74,206 research outputs found

    An eco-solution for track & trace of goods and third party logistics

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    This paper presents a new economic cost-effective solution known as the Web and telephony based method for tracking and tracing of goods and small and medium sized third party logistic providers. Considering that these companies usually operate on very flat margins, a comparison is made of the available track and trace technologies like GPS, mobile phone approximated GPS and Java based cell tracking in terms of costs, operating risks, and other evaluation criteria

    Fitting Precision Electroweak Data with Exotic Heavy Quarks

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    The 1999 precision electroweak data from LEP and SLC persist in showing some slight discrepancies from the assumed standard model, mostly regarding bb and cc quarks. We show how their mixing with exotic heavy quarks could result in a more consistent fit of all the data, including two unconventional interpretations of the top quark.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, 2 typos corrected, 1 reference update

    Serum Biochemical Phenotypes in the Domestic Dog

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    The serum or plasma biochemical profile is essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of systemic disease in veterinary medicine, but current reference intervals typically take no account of breed-specific differences. Breed-specific hematological phenotypes have been documented in the domestic dog, but little has been published on serum biochemical phenotypes in this species. Serum biochemical profiles of dogs in which all measurements fell within the existing reference intervals were retrieved from a large veterinary database. Serum biochemical profiles from 3045 dogs were retrieved, of which 1495 had an accompanying normal glucose concentration. Sixty pure breeds plus a mixed breed control group were represented by at least 10 individuals. All analytes, except for sodium, chloride and glucose, showed variation with age. Total protein, globulin, potassium, chloride, creatinine, cholesterol, total bilirubin, ALT, CK, amylase, and lipase varied between sexes. Neutering status significantly impacted all analytes except albumin, sodium, calcium, urea, and glucose. Principal component analysis of serum biochemical data revealed 36 pure breeds with distinctive phenotypes. Furthermore, comparative analysis identified 23 breeds with significant differences from the mixed breed group in all biochemical analytes except urea and glucose. Eighteen breeds were identified by both principal component and comparative analysis. Tentative reference intervals were generated for breeds with a distinctive phenotype identified by comparative analysis and represented by at least 120 individuals. This is the first large-scale analysis of breed-specific serum biochemical phenotypes in the domestic dog and highlights potential genetic components of biochemical traits in this species

    Spectrum for Heavy Quankonia and Mixture of the Relevant Wave Functions within the Framework of Bethe-Salpeter Equation

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    Considering the fact that some excited states of the heavy quarkonia (charmonium and bottomonium) still missing in experimental observations and potential applications of the relevant wave functions of the bound states, we re-analyze the spectrum and the relevant wave functions of the heavy quarkonia within the framework of Bethe-Salpeter (B.S.) equation with a proper QCD-inspired kernel. Such a kernel for the heavy quarkonia, relating to potential of non-relativistic quark model, is instantaneous, so we call the corresponding B.S. equation as BS-In equation throughout the paper. Particularly, a new way to solve the B.S. equation, which is different from the traditional ones, is proposed here, and with it not only the known spectrum for the heavy quarkonia is re-generated, but also an important issue is brought in, i.e., the obtained solutions of the equation `automatically' include the 'fine', 'hyperfine' splittings and the wave function mixture, such as S−DS-D wave mixing in JPC=1−−J^{PC}=1^{--} states, P−FP-F wave mixing in JPC=2++J^{PC}=2^{++} states for charmonium and bottomonium etc. It is pointed out that the best place to test the wave mixture probably is at ZZ-factory (e+e−e^+e^- collider running at ZZ-boson pole with extremely high luminosity).Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Testing a new luminosity/redshift indicator for γ\gamma-ray bursts

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    We have tested a relative spectral lag (RSL) method suggested earlier as a luminosity/redshift (or distance) estimator, using the generalized method by Schaefer & Collazzi. We find the derivations from the luminosity/redshift-RSL (L/R-RSL) relation are comparable with the corresponding observations. Applying the luminosity-RSL relation to two different GRB samples, we find that there exist no violators from the generalized test, namely the Nakar & Piran test and Li test. We also find that about 36 per cent of Schaefer's sample are outliers for the L/R-RSL relation within 1σ\sigma confidence level, but no violators at 3σ\sigma level within the current precision of L/R-RSL relation. An analysis of several potential outliers for other luminosity relations shows they can match the L/R-RSL relation well within an acceptable uncertainty. All the coincident results seem to suggest that this relation could be a potential tool for cosmological study.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures and 1 table; Comments are welcom

    A statistical technique for determining rainfall over land employing Nimbus-6 ESMR measurements

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    An empirical method was employed to delineate synoptic scale rainfall over land utilizing Nimbus-6 ESMR measurements

    Subradiant states of quantum bits coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide

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    The properties of coupled emitters can differ dramatically from those of their individual constituents. Canonical examples include sub- and super-radiance, wherein the decay rate of a collective excitation is reduced or enhanced due to correlated interactions with the environment. Here, we systematically study the properties of collective excitations for regularly spaced arrays of quantum emitters coupled to a one-dimensional (1D) waveguide. We find that, for low excitation numbers, the modal properties are well-characterized by spin waves with a definite wavevector. Moreover, the decay rate of the most subradiant modes obeys a universal scaling with a cubic suppression in the number of emitters. Multi-excitation subradiant eigenstates can be built from fermionic combinations of single excitation eigenstates; such "fermionization" results in multiple excitations that spatially repel one another. We put forward a method to efficiently create and measure such subradiant states, which can be realized with superconducting qubits. These measurement protocols probe both real-space correlations (using on-site dispersive readout) and temporal correlations in the emitted field (using photon correlation techniques).Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    A New Class of Solutions to the Strong CP Problem with a Small Two-Loop theta

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    We present a new class of models which produce zero theta (QCD} angle at the tree and one-loop level due to hermiticity of sub-blocks in the extended quark mass matrices. The structure can be maintained typically by non-abelian generation symmetry. Two examples are given for this class of solutions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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