fosforilacijskog mjesta, CHRD domene profila, N-glikokosilacijskog mjesta i HIT motiva cinkovog prsta u goveda. U nijednoj od funkcionalnih izoformi u bivola nije prisutan HIT motiv cinkovog prsta. Rezultati skupno ukazuju da se gen subfertilnosti TMEM95 između goveda i bivola razvijao sa različitim funkcijama ali ima ulogu u muškoj plodnosti kao i u drugih sisavaca


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    Clay is an obviously taking place fabric composed usually of first-rate-grained minerals, which shows plasticity property via a variable variety of water content and which can be hardened while dried and/ or fired. Soft clay soil which has the low bearing ability and huge settlements that take vicinity for long intervals of time. As flexible pavement is majorly utilized in India, it's far essential that steps should be taken to increase the existence of the bituminous pavements. Flexible pavement is regularly subjected to problems like rutting, cracking, and special failures due to repeated traffic loads. In this undertaking, we have got used the waste substances like lignin and plastic as a substitute material for bitumen in the proportion of five&10%, 10&15%, 15&20%, 20&25% respectively. It has been placed that lignin can act as a binding fabric for asphalt, as a result, enhancing the houses of the bitumen. In order to promote sustainable practices and to combat fee increase, measures with sound sustainability credentials need to be widely applied. Developing novel substances and technologies to mix greener fabric, waste and recycled substances into the production cycle of asphalt combinations is an answer that improves every sustainability and rate-performance of the asphalt pavement industry. The number one concept provided on this paper is the software program of an eco-innovative asphalt pavement designed through partial substitution of greener substances into asphalt combos: reclaimed asphalt pavement

    A multi-dimensional study to estimate the behaviour of the general public during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on societies all over the world, leading to significant shifts in individual behavior as well as societal norms. The goal of this study was to provide an in-depth look at the many different aspects of public behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Demographic information, COVID-19 knowledge and awareness, prevention adherence, vaccination attitudes, and psychological well-being as a whole were all be gathered through the quantitative survey. The subjective meetings will give further bits of knowledge into the hidden inspirations, discernments, and difficulties faced by people in following general wellbeing rules. Results: To find patterns and correlations among the various variables, statistical methods like regression analysis, factor analysis, and clustering algorithms were used in the data analysis. The subjective information was investigated specifically, separating key topics and accounts that shed light on the subtleties of the public’s way of behaving during the pandemic. Conclusions: In the end, the goal of this multidimensional study was to help make decisions based on evidence and come up with plans to improve public health and lessen the impact of infectious disease outbreaks like COVID-19

    Reproductive ecology of Allmania nodiflora, Celosia argentea var. margaritacea, and Digera muricata (Amaranthaceae)

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    Allmania nodiflora, Celosia argentea var. margaritacea, and Digera muricata are annual herbaceous weeds which reproduce exclusively by seed. The plants appear in June, while flowering time is August-February in agricultural fields and August-October/November in other habitats. The synflorescence is an elongated erect spike in A. nodiflora and C. argentea, while it is a long pedunculate spicate raceme in D. muricata. The flowers anthese acropetally in A. nodiflora and C. argentea var. margaritacea, while there is no such clear-cut anthesis pattern in D. muricata. Allmania nodiflora is functionally hermaphroditic. Digera muricata is partially hermaphroditic because the central flower in three-flowered groups is fertile, while the lateral flowers are sterile. Celosia argentea var. margaritacea is functionally gynodioecious. In A. nodiflora and D. muricata, the flowers facilitate autonomous selfing due to synchrony in maturation of the male and female sex. In C. argentea var. margaritacea also, the flowers facilitate autonomous selfing, but it is precluded by strong protandry. All three species are anemophilous and entomophilous. Allmania nodiflora and D. muricata produce one-seeded fruits, while C. argentea var. margaritacea produces multi-seeded fruits. Allmania nodiflora and C. argentea var. margaritacea dehisce by means of a circumscissile lid and disperse seeds, while D. muricata produces indehiscent fruits. All three species are anemochorous, but A. nodiflora is also myrmecochorous

    Excessive reactive oxygen species induce transcription-dependent replication stress.

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    Elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reduce replication fork velocity by causing dissociation of the TIMELESS-TIPIN complex from the replisome. Here, we show that ROS generated by exposure of human cells to the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor hydroxyurea (HU) promote replication fork reversal in a manner dependent on active transcription and formation of co-transcriptional RNA:DNA hybrids (R-loops). The frequency of R-loop-dependent fork stalling events is also increased after TIMELESS depletion or a partial inhibition of replicative DNA polymerases by aphidicolin, suggesting that this phenomenon is due to a global replication slowdown. In contrast, replication arrest caused by HU-induced depletion of deoxynucleotides does not induce fork reversal but, if allowed to persist, leads to extensive R-loop-independent DNA breakage during S-phase. Our work reveals a link between oxidative stress and transcription-replication interference that causes genomic alterations recurrently found in human cancer. [Abstract copyright: © 2023. The Author(s).