15,540 research outputs found

    Frankenstein’s migratory subject : Under the dome and Formosa vs. Formosa

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    On two paradigms of legal theory and their relationship

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    H. L. A. Hart thought that a theory of law can be purely descriptive and called his theory a “descriptive sociology”. One of his great contributions to modern legal theory is his emphasis on the internal aspect of social rules. According to him, a theory of law can be built on the basis of the description of the participants’ view without sharing with it. This descriptivism is totally rejected by Dworkin, who propagates a theory that denies a sharp separation between a legal theory and its implications for adjudication. For Dworkin, a legal theory is only possible as a theory with “the internal, participants’ point of view”. Dworkin’s position implies a radicalization of legal theory that will transform the statement of an external point of view to that of an internal one. For Dworkin, the descriptivism bases on the sociological concept of law, which is an “imprecise criterial concept” and is “not sufficiently precise to yield philosophically interesting essential features.”Hart’s position is vulnerable because it takes an impure form of descriptivism that still draws a categorical distinction between fact and norm. This theoretical impurity results from the ambiguity of interpreting the internal aspect of rules. A strategy to rescue the Hart’s project is to radicalize his descriptivism with Luhmann's systems theory. Adapting the systems theoretical distinction between internal and external observation of law with all its implications for the explanation of the legal system and legal communications, Hart’s descriptivism finally attains its pure form, which is not only a distinctive paradigm of legal theory, but also possesses the potentialities to clarify its relationship to the legal theory based on the internal aspect of law

    The role of radiation-dynamics interaction in regional numerical weather prediction

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    The role of radiation-dynamics interaction in regional numerical weather prediction of severe storm environment and mesoscale convective systems over the United States is researched. Based upon the earlier numerical model simulation experiments, it is believed that such interaction can have a profound impact on the dynamics and thermodynamics of regional weather systems. The research will be carried out using real-data model forecast experiments performed on the Cray-X/MP computer. The forecasting system to be used is a comprehensive mesoscale prediction system which includes analysis and initialization, the dynamic model, and the post-forecast diagnosis codes. The model physics are currently undergoing many improvements in parameterizing radiation processes in the model atmosphere. The forecast experiments in conjunction with in-depth model verification and diagnosis are aimed at a quantitative understanding of the interaction between atmospheric radiation and regional dynamical processes in mesoscale models as well as in nature. Thus, significant advances in regional numerical weather prediction can be made. Results shall also provide valuable information for observational designs in the area of remote sensing techniques to study the characteristics of air-land thermal interaction and moist processes under various atmospheric conditions

    A PBL-radiation model for application to regional numerical weather prediction

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    Often in the short-range limited-area numerical weather prediction (NWP) of extratropical weather systems the effects of planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes are considered secondarily important. However, it may not be the case for the regional NWP of mesoscale convective systems over the arid and semi-arid highlands of the southwestern and south-central United States in late spring and summer. Over these dry regions, the PBL can grow quite high up into the lower middle troposphere (600 mb) due to very effective solar heating and hence a vigorous air-land thermal interaction can occur. The interaction representing a major heat source for regional dynamical systems can not be ignored. A one-dimensional PBL-radiation model was developed. The model PBL consists of a constant-flux surface layer superposed with a well-mixed (Ekman) layer. The vertical eddy mixing coefficients for heat and momentum in the surface layer are determined according to the surface similarity theory, while their vertical profiles in the Ekman layer are specified with a cubic polynomial. Prognostic equations are used for predicting the height of the nonneutral PBL. The atmospheric radiation is parameterized to define the surface heat source/sink for the growth and decay of the PBL. A series of real-data numerical experiments has been carried out to obtain a physical understanding how the model performs under various atmospheric and surface conditions. This one-dimensional model will eventually be incorporated into a mesoscale prediction system. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve the NWP of mesoscale convective storms over land

    Lepton Flavor Violating Decays of Neutral Higgses in Extended Mirror Fermion Model

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    We perform the one-loop induced charged lepton flavor violating decays of the neutral Higgses in an extended mirror fermion model with non-sterile electroweak-scale right-handed neutrinos and a horizontal A4A_4 symmetry in the lepton sector. We demonstrate that for the 125 GeV scalar hh there is tension between the recent LHC result B(hτμ){\cal B}(h \to \tau \mu) \sim 1% and the stringent limits on the rare processes μeγ\mu \to e \gamma and τ(μ\tau \to (\mu or e)γe) \gamma from low energy experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. Added some of referenc

    Symmetry breaking and electrostatic attraction between two identical surfaces

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    By allowing the surface charge of one surface to affect the adsorption equilibrium of the other, we establish the existence of a long-range attractive interaction between two identical surfaces in an electrolyte containing polyvalent counterions with a mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann approach. A Stern electrostatic condition from linearization of the mass-action adsorption isotherm is used to capture how polyvalent ion condensation affects and reverses the surface charge. We furthermore establish a direct mapping between this Stern-layer condition and previously derived modified mean-field formulations associated with correlated fluctuations theory. For a sufficiently potential-sensitive isotherm, antisymmetric charge inversion can occur to produce an attractive force that increases with decreasing ionic strengths. Analyses of a mass-action isotherm produce force-separation relations, including an exponential far-field force decay distinct but consistent with previously proposed correlated fluctuation theories and in quantitative agreement with experimental data

    Flavor Changing Neutral Currents in the Asymmetric Left-Right Gauge Model

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    In the SU(3)C×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)(BL)/2SU(3)_C \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{(B-L)/2} extension of the standard model, a minimal (but asymmetric) scalar sector consists of one SU(2)R×U(1)(BL)/2SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{(B-L)/2} doublet and one SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R bidoublet. Previous and recent studies have shown that this choice is useful for understanding neutrino mass as well as dark matter. The constraints from flavor changing neutral currents mediated by the scalar sector are discussed in the context of the latest experimental data