5 research outputs found

    Análisis transcriptómico de la formación de xilema traumático en Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex D.C.

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    Analizamos la formación del xilema traumático hibridando un microarray con muestras recogidas a tres tiempos tras la realización de la herida (H1, H2 y H3), comparándolo con la formación de madera no traumática

    De novo assembly and annotation of a transcriptome during xylogenesis in Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex DC

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    Nowadays, there is a great amount of genomic and transcriptomic data available about forest species, including ambitious projects looking for complete sequencing and annotation of different gymnosperm genomes [1, 2]. Pinus canariensis is an endemic conifer of the Canary Islands with re-sprouting capability and resilience against fire and mechanical damage, as result of an adaptation to volcanic environments. Additionally, this species has a high proportion of axial parenchyma compared with other conifers, and this tissue connects with radial parenchyma allowing transport of reserves. The most internal tracheids stop accumulating water [3], and get filled of resins and polyphenols synthesized by the axial parenchyma; this is the so-called ?torch-heartwood? [4], which avoids decay. This wood achieves very high prices due to its particular resistance to rot. These features make P. canariensis an interesting model species for the analysis of these developmental processes in conifers. In this study we aim to perform a complete transcriptome annotation during xylogenesis in Pinus canariensis, using next-generation sequencing (NGS) -Roche 454 pyrosequencing-, in order to provide a genomic resource for further analysis, including expression profiling and the identification of candidate genes for important adaptive features

    El Pino Canario: Un superviviente entre volcanes

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    El pino canario constituye una singularidad dentro del conjunto de pinos, ya que presenta una amplia gama de estrategias que permiten su persistencia y que han sido adquiridas a lo largo de su evolución en un ambiente volcánico. Todos los pinos son especies que presentan adaptaciones frente al fuego y de centran en dos estrategias: 1) una eficiente dispersión posincendio basada en una gran capacidad dispersiva y en la presencia de piñas serótinas; y 2) la resistencia individual, con cortezas gruesas que les permiten alcanzar gran longevidad

    Análisis transcriptómico de la formación de xilema traumático en Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex D.C.

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    Analizamos la formación del xilema traumático hibridando un microarray con muestras recogidas a tres tiempos tras la realización de la herida (H1, H2 y H3), comparándolo con la formación de madera no traumática

    Transcriptomic analysis of juvenile wood formatin during the growing season in Pinus canariensis

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    A noticeable proportion of low transcribed genes involved in wood formation in conifers may have been missed in previous transcriptomic studies. This could be the case for genes related to less abundant cell types, such as axial parenchyma and resin ducts, and genes related to juvenile wood. In this study, two normalized libraries have been obtained from the cambial zone of young individuals of Pinus canariensis C. Sm. ex DC, a species in which such cells are comparatively abundant. These two libraries cover earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) differentiation, and reads have been de novo meta-assembled into one transcriptome. A high number of previously undescribed genes have been found. The transcriptional profiles during the growing season have been analyzed and several noticeable differences with respect to previous studies have been found. This work contributes to a more complete picture of wood formation in conifers. The genes and their transcription profiles described here provide a useful molecular tool for further studies focused on relevant developmental issues, such as wound response and the formation of traumatic wood, re-sprouting, etc., presumably related to those cells