129 research outputs found

    Leakage Analysis and Solution of the RFID Analog Front-END

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    The identification and modeling of different leakage components are very important for estimation and reduction of leakage power, especially low-power applications, such as RFID chip. This paper proposes a theory about leakage mechanism of RFID chip and proves the theory. The one contribution of the paper is the proposed theory about leakage mechanism of RFID chip. The other contribution is that it proves the differences between tape-out verification results and computer simulation results and that to what degree the differences occur for different circuits. And when the source potential is much lower than the substrate potential, tape-out verification results and computer simulation results have larger differences. The test results show that the actual leakage power increases 26.3 times compares with the computer simulation results’ when the source potential is -750mV

    Empowering Dual-Level Graph Self-Supervised Pretraining with Motif Discovery

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    While self-supervised graph pretraining techniques have shown promising results in various domains, their application still experiences challenges of limited topology learning, human knowledge dependency, and incompetent multi-level interactions. To address these issues, we propose a novel solution, Dual-level Graph self-supervised Pretraining with Motif discovery (DGPM), which introduces a unique dual-level pretraining structure that orchestrates node-level and subgraph-level pretext tasks. Unlike prior approaches, DGPM autonomously uncovers significant graph motifs through an edge pooling module, aligning learned motif similarities with graph kernel-based similarities. A cross-matching task enables sophisticated node-motif interactions and novel representation learning. Extensive experiments on 15 datasets validate DGPM's effectiveness and generalizability, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in unsupervised representation learning and transfer learning settings. The autonomously discovered motifs demonstrate the potential of DGPM to enhance robustness and interpretability.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted by AAAI'2

    Goal-Oriented Prompt Attack and Safety Evaluation for LLMs

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) presents significant priority in text understanding and generation. However, LLMs suffer from the risk of generating harmful contents especially while being employed to applications. There are several black-box attack methods, such as Prompt Attack, which can change the behaviour of LLMs and induce LLMs to generate unexpected answers with harmful contents. Researchers are interested in Prompt Attack and Defense with LLMs, while there is no publicly available dataset with high successful attacking rate to evaluate the abilities of defending prompt attack. In this paper, we introduce a pipeline to construct high-quality prompt attack samples, along with a Chinese prompt attack dataset called CPAD. Our prompts aim to induce LLMs to generate unexpected outputs with several carefully designed prompt attack templates and widely concerned attacking contents. Different from previous datasets involving safety estimation, we construct the prompts considering three dimensions: contents, attacking methods and goals. Especially, the attacking goals indicate the behaviour expected after successfully attacking the LLMs, thus the responses can be easily evaluated and analysed. We run several popular Chinese LLMs on our dataset, and the results show that our prompts are significantly harmful to LLMs, with around 70% attack success rate to GPT-3.5. CPAD is publicly available at https://github.com/liuchengyuan123/CPAD

    Order-Disorder: Imitation Adversarial Attacks for Black-box Neural Ranking Models

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    Neural text ranking models have witnessed significant advancement and are increasingly being deployed in practice. Unfortunately, they also inherit adversarial vulnerabilities of general neural models, which have been detected but remain underexplored by prior studies. Moreover, the inherit adversarial vulnerabilities might be leveraged by blackhat SEO to defeat better-protected search engines. In this study, we propose an imitation adversarial attack on black-box neural passage ranking models. We first show that the target passage ranking model can be transparentized and imitated by enumerating critical queries/candidates and then train a ranking imitation model. Leveraging the ranking imitation model, we can elaborately manipulate the ranking results and transfer the manipulation attack to the target ranking model. For this purpose, we propose an innovative gradient-based attack method, empowered by the pairwise objective function, to generate adversarial triggers, which causes premeditated disorderliness with very few tokens. To equip the trigger camouflages, we add the next sentence prediction loss and the language model fluency constraint to the objective function. Experimental results on passage ranking demonstrate the effectiveness of the ranking imitation attack model and adversarial triggers against various SOTA neural ranking models. Furthermore, various mitigation analyses and human evaluation show the effectiveness of camouflages when facing potential mitigation approaches. To motivate other scholars to further investigate this novel and important problem, we make the experiment data and code publicly available.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ACM CCS 2022, Best Paper Nominatio