11,150 research outputs found

    Data Security Design Health System Using Cryptographic Smartcard

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    Person's medical record information is one factor that determines the quality of serviceprovided by central health care services to patients and, therefore, this medical recordinformation should always be there when needed. Confidentiality of medical recordinformation is very important because this information to explain the special relationshipbetween patient and physician, which must be protected from leakage according to the codeof medical ethics and the applicable legislation.Smart card technology (smartcard) offers convenience and security of data storage because ofthe mechanism for data encryption before the data is stored in memory, and the pin (secretcode) that maintain such data in order not to be read by unauthorized parties. Smartcard canalso be easily carried so as to ensure the availability of data whenever needed

    Analisa Perbandingan Kuat Sinyal antara Operator Hutchison, Indosat, Telkomsel, dan Xl Axiata dengan Menggunakan Software RF Signal Tracker di Area Jalan Protokol Pekanbaru

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    Cell phones have become a major part of the society in daily life - today. The use of mobile phones has spread in every community, rural and urban. SingTel, Hutchison, Comindo Axiataand Indosat are some operators cellular telecommunications network that use UMTS and HSDPA technology. The parameters that determine the power level and the quality of the signal strenght of each operator is known as RxLevel (the Receptiom Level) for GSM and the RSCP (Received Signal Code Power) in order to WCDMA. One of methods for analyzing to measure that parameters is a drive test which use rf signal tracker software. This research will compare a drive test method with simulation method, where the simulation using radio mobile software. The location of this research is in some protocol streets on Pekanbaru, such as Cut Nyak Dien Street, Jend. Ahmad Yani Street, Ir. H. Juanda Street, Gajah Mada Street, Diponegoro Street and Jend. Sudirman Street. The result shows that Telkomsel has the best signal strength in protocol streets on Pekanbaru with -63.082 dBm, followed by XL Axiata with -68.187 dBm, then Hutchison with -75.082 dBm. The lowest signal strenght is operator Indosat with the value -86.411 dBm

    Perancangan Aplikasi Navigasi Peta dengan Engenalan Suara Menggunakan Pendekatan Agile Process dengan Model Extreme Programming Berbasis Android

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    Sebuah peta dalam bentuk kertas dapat memberikan informasi mengenai lokasi yang dituju seseorang. Namun seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, peta kertas mulai tergantikan oleh peta dalam format digital. Tidak seperti pada peta kertas yangdapat terlipat, memuai atau sobek ketika disimpan, peta digital dapat dikembalikan ke bentuk asalnya kapanpun tanpaada penurunan kualitas. Selain itu, peta digital lebih mudah diperbaharui. Penyuntingan untuk keperluan Perubahan data atauperubahan sistem koordinat misalnya, dapat lebih mudah dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak tertentu. Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini yang sangatlah pesat sehingga penerapan teknologi informasi dapat dimanfaatkan pada kehidupan manusia. Salah satu teknologi Sistem Operasi yang berkembang pesat saat ini adalah Android. Sistem operasi Android adalah sistem operasi berbasis Linux untuk smartphone yang menyediakan platformterbuka bagi para pengembang untuk menciptakan suatu aplikasi. Extreme Programming merupakan salah satu model yang ada dalam pendekatan Agile Process (pengembanganperangkat lunak jangka pendek). Extreme Programming mencoba meningkatkan efisiensi dan fleksibilitas melalui berbagaiprinsip dan teknik praktis pengembangan perangkat lunak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penulis mencoba membuat aplikasinavigasi dan informasi peta menggunakan pengenalan suara melalui model Extreme Programming. Aplikasi inidiharapkan dapat membantu mempermudah pengguna dalam melakukan pencarian lokasi dan rute dari suatu tempat ketempat lain yang ingin dituju dan dapat diakses melalui ponsel atau tablet berbasis Android

    Telecommunications Network Through Signal Injection Power "Power Line Communication" Network Connection Internet as an Alternative

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    The flow of electric current in a sinusoidal wave form apparently can be used for voice communication and data signals known as Powerline Communications (PLC). How is the concept?, In sederana this analogy that the electrical current can flow like water to generate waves and sea foam. Is the current wave, while the foam form of noise. Noise is utilized by the PLC technology to deliver voice and data signals. Internet presence by some of our communities is a means of communication are quite expensive, so use only a limited circle only. One reason can we say, access the Internet through a telephone line which is very slow, it raises the amount of money should we spend. What's the solution? the answer is Digital Power Line technology
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