39 research outputs found

    Personality factors influencing the adoption of shrimp culture technologies

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    Shrimp farming has emerged as sunrise sector in the aquaculture scenario of India. The present study revealed that personality characreristics such as social participation, information seeking behaviour; marketing behaviour, annual income, economic motivation and farm size together explained the largest per cent of the total variance on the overall extent of adoption of technologies by Shrimp farmers. The second level of influential variables on the extent of adoption were type of ownership and family size. The other factors on order of level of influence were socio-psychological, material and socio-personal factors

    Effectiveness of expert system on knowledge retention

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    Artificial intelligence based computer programmes called Expert System has received a great deal of attention throughout the world, due to its impressive problem solving capability in a variety of fields. For the present study, an expert system named as RUBEXS-04 was designed to simulate the pest and disease diagnosing behaviour

    Perception of attributes of shrimp farming technologies by shrimp farmers

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    During the last decade, shrimp aquaculture has become a major sector of fish farming in terms of space occupied and of inarket value. In India, commercial shrimp farming ,tan ed gaining roots oflly during the mid eighties. The boom period of commercial scale shrimp culture in India started in 1990 and the bust came in 1995-96, with the outbreak of viral disease

    Relationship between profile characteristics and knowledge gained

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    Indian Agriculture has made impressive strides in the development of new plant varieties, cultivars; hybrids and production and standardization of plant protection techniques

    Information utilization behaviour and constraint analysis among shrimp farmers

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    Information utilization behaviour and constraint analysis among 60 selected Slzrimp farmers of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh was studied. The findings of the study revealed that private consultants followed by feed technicians were the most important sources of information utilized by 76.67 per cent and 71.67 per cent of Shrimp farmers. Among constraints, disease incidence, poor quality of seeds and lack of quality control agencies were expressed by 81.67, 63.33 and 65.00 per cent of the respondents. Among the suggestions offered by the Shrimp farmers, setting up of disease diagnostic centers, seed certifying agencies and quality con trol agencies for regulating the quality of chemicals accoreded top priority

    Issues and prospects National Agricultural Extension Policy

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    IndiaтАЩs National Agricultural Policy described as the first of its kind was approved by the union cabinet on July 25th 2000

    A study on the knowledge gain related to skills, knowledge retention and symbolic adoption using expert system among rubber growers

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    Artificial intelligence based computer programmes called Expert System has received a great deal of attention throughout the world, due to its impressive problem solving capability in a variety of fields. For the present study, an Expert system RUBEXS-04 was designed to simulate the pest and disease diagnosing behaviour of human expert in rubber trees

    A study on the yield gap analysis in paddy, in the Erode district of Tamil Nadu

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    Rice is the most important food crop for the two thirds of the Indian population. During the period 1950-51 to 2001-02, the area has increased by one and a halt times (31.0 million hectares to 44.6 million hectares), productivity by three times (668Kgha lo 2086 Kg/ha) and production by four and a half times (20.58 million tons to 90 million

    Factors influencing the extent of adoption of shrimp culture technologies

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    Fisheries sector occupying a unique status in India as it provides employment, food and nutritional security and foreign exchange. Shrimp farming is an integral activity of the fisheries sector. Shrimp culture on commercial scale begun very recently in India. Among the various factors which determines the adoption of shrimp farming governmental policies and market in wake of post WTO era is most important. Some of the environmental issues are also associated with the shrimp farming. So the present study is an attempt to study the policies responsible for adoption of shrimp culture in the Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. The study showed that the legal and environmental policies influenced the adoption of shrimp culture technologies

    Diffusion of scientific shrimp farming through various stages of the adoption period

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    Commercial shrimp culture has become to the mainstay of the coastal economy of India. The present study was undertaken among 120 shrimp farmers from the two predominant shrimp farming districts of the country. The aim of the study was to find out the various stages of diffusion of scientific shrimp farming through various stages of the adoption from 1997-2003, as well as to study the present adoption behavior of the shrimp farmers. Using a structured interview schedule each of the respondent was inter-viewed to know his stage of adoption of scientific shrimp farming in each of the year ranging from 1997 to 2003. The number of respondents in each stage of adoption in each of these years was worked out and ex-pressed as percentages. The present adoption behaviour of the shrimp farmers was studied using the adop-tion quotient formula. The study revealed that the symbolic adoption and use adoption was high in the years 2002 and 2003 when more of the critical technologies of health and water management were devel-oped and transferred to the target population. Practice wise adoption of the technologies revealed that the adoption behaviour was high in harvesting, pond bottom conditioning, pond bottom sterilization, liming of pond and feed management