72 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Modelling and Simulation of the Ice Accretion Process on Aircraft Wings

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    © 2018 Chang S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.In this article, a new computational method for the three-dimensional (3D) ice accretion analysis on an aircraft wing is formulated and validated. The two-phase flow field is calculated based on Eulerian-Eulerian approach using standard dispersed turbulence model and second order upwind differencing with the aid of commercial software Fluent, and the corresponding local droplet collection efficiency, convective heat transfer coefficient, freezing fraction and surface temperature are obtained. The classical Messinger model is modified to be capable of describing 3D thermodynamic characteristics of ice accretion. Considering effects of runback water, which is along chordwise and spanwise direction, an extended Messinger method is employed for the prediction of the 3D ice accretion rates. Validation of the newly developed model is carried out through comparisons with available experimental ice shape and LEWICE codes over a GLC-305 wing under both rime and glaze icing conditions. Results show that good agreement is achieved between the current computational ice shapes and the compared results. Further calculations based on the proposed method over a M6 wing under different test conditions are numerically demonstrated.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A Comprehensive Survey on Data-Efficient GANs in Image Generation

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved remarkable achievements in image synthesis. These successes of GANs rely on large scale datasets, requiring too much cost. With limited training data, how to stable the training process of GANs and generate realistic images have attracted more attention. The challenges of Data-Efficient GANs (DE-GANs) mainly arise from three aspects: (i) Mismatch Between Training and Target Distributions, (ii) Overfitting of the Discriminator, and (iii) Imbalance Between Latent and Data Spaces. Although many augmentation and pre-training strategies have been proposed to alleviate these issues, there lacks a systematic survey to summarize the properties, challenges, and solutions of DE-GANs. In this paper, we revisit and define DE-GANs from the perspective of distribution optimization. We conclude and analyze the challenges of DE-GANs. Meanwhile, we propose a taxonomy, which classifies the existing methods into three categories: Data Selection, GANs Optimization, and Knowledge Sharing. Last but not the least, we attempt to highlight the current problems and the future directions.Comment: Under revie

    Distributed Pruning Towards Tiny Neural Networks in Federated Learning

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    Neural network pruning is an essential technique for reducing the size and complexity of deep neural networks, enabling large-scale models on devices with limited resources. However, existing pruning approaches heavily rely on training data for guiding the pruning strategies, making them ineffective for federated learning over distributed and confidential datasets. Additionally, the memory- and computation-intensive pruning process becomes infeasible for recourse-constrained devices in federated learning. To address these challenges, we propose FedTiny, a distributed pruning framework for federated learning that generates specialized tiny models for memory- and computing-constrained devices. We introduce two key modules in FedTiny to adaptively search coarse- and finer-pruned specialized models to fit deployment scenarios with sparse and cheap local computation. First, an adaptive batch normalization selection module is designed to mitigate biases in pruning caused by the heterogeneity of local data. Second, a lightweight progressive pruning module aims to finer prune the models under strict memory and computational budgets, allowing the pruning policy for each layer to be gradually determined rather than evaluating the overall model structure. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of FedTiny, which outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, particularly when compressing deep models to extremely sparse tiny models. FedTiny achieves an accuracy improvement of 2.61% while significantly reducing the computational cost by 95.91% and the memory footprint by 94.01% compared to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: This paper has been accepted to ICDCS 202

    On-Device Model Fine-Tuning with Label Correction in Recommender Systems

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    To meet the practical requirements of low latency, low cost, and good privacy in online intelligent services, more and more deep learning models are offloaded from the cloud to mobile devices. To further deal with cross-device data heterogeneity, the offloaded models normally need to be fine-tuned with each individual user's local samples before being put into real-time inference. In this work, we focus on the fundamental click-through rate (CTR) prediction task in recommender systems and study how to effectively and efficiently perform on-device fine-tuning. We first identify the bottleneck issue that each individual user's local CTR (i.e., the ratio of positive samples in the local dataset for fine-tuning) tends to deviate from the global CTR (i.e., the ratio of positive samples in all the users' mixed datasets on the cloud for training out the initial model). We further demonstrate that such a CTR drift problem makes on-device fine-tuning even harmful to item ranking. We thus propose a novel label correction method, which requires each user only to change the labels of the local samples ahead of on-device fine-tuning and can well align the locally prior CTR with the global CTR. The offline evaluation results over three datasets and five CTR prediction models as well as the online A/B testing results in Mobile Taobao demonstrate the necessity of label correction in on-device fine-tuning and also reveal the improvement over cloud-based learning without fine-tuning

    Distributed Non-Convex Optimization with Sublinear Speedup under Intermittent Client Availability

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    Federated learning is a new distributed machine learning framework, where a bunch of heterogeneous clients collaboratively train a model without sharing training data. In this work, we consider a practical and ubiquitous issue when deploying federated learning in mobile environments: intermittent client availability, where the set of eligible clients may change during the training process. Such intermittent client availability would seriously deteriorate the performance of the classical Federated Averaging algorithm (FedAvg for short). Thus, we propose a simple distributed non-convex optimization algorithm, called Federated Latest Averaging (FedLaAvg for short), which leverages the latest gradients of all clients, even when the clients are not available, to jointly update the global model in each iteration. Our theoretical analysis shows that FedLaAvg attains the convergence rate of O(E1/2/(N1/4T1/2))O(E^{1/2}/(N^{1/4} T^{1/2})), achieving a sublinear speedup with respect to the total number of clients. We implement FedLaAvg along with several baselines and evaluate them over the benchmarking MNIST and Sentiment140 datasets. The evaluation results demonstrate that FedLaAvg achieves more stable training than FedAvg in both convex and non-convex settings and indeed reaches a sublinear speedup