992 research outputs found

    Immunization decision-making in the Republic of Korea: The structure and functioning of the Korea Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

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    AbstractThe Korea Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (KACIP), established by law in the early 1990s, makes recommendations on a range of issues related to the National Immunization Program. The Committee consists of 15 members and always includes the two government officials who belong to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Korea Food and Drug Administration. Other members usually come from affiliated organizations and serve for 2-year terms. The KACIP depends on special-topics sub-committees or temporary advisory committees to gather and analyze data and to make recommendations which are normally reached by consensus and implemented by public sector health providers and private providers

    Ultrasound of the Urinary Bladder, Revisited

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    Urine-filled bladder can be evaluated easily with ultrasound, and bladder tumors are usually well shown at ultrasound. Although ultrasound is not a primary imaging modality for staging of bladder tumors, it can provide general information regarding depth of tumor invasion into the proper muscle or perivesical adipose tissue. Ultrasound is also useful in showing nonneoplastic lesions of the bladder, such as stone, cystitis, diverticulum and ureterocele. Color Doppler ultrasound can show vascularity of the tumor. It also shows urine flow from the ureteral orifice or through the diverticular neck. As compared with transabdominal ultrasound, transrectal ultrasound shows bladder lesions more markedly in the dorsal wall or neck of the bladder

    Exploration of New Electroacupuncture Needle Material

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    Background. Electro Acupuncture (EA) uses the acupuncture needle as an electrode to apply low-frequency stimulation. For its safe operation, it is essential to prevent any corrosion of the acupuncture needle. Objective. The aim of this study is to find an available material and determine the possibility of producing a standard EA needle that is biocompatible. Methods. Biocompatibility was tested by an MTT assay and cytotoxicity testing. Corrosion was observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) after 0.5 mA, 60 min stimulation. The straightness was measured using a gap length of 100 mm, and tensile testing was performed by imposing a maximum tensile load. Results. Phosphor bronze, Ni coated SS304, were deemed inappropriate materials because of mild-to-moderate cytotoxicity and corrosion. Ti-6Al-4V and SS316 showed no cytotoxicity or corrosion. Ti-6Al-4V has a 70 times higher cost and 2.5 times lower conductivity than SS316. The results of both straightness and tensile testing confirmed that SS316 can be manufactured as a standard product. Conclusion. As a result, we confirmed that SS316 can be used a new EA electrode material. We hope that a further study of the maximum capacity of low-frequency stimulation using an SS316 for safe operation

    Clinical Impact of Tumor Regression Grade after Preoperative Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Subset Analyses in Lymph Node Negative Patients

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the prognostic significance of tumor regression grade (TRG) after preoperative chemoradiation therapy (preop-CRT) for locally advanced rectal cancer especially in the patients without lymph node metastasis. METHODS: One-hundred seventy-eight patients who had cT3/4 tumors were given 5,040 cGy preoperative radiation with 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin chemotherapy. A total mesorectal excision was performed 4-6 weeks after preop-CRT. TRG was defined as follows: grade 1 as no cancer cells remaining; grade 2 as cancer cells outgrown by fibrosis; grade 3 as a minimal presence or absence of regression. The prognostic significance of TRG in comparison with histopathologic staging was analyzed. RESULTS: Seventeen patients (9.6%) showed TRG1. TRG was found to be significantly associated with cancer-specific survival (CSS; P = 0.001) and local recurrence (P = 0.039) in the univariate study, but not in the multivariate analysis. The ypN stage was the strongest prognostic factor in the multivariate analysis. Subgroup analysis revealed TRG to be an independent prognostic factor for the CSS of ypN0 patients (P = 0.031). TRG had a stronger impact on the CSS of ypN (-) patients (P = 0.002) than on that of ypN (+) patients (P = 0.521). In ypT2N0 and ypT3N0, CSS was better for TRG2 than for TRG3 (P = 0.041, P = 0.048), and in ypN (-) and TRG2 tumors, CSS was better for ypT1-2 than for ypT3-4 (P = 0.034). CONCLUSION: TRG was found to be the strongest prognostic factor in patients without lymph node metastasis (ypN0), and different survival was observed according to TRG among patients with a specific histopathologic stage. Thus, TRG may provide an accurate prediction of prognosis and may be used for f tailoring treatment for patients without lymph node metastasis.ope

    Dental students’ learning attitudes and perceptions of YouTube as a lecture video hosting platform in a flipped classroom in Korea

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to confirm the applicability of YouTube as a delivery platform of lecture videos for dental students and to assess their learning attitudes towards the flipped classroom model. Methods Learning experiences after using the YouTube platform to deliver preliminary video lectures in a flipped classroom were assessed by 69 second-year students (52 males, 17 females) at Dankook University College of Dentistry, Korea, who attended periodontology lectures during 2 consecutive semesters of the 2016 academic year. The instructor uploaded the lecture videos to YouTube before each class. At the end of the second semester, the students were surveyed using a questionnaire devised by the authors. Results Of the students, 53 (76.8%) always watched the lecture before the class, 48 (69.6%) used their smartphones, and 66 (95.7%) stated that they watched the lectures at home. The majority of the students replied that the video lectures were easier to understand than face to face lectures (82.6%) and that they would like to view the videos again after graduation (73.9%). Conclusion Our results indicate that YouTube is an applicable platform to deliver video lectures and to expose students to increased learning opportunities

    Decreased Angiotensin II -Stimulated Aldosterone Production, but Normal Inositol Phosphate Response in Adrenal Glomerulosa Cells from Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats: Role of lnsulin

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    Streptozotocin(SlZ)-induced diabetic rats develop hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism during the progression of diabetes mellitus. However,the nature and mechanism of aldosterone deficiency in diabetic rats still remain unclear and acute effects of insulin on aldosterone production in-vitro are not known. We evaluated the responses of aldosterone production to angiotensin 11 (AlI), potassium (K+), AClH and insulin in adrenal glomerulosa cells prepared from SlZ-induced diabetic rats with and without insulin treatment 2 weeks after diabetes induction. We also measured inositol phosphate<IP) levels in All-stimulated glomerulosa cells labeled with [3HI myoinositol using standardized anion exchange chromatography. Plasma renin activity and aldosterone level were not different among control rats,untreated and insulin-treated diabetic rats. Basal aldosterone production was similar in cells from the three groups. Cells from untreated diabetic rats showed a significant decrease in the maximal All (to-8M)-stimuiated aldosterone production and a tendency to be low in the maximal K+(8.7 mM)-stimulated aldosterone production, compared with control rats (3.2±2.2 \IS 7.7±2.4, P (0.05 and 4.8±1.8 \IS 8.0±3.2 ng/105 cells/hr, 0.05 (P (0.1, respectively). In contrast, there were no differences in All- and K+-stimulated aldosterone production between control and insulin-treated diabetic rats. AClH (to-8M), however, caused a similar effect on aldosterone production and insulin (I mU /ml for 1 hour) did not alter either basal or agonists-stimulated aldosterone production in cells from the three groups. All (to-8M)-induced IP formation among the three groups was similar and did not change with the addition of insulin u mU / ml), These results indicate that reduced response to All in the early phase of SlZ-induced diabetes in rats may be due to the zona glomerulosa dysfunction secondary to chronic lack of insulin and the main defect responsible for altered All effects may be located at some step(s) mediating All action downstream from IP formation

    Toxicological Study on MUNOPHIL, Water Extract of Panax ginseng and Hericium erinaceum in Rats

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    AbstractObjectiveAs data on the safety profile of Panax ginseng and Hericium erinaceum is lacking, the safety of these two compounds was examined in a series of toxicological studies.Materials and MethodsMUNOPHIL, the water extract mixture of Panax ginseng and Hericium erinaceum was tested in an oral subchronic 28-day toxicity study in rats at doses of 1250, 2500 and 5000 mg/kg/day.ResultsIn repeated dose toxicity studies, no mortality was observed when varying doses of the extracts were administered once daily for a period of 28 days. There were no significant differences in body weight, absolute and relative organ weights between controls and treated rats of both sexes. Hematological analysis showed no differences in most parameters examined. In the biochemistry parameter analysis, no significant change occurred. Pathologically, neither gross abnormalities nor his-topathological changes were observed. Therefore, MUNOPHIL appears to be safe and non-toxic in these studies and a no-observed adverse effect level in rats was established at 5000 mg/kg/day.ConclusionThe data could provide satisfactory preclinical evidence of safety to launch clinical trials on standardized formulation of plant extracts