261 research outputs found

    Anomalous spin Hall effects in Dresselhaus (110) quantum wells

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    Anomalous spin Hall effects that belong to the intrinsic type in Dresselhaus (110) quantum wells are discussed. For the out-of-plane spin component, antisymmetric current-induced spin polarization induces opposite spin Hall accumulation, even though there is no spin-orbit force due to Dresselhaus (110) coupling. A surprising feature of this spin Hall induction is that the spin accumulation sign does not change upon bias reversal. Contribution to the spin Hall accumulation from the spin Hall induction and the spin deviation due to intrinsic spin-orbit force as well as extrinsic spin scattering, can be straightforwardly distinguished simply by reversing the bias. For the inplane component, inclusion of a weak Rashba coupling leads to a new type of SyS_y intrinsic spin Hall effect solely due to spin-orbit-force-driven spin separation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Non-Abelian spin-orbit gauge: Persistent spin helix and quantum square ring

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    We re-express the Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions as non-Abelian spin-orbit gauges and provide a new perspective in understanding the persistent spin helix [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 236601 (2006)]. A spin-orbit interacting system can be transformed into a free electron gas in the equal-strength Rashba-Dresselhaus [001] linear model, the Dresselhaus [110] linear model, and a one-dimensional system. A general tight-binding Hamiltonian for non-uniform spin-orbit interactions and hoppings along arbitrary directions, within the framework of finite difference method, is obtained. As an application based on this Hamiltonian, a quantum square ring in contact with two ideal leads is found to exhibit four states, insulating, spin-filtering, spin-flipping, and spin-keeping states.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Microwave-driven ferromagnet--topological-insulator heterostructures: The prospect for giant spin battery effect and quantized charge pump devices

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    We study heterostructures where a two-dimensional topological insulator (TI) is attached to two normal metal (NM) electrodes while an island of a ferromagnetic insulator (FI) with precessing magnetization covers a portion of its lateral edges to induce time-dependent exchange field underneath via the magnetic proximity effect. When the FI island covers both lateral edges, such device pumps pure spin current in the absence of any bias voltage, thereby acting as an efficient spin battery with giant output current even at very small microwave power input driving the precession. When only one lateral edge is covered by the FI island, both charge and spin current are pumped into the NM electrodes. We delineate conditions for the corresponding conductances (current-to-microwave-frequency ratio) to be quantized in a wide interval of precession cone angles, which is robust with respect to weak disorder and can be further extended by changes in device geometry.Comment: 7 pages, 7 color figures, PDFLaTe

    Rashba Spin Interferometer

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    A spin interferometer utilizing the Rashba effect is proposed. The novel design is composed of a one-dimensional (1D) straight wire and a 1D half-ring. By calculating the norm of the superposed wave function, we derive analytical expressions to describe the spin interference spectrum as a function of the Rashba coupling strength. Presented spin interference results are identified to include (i) the quantum-mechanical 4pi rotation effect, (ii) geometric effect, and (iii) Shubnikov-de Haas-like beating effect.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, appears in the proceedings of the 10th Joint MMM/Intermag Conferenc
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