84,359 research outputs found

    Gas-grain chemistry in cold interstellar cloud cores with a microscopic Monte Carlo approach to surface chemistry

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    AIM: We have recently developed a microscopic Monte Carlo approach to study surface chemistry on interstellar grains and the morphology of ice mantles. The method is designed to eliminate the problems inherent in the rate-equation formalism to surface chemistry. Here we report the first use of this method in a chemical model of cold interstellar cloud cores that includes both gas-phase and surface chemistry. The surface chemical network consists of a small number of diffusive reactions that can produce molecular oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, methanol and assorted radicals. METHOD: The simulation is started by running a gas-phase model including accretion onto grains but no surface chemistry or evaporation. The starting surface consists of either flat or rough olivine. We introduce the surface chemistry of the three species H, O and CO in an iterative manner using our stochastic technique. Under the conditions of the simulation, only atomic hydrogen can evaporate to a significant extent. Although it has little effect on other gas-phase species, the evaporation of atomic hydrogen changes its gas-phase abundance, which in turn changes the flux of atomic hydrogen onto grains. The effect on the surface chemistry is treated until convergence occurs. We neglect all non-thermal desorptive processes. RESULTS: We determine the mantle abundances of assorted molecules as a function of time through 2x10^5 yr. Our method also allows determination of the abundance of each molecule in specific monolayers. The mantle results can be compared with observations of water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methanol ices in the sources W33A and Elias 16. Other than a slight underproduction of mantle CO, our results are in very good agreement with observations.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to be published in A. &

    Fitting Precision Electroweak Data with Exotic Heavy Quarks

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    The 1999 precision electroweak data from LEP and SLC persist in showing some slight discrepancies from the assumed standard model, mostly regarding bb and cc quarks. We show how their mixing with exotic heavy quarks could result in a more consistent fit of all the data, including two unconventional interpretations of the top quark.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, 2 typos corrected, 1 reference update

    Z0Z_0 Boson Decays to Bc()B^{(*)}_c Meson and Its Uncertainties

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    The programming new e+ee^{+}e^- collider with high luminosity shall provide another useful platform to study the properties of the doubly heavy BcB_c meson in addition to the hadronic colliders as LHC and TEVATRON. Under the `New Trace Amplitude Approach', we calculate the production of the spin-singlet BcB_c and the spin-triplet BcB^*_c mesons through the Z0Z^0 boson decays, where uncertainties for the production are also discussed. Our results show Γ(1S0)=81.440.5+102.1\Gamma_{(^1S_0)}= 81.4^{+102.1}_{-40.5} KeV and Γ(3S1)=116.462.8+163.9\Gamma_{(^3S_1)}=116.4^{+163.9}_{-62.8} KeV, where the errors are caused by varying mbm_b and mcm_c within their reasonable regions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. To be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    The BcB_c Decays to PP-wave Charmonium by Improved Bethe-Salpeter Approach

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    We re-calculate the exclusive semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of BcB_c meson to a PP-wave charmonium in terms of the improved Bethe-Salpeter (B-S) approach, which is developed recently. Here the widths for the exclusive semileptonic and nonleptonic decays, the form factors, and the charged lepton spectrums for the semileptonic decays are precisely calculated. To test the concerned approach by comparing with experimental measurements when the experimental data are available, and to have comparisons with the other approaches the results obtained by the approach and those by some approaches else as well as the original B-S approach, which appeared in literature, are comparatively presented and discussed.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Production of the PP-Wave Excited BcB_c-States through the Z0Z^0 Boson Decays

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    In Ref.[7],we have dealt with the production of the two color-singlet SS-wave (cbˉ)(c\bar{b})-quarkonium states Bc((cbˉ)1[1S0]>)B_c(|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^1S_0]>) and Bc((cbˉ)1[3S1]>)B^*_c(|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^3S_1]>) through the Z0Z^0 boson decays. As an important sequential work, we make a further discussion on the production of the more complicated PP-wave excited (cbˉ)(c\bar{b})-quarkonium states, i.e. (cbˉ)1[1P1]>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^1P_1]> and (cbˉ)1[3PJ]>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^3P_J]> (with J=(1,2,3)J=(1,2,3)). More over, we also calculate the channel with the two color-octet quarkonium states (cbˉ)8[1S0]g>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 8}[^1S_0]g> and (cbˉ)8[3S1]g>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 8}[^3S_1]g>, whose contributions to the decay width maybe at the same order of magnitude as that of the color-singlet PP-wave states according to the naive nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics scaling rules. The PP-wave states shall provide sizable contributions to the BcB_c production, whose decay width is about 20% of the total decay width ΓZ0Bc\Gamma_{Z^0\to B_c}. After summing up all the mentioned (cbˉ)(c\bar{b})-quarkonium states' contributions, we obtain ΓZ0Bc=235.9122.0+352.8\Gamma_{Z^0\to B_c} =235.9^{+352.8}_{-122.0} KeV, where the errors are caused by the main uncertainty sources.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables. basic formulae in the appendix are cut off to match the published version, which can be found in v1. to be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    Shifting RbR_b with AFBbA^b_{FB}

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    Precision measurements at the ZZ resonance agree well with the standard model. However, there is still a hint of a discrepancy, not so much in RbR_b by itself (which has received a great deal of attention in the past several years) but in the forward-backward asymmetry AFBbA^b_{FB} together with RbR_b. The two are of course correlated. We explore the possibilty that these and other effects are due to the mixing of bLb_L and bRb_R with one or more heavy quarks.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Figure, LaTex fil

    The magnetic dipole transitions in the (cbˉ)(c\bar{b}) binding system

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    The magnetic dipole transitions between the vector mesons BcB_c^* and their relevant pseudoscalar mesons BcB_c (BcB_c, BcB_c^*, Bc(2S)B_c(2S), Bc(2S)B_c^*(2S), Bc(3S)B_c(3S) and Bc(3S)B_c^*(3S) etc, the binding states of (cbˉ)(c\bar{b}) system) of the BcB_c family are interesting. To see the `hyperfine' splitting due to spin-spin interaction is an important topic for understanding the spin-spin interaction and the spectrum of the the (cbˉ)(c\bar{b}) binding system. The knowledge about the magnetic dipole transitions is also very useful for identifying the vector boson BcB_c^* mesons experimentally, whose masses are just slightly above the masses of their relevant pseudoscalar mesons BcB_c accordingly. Considering the possibility to observe the vector mesons via the transitions at Z0Z^0 factory and the potentially usages of the theoretical estimate on the transitions, we fucus our efforts on calculating the magnetic dipole transitions, i.e. precisely to calculate the rates for the transitions such as decays BcBcγB_c^*\to B_c\gamma and BcBce+eB_c^*\to B_c e^+e^-, and particularly work in the Behte-Salpeter framework. In the estimate, as a typical example, we carefully investigate the dependance of the rate Γ(BcBcγ)\Gamma(B_c^*\to B_c\gamma) on the mass difference ΔM=MBcMBc\Delta M=M_{B_c^*}-M_{B_c} as well.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Computer model of catalytic combustion/Stirling engine heater head

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    The basic Acurex HET code was modified to analyze specific problems for Stirling engine heater head applications. Specifically, the code can model: an adiabatic catalytic monolith reactor, an externally cooled catalytic cylindrical reactor/flat plate reactor, a coannular tube radiatively cooled reactor, and a monolithic reactor radiating to upstream and downstream heat exchangers

    Hadronic Production of S-wave and P-wave Charmed Beauty Mesons via Heavy Quark Fragmentation

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    At hadron colliders the dominant production mechanism of (bˉc)(\bar bc) mesons with large transverse momentum is due to parton fragmentation. We compute the rates and transverse momentum spectra for production of S-wave and P-wave (bˉc)(\bar b c) mesons at the Tevatron via the direct fragmentation of the bottom antiquark as well as the Altarelli-Parisi induced gluon fragmentation. Since all the radially and orbitally excited (bˉc)(\bar b c) mesons below the BDBD flavor threshold will cascade into the pseudoscalar ground state BcB_c through electromagnetic and/or hadronic transitions, they all contribute to the inclusive production of BcB_c. The contributions of the excited S-wave and P-wave states to the inclusive production of BcB_c are 58 and 23\%, respectively, and hence significant.Comment: Changes are made in the Discussio