16 research outputs found

    FECG extraction using the proposed framework on PCDB data.

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    (c) a sample from “a25” channel-1 and (d) a sample from “a44” channel-1. All signals are normalized for better observation.</p

    A dilated temporal convolution with factor d = 1, 2, 4 and filter size k = 3.

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    A dilated temporal convolution with factor d = 1, 2, 4 and filter size k = 3.</p

    Smooth fetal HR traces extracted by our method.

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    Smooth fetal HR traces extracted by our method.</p

    A regular temporal convolution with factor d = 1.

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    A regular temporal convolution with factor d = 1.</p

    The statistical results of different methods on the PCDB.

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    The statistical results of different methods on the PCDB.</p

    The overall process of the proposed framework.

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    The MECG component is eliminated in stage 1 and the extracted FECG is denoised in stage 2.</p

    Schematic diagram of our proposed network.

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    Schematic diagram of our proposed network.</p

    The dilated temporal block used in the TCED-Net of Fig 2.

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    The dilated temporal block used in the TCED-Net of Fig 2.</p

    The visual comparison of extracted FECG signals among different methods where the noise level is 0 dB.

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    And all signals are normalized for better observation.</p

    Hyper-parameters for online optimization of the proposed network.

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    Hyper-parameters for online optimization of the proposed network.</p