2 research outputs found

    The Effect of Inlet Temperature and Pressure on the Efficiency of a Single-stage Impulse Turbine Having a 13.2-inch Pitch-line Diameter Wheel

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    Efficiency tests have been conducted on a single-stage impulse turbine having a 13.2-inch pitch-line diameter wheel and a cast nozzle diaphram over a range of turbine speeds from 3000 to 17,000 rpm, pressure ratios from 1.5 to 5.0, inlet total temperatures from 1200 deg to 2000 deg R, and inlet total pressures from 18 to 59 inches of mercury absolute. The effect of inlet temperature and pressure on turbine efficiency for constant pressure ration and blade-to-jet speed ration is correlated against a factor derived from the equation for Reynolds number. The degree of correlation indicates that the change in turbine efficiency with inlet temperature and [ressure for constant pressure ration and blade-to-jet speed ration is principally a Reynolds number effect