21 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Uterine Biophysical Profile and to Assess its Role in Predicting Conception among Unexplained Primary Infertility Patients

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    Introduction: Infertility is a devastating disease which affects its victims at a very basic level the ability to reproduce. This can be divisive to the couples involved, their relatives and friends. The influence of infertility can be immense. There are a lot of medical and social consequences of infertility and the psychological sequelae are one of them. Affected patients and their families suffer from loss of esteem, disappointment and depression. Considering the immense effect of infertility on the life of not only the affected couples but also on their families and relatives the present study was conducted with following objective. Objective: To evaluate the Uterine Biophysical Profile and to assess its role in predicting the conception outcome in spontaneous cycles in patients with unexplained primary infertility. Material &Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Saifaion 55 women with unexplained primary infertility after standard diagnostic work up. Ultrasound (TVS) measurement of all patients was performed in their midcycle of spontaneous cycle. The Uterine Biophysical Profile (UBP) i.e. certain sonographic qualities of the uterus were noted during the normal mid-cycle of these patients. These included 7 parameters: Endometrial thickness in greatest AP dimension of 7 mm or greater (full-thickness measurement), a layered ("5 line") appearance to the endometrium, myometrial contractions causing a wave like motion of the endometrium, homogeneous myometrial echogenicity, uterine artery blood flow (as measured by PI, less than 3.0), blood flow within zone 3 using color doppler technique, myometrial blood flow seen on gray-scale examination. The Uterine Scoring System for Reproduction ("USSR") was used to evaluate the total score. Results: Among 55 unexplained primary infertility patients 24 i.e. 43.63% conceived by serial ultrasonographic monitoring of spontaneous menstrual cycle and timed intercourse. According to USSR, with a ‘perfect score’ of 20, there was 80% conception rate. While 9 /15 patients (i.e 60%) conceived with a score of 17-19.  With a score of 14-16, 10/23 patients conceived i.e. 43.37%.  Only 8.33% conception rate was seen with a low score of < or = 13.  Highest pregnancy rate (60%) was seen with an endometrial thickness of 7-9mm while zone IV endometrial blood flow gave maximum conception rate of 66.66%. Conclusion: UBP can prove to be a simple, reliable, reproducible, rapid and non-invasive tool to predict uterine environment and hence conception outcome

    The correlation between colposcopy, cervical cytology and histopathology in the diagnosis and management of cervical lesions: a cross sectional study

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    Background: The study was undertaken to see the correlation between cervical cytology, histopathology and colposcopy in the diagnosis and management of various cervical lesions.Methods: It is a cross sectional study conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai, in the department of obstetrics and gynecology from February 2007 to March 2008. A total 55 sexually active women were enrolled for the study who belonged to age group greater than 20 years with history of chronic leucorrhoea or post-coital bleeding/spotting, intermenstrual bleeding/spotting or examination findings of erosion, an unhealthy cervix, a lesion bleeding on touch or an abnormal or suspicious Papanicolaou smear. These women then underwent cytology, colposcopy and cervical biopsy.Results: The accuracy of cytology when compared to colposcopy was 81.82%. The accuracy of colpo-histopathology was 83.6%. The combined accuracy was 76.36%.Conclusions: The simultaneous use of cytological studies and screening colposcopy has been shown to increase the cervical cancer detection. Colposcopy offers an excellent tool in the hands of a gynaecologist to evaluate the uterine cervix and it is not possible to develop this kind of perspective by any other method


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the total phenolic and flavonoid content and the antioxidant property of two important seagrass species namely, Halophila ovalis and Halophila beccarii occurring in Chilika lagoon, Odisha, India. Methods: Total Phenolic Content (TPC) of the extracts of Halophila species was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method with little modifications and the total flavonoid content (TFC) was measured by aluminum chloride colorimetric assay. The antioxidant activity of different extracts was investigated by DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity. IC50 values were calculated for the DPPH and ABTS methods. Result: The study revealed that the methanol extract of H. ovalis has greater antioxidant activity than H. beccarii. Methanol extract of both the species (H. ovalis and H. beccarii) was found to possess high phenolic content at value of 70.25 mg GAE/g of extract and 48.53 mg GAE/g of extract respectively. Similarly flavonoid contents was found highest in methanol extract for both H. ovalis (76.82 mg quercetin equivalent/ g of extract) and H. beccarii (64.28 mg quercetin equivalent/ g of extract). The antioxidant activity of different extracts of these two species were evaluated using DPPH and ABTS radical assay. The methanol extract of both H. ovalis and H. beccarii showed high radical scavenging activity with IC50 values of 37.77 μg/ml and 52.25 μg/ml for DPPH and 25.62 μg/ml and 45.45 μg/ml for ABTS respectively. Conclusion: The study revealed the potential of the Halophila species as natural sources of antioxidants having considerable commercial importance

    Performance Evaluation of Waste Materials for the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage to Remove Heavy Metals and Sulfate

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    Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is the most severe environmental problem facing the mining sector in the current scenario because of low pH and high pollutants concentration. AMD contains a high amount of sulphate viz. pyrite, FeS2, and to a lesser extent pyrrhotite and heavy metal ions, contaminate both surface water and groundwater. To treat AMD, extensive research projects have been initiated by governments, the mining industry, universities, and research establishments. The environmental impact of AMD can be minimized at these basic levels; prevention should be taken to control the infiltration of groundwater to the pollution site and control the acid-generating process. There are some conventional active methods to treat AMD, such as compost reactor and packed bed iron-oxidation bioreactors; however, these methods have associated with costly material and high maintenance cost, which increases the cost of the entire treatment. In an alternative, the use of low-cost materials such as fly ash, metallurgical slag, zero-valent iron (ZVI), cement kiln dust (CKD), and organic waste such as peat humic agent (PHA), rice husk, and eggshell can be a valuable measure for economic viability to treat the metal-rich wastewater

    A Comparative and Evaluative Study of Two Cytological Grading Systems in Breast Carcinoma with Histological Grading: An Important Prognostic Factor

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    Objective. Cytonuclear gradings in the breast carcinoma raise the level of FNA reportage and improves patient management. Our aim was to evaluate and compare two cytological grading methods (Robinson’s and Mouriquand’s) in breast carcinoma and correlate it with Nottingham modification of Scarff-Bloom-Richardson (SBR) histological grading. Materials and Methods. 30 cytologically proven cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma were graded cytologically and histologically. Cytograding was done by Robinson’s and Mouriquand’s methods (grades I to III) followed by comparison of the two methods. Cytogradings were correlated with SBR grading method. Sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic accuracy, and concordance and discordance rates were evaluated. Results. An overall concordance of 76.66% between cytogradings, of 83.33% between Robinson’s method and SBR, and of 66.66% between Mouriquand’s method and SBR was seen. Robinson’s method correlated best with SBR in all the three nuclear grades. Robinson’s method showed a diagnostic accuracy of 90% with 91.30% sensitivity while Mouriquand’s method had an accuracy of 76.66% with 95.65% sensitivity. The specificity by Mouriquand’s method was quite low (14.28%) as compared to Robinson’s method (85.71%). Conclusion. Comprehensive cytological grading of breast cancer by Robinson’s method seems better because of more objective set of criteria, easy reproducibility, and specificity

    Evaluation of Uterine Biophysical Profile and to Assess its Role in Predicting Conception among Unexplained Primary Infertility Patients

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    Introduction: Infertility is a devastating disease which affects its victims at a very basic level the ability to reproduce. This can be divisive to the couples involved, their relatives and friends. The influence of infertility can be immense. There are a lot of medical and social consequences of infertility and the psychological sequelae are one of them. Affected patients and their families suffer from loss of esteem, disappointment and depression. Considering the immense effect of infertility on the life of not only the affected couples but also on their families and relatives the present study was conducted with following objective. Objective: To evaluate the Uterine Biophysical Profile and to assess its role in predicting the conception outcome in spontaneous cycles in patients with unexplained primary infertility. Material &Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Saifaion 55 women with unexplained primary infertility after standard diagnostic work up. Ultrasound (TVS) measurement of all patients was performed in their midcycle of spontaneous cycle. The Uterine Biophysical Profile (UBP) i.e. certain sonographic qualities of the uterus were noted during the normal mid-cycle of these patients. These included 7 parameters: Endometrial thickness in greatest AP dimension of 7 mm or greater (full-thickness measurement), a layered ("5 line") appearance to the endometrium, myometrial contractions causing a wave like motion of the endometrium, homogeneous myometrial echogenicity, uterine artery blood flow (as measured by PI, less than 3.0), blood flow within zone 3 using color doppler technique, myometrial blood flow seen on gray-scale examination. The Uterine Scoring System for Reproduction ("USSR") was used to evaluate the total score. Results: Among 55 unexplained primary infertility patients 24 i.e. 43.63% conceived by serial ultrasonographic monitoring of spontaneous menstrual cycle and timed intercourse. According to USSR, with a ‘perfect score’ of 20, there was 80% conception rate. While 9 /15 patients (i.e 60%) conceived with a score of 17-19.  With a score of 14-16, 10/23 patients conceived i.e. 43.37%.  Only 8.33% conception rate was seen with a low score of < or = 13.  Highest pregnancy rate (60%) was seen with an endometrial thickness of 7-9mm while zone IV endometrial blood flow gave maximum conception rate of 66.66%. Conclusion: UBP can prove to be a simple, reliable, reproducible, rapid and non-invasive tool to predict uterine environment and hence conception outcome

    Usefulness of fine-needle aspiration in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions: an institutional experience of 340 patients

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    Objective: To evaluate the results of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis, its correlation with histology, to highlight its limitations and diagnostic pitfalls as well as the impact of FNAC on the decreased rate of surgery in clinically suspect thyroid lesions.Study design: FNAC was performed on 340 patients with thyroid enlargement over a period of six years. The cytological results were correlated with clinical features, thyroid function tests and histopathological examination.Results: Among non- neoplastic group, the most frequently encountered lesion was colloid goiter in 231 (67.94%) cases followed by thyroiditis in 68 (20%) cases, five (1.47%) adenomatous goiter and four (1.17%) thyroglossal cysts. Among the neoplasticgroup, twelve (3.52%) cases were reported as follicular neoplasm, seven (2.05%) cases as Hürthle cell neoplasm and four (1.17%) as malignant tumors. The cytological and histological concordance was determined. A false positive cytologic diagnosis of neoplasms was made in five cases. Presence of Hürthle cell metaplasia, hyperplastic nodules and papillary hyperplasia were responsible for the false positive diagnoses. For the entire series, the false negative rate was 8.57% and the false positive rate was 7.14%. FNA revealed a sensitivity of 62.5%, a specificity of 90.74%, a positive predictive value of 66.66% and a negative predictive value of 89.09%.Conclusion: FNAC is thus an accurate, cost- effective, minimally invasive and reliable diagnostic tool for assessment of patients with thyroid lesions and their management.

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    Not AvailableFingerling rearing of pengba, Osteobrama belangeri, was conducted at varied densi-ties for 90 days in 12 outdoor concrete tanks (10 m × 5 m × 1 m). The tanks, grouped into four triplicated treatments, were stocked with fry at 20, 30, 40 and 50 fry m-3; and designated as control, T-1, T-2 and T-3 respectively. Tanks were filled up to 90 cm depth. Evaporation loss compensated fortnightly. Fish sampling and monitoring of water quality parameters done at fortnight intervals. Survival varied between 71.5% and 84.0% in treatments. Both survival and total length significantly reduced with increasing densities from control to T-2 (p .05). Similarly, significant reductions in final body weight and specific growth rate were observed with increased densities and these values further reduced in T-3 than T-2 (p < .05). Such results corroborated the inverse relationship between stocking density and growth. Gross biomass yields in two higher densities (T-2 and T-3), despite their lower survivals, were significantly higher than the two lower densities. The numbers of fingerlings harvested were 35, 74 and 112% higher than the control in T-1, T-2 and T-3 respectively. The lowest size obtained even at the highest density (T-3) was of 7.0 ± 1.0 cm and 3.99 ± 0.17 g, which can be considered as ideal grow-out stocking size of pengba. Therefore, the study showed feasibility of stocking up to 50 fry m-3 for rearing from fry to fingerling stage. However, the other lower densities may be used in case of requirement of larger fingerlings.Not Availabl


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    Background: Extra pulmonary tuberculosis is increasing day by day. Even it has reversed the epidemiological trend of pulmonary tuberculosis. Over the last several years reported EPTB was increasing in absolute numbers and in proportion of all reported cases of tuberculosis, however similar studies from high burden Etawah district with high prevalence of HIV are lacking .Therefore, we have conducted this study to investigate clinical and pathological features of EPTB. Material & Method: The study was conducted on 925 clinically suspective tubercular patients who attended pathology department. They were compared in terms of age, sex, and site. Result: Out of the 925 clinically suspective extra pulmonary tubercular patients, 900 was diagnosed as EPTB patients. Females had higher proportion (51.77%) of EPTB than males (48.22%). EPTB was more common in young age (20-29) years in males, where as in females common in (40-49) years age group. Most common site was lymph node (58%) followed by Abdominal (13%) urogenital (13%)osteoarticular (12%), miliary (2%), CNS (1%) and skin(1%). Conclusion: Out data suggest that EPTB was relatively common in young age in males and in latter group in females gender. Lymph node tuberculosis was most common site in both males and females. Tuberculosis control programmed may targets these population for EPTB case finding

    Congenital chylous ascites presenting with bilateral inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia: A case report: Congenital chylous ascites

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    Chylous ascites refers to the leakage of lipid rich milky fluid into the peritoneal cavity. This usually occurs following trauma or obstruction of the lymphatic system. Moreover, an existing clear ascitic fluid can turn chylous as a secondary event. Milky appearance on gross appearance along with high fat (triglyceride) content usually suggestive of the diagnosis. We are reporting a 3 months infant with chylous ascites diagnosed during bilateral inguinal herniotomy. The patient presented bilateral scrotal with umbilical swelling for last one month. Examination showed bilateral inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia with mild abdominal distension. Bilateral herniotomy and subsequent ultrasound guided paracentesis revealed milky peritoneal fluid. Biochemical analysis revealed plenty of lymphocytes, &nbsp; high &nbsp;triglyceride &nbsp;content &nbsp;with &nbsp;increased cellularity and no abnormal cells suggestive of chylous ascites. Lymphoscintigraphy revealed leak from retroperitoneal&nbsp; &nbsp;lymphatics.&nbsp; &nbsp;Child &nbsp;&nbsp;improved &nbsp;&nbsp;following dietary modification and octreotide therapy without any surgical intervention. The aim of this case report is to describe the unusual presentation, it’s clinical and biochemical factors and role of conservative treatment of a patient with congenital chylous ascites