16 research outputs found


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    This article discusses the interrelationship between Islam and arts in the culture which is inherited from Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam. Islam is often used as the main cause of the lack of art in the original culture of Palembang. The explanation is not satisfactory so another hypothesis is needed to probe and look for other factors that can explain how the construction of Palembang art legacy. Political, economic, and social dynamics influence the presence of art, so religion could not be considered as a barrier to the development of art.Artikel ini mendiskusikan keterkaitan antara Islam dan kesenian pada kebudayaan yang terwariskan dari Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam. Islam seringkali dijadikan sebagai penyebab utama dari minimnya kesenian pada kebudayaan asli Palembang. Penjelasan tersebut tidaklah memuaskan sehingga diperlukan hipotesa lain untuk menelisik dan mencari faktor lain yang dapat menerangkan bagaimana konstruksi kesenian Palembang. Dinamika politik, ekonomi, dan sosial ikut mempengaruhi hadirnya kesenian, sehingga agama tidak dapat dianggap sebagai penghalang bagi perkembangan kesenian


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    This study examines focus to TNI assistance to local authorities as Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW). One of the main points that must be seen in the improvement of the defense sector is the assistance of TNI to local authorities. At the central level TNI considered could not political anymore, but doesnt mean that the military has no longer political interests. The starting point of this study was the question at a point in the task of Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) carried out according to TNI Law No.34/2004. The purpose of this study was to determine how the military politics in their assistance to local authorities. Keywords : Military Operations Other Than War, Politics Military, Local Governmen


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    One of the tasks of TNI is conducting Military Operations Other Than War. One forms of Military Operation Other Than War is Assistance to Local Governments. TNI involvement in the handling of Ahmadiyah in West Java was impact of that policy. As a result of those involvement was military re- entry into a political issue, then also raises human rights violations in its implementation

    KARET PALEMBANG: Perseteruan Pusat dan Daerah Tahun 1950-an

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    This article discusses the political impact and confrontation as consequences of the central government's efforts to control the rubber trade of Palembang. Rubber was main commodity produced from Palembang that gave economic benefits are not only for Palembang itself but also the national economy. However, the gain from rubber industries was not encourage development in the region. It has risen the demands of regional autonomy and led uprising in some regions

    Gerakan Sosial Masyarakat Tegal Binangun Kabupaten Banyuasin Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    The title of this research is "Tegal Binangun Community Social Movement Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province". This movement is in order to maintain their administrative status from the demands of recognition of the Banyuasin District Government based on Law Number 23 of 1988 concerning Changes to the Regional Levels of the Palembang Second Level Region, Musi Banyuasin District Level II District and Ogan Komering Ilir Level II District. The purpose of this study was to determine the dynamics and patterns used by the community movement so that the demands and resistance of the Tegal Binangun community were realized by the Government of the Province of South Sumatra and Banyuasin District.               The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a case study approach with stages, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, the source of this research is primary data sources. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that, this movement carried out resistance against the Banyuasin District Government, ranging from peaceful actions to delivering letters to the DPRD of South Sumatra Province, the Governor of South Sumatra, the President, the DPR-RI, the Minister of Youth and Sports, the Minister of Home Affairs, and Mayor of Palembang.               The researcher uses the theory from Sidney Tarrow that is in line with this conflict that a group of people or ordinary citizens who join and form an alliance with figures or groups that have a large influence in a country, groups or the like move together to make a fight against the holders of power or the political elite if what is considered to be a policy is not in accordance with what is desired. Until now, when the Banyuasin District Government put pressure on the community, immediately the Tegal Binangun community took the fight. This conflict has not found a solution because it is still being resolved by the Government of South Sumatra Province. In this study it was found that the social movement of the Tegal Binangun community was formed to carry out resistance to the Banyuasin District Government's unilateral recognition of the Tegal Binangun area


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    The research focus is on the evaluation of public services in the district kemuning Palembang. There are some problems that the background for researchers in conducting this study include the absence of changes or improvements in public services performed after the division of the districts, education facilities and health is minimal, quality and performance of personnel resources that have not been reflected as personnel resources that have integrity in doing his job. The purpose of this study was to answer the problem formulation on how the evaluation of public services in the district after the division of the city of Palembang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques is done through a literature review and interviews with select informants deemed technically competent da knowing the problems that occur in the field, the data obtained is then analyzed qualitatively. From the results of the study illustrate that public service delivery is done after splitting dilakukannnya districts has not undergone significant changes. It is seen from the analysis of the results of interviews and observations indicate that indeed there has been no change so significantly to pubic services in the district kemuning Palembang.Keywords : Evaluation, Public Service, Kemuning


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    Research thesis entitled quality of service to help the disabled (disabled people) in 2014 at the Social Service Palembang. Quality of service to help the disabled (disabled people) in 2014 at the Social Service Palembang background with a lack of public awareness of disabilities. Therefore, seen from this background, the problem can be formulated as follows: How is the quality of services to aid for disabled (disabled people) ?. To explain and describe objectively the author uses descriptive method with data collection techniques such as observation and interviews. While data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. The results showed that the quality of service to help disabled not meet stndarisasi quality of service, in terms of facilities Social Service not provide a sense of comfort to the community, especially for disabled people because the facilities are not being met such as wheelchairs at the Social Affairs office let alone a special road wheelchair nothing and waiting room chairs are provided only slight, service procedures that are not transparent, employees of governance irreverent speech. Aspects that need to be revisited, namely a review of the facilities and infrastructure that a facility so that people feel comfortable, transparent procedures such as through media or notice boards, governance should talk friendly and courteous, dissemination to the public on the procedure for social assistance services. Keywords : Quality of Service, Disable


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    Artikel ini membahas konflik FPI dengan Pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo dilihat dari sudut pandang teori oposisi. Tujuan artikel untuk mengetahui konflik fpi dengan pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo dilihat dari sudut pandang teori oposisi. Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research) untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi dengan cara menelaah bahan-bahan pustaka yang tersedia diperpustakaan yang ada relevansinya dengan permasalahan yang sedang dibahas dalam penelitian ini seperti buku, makalah, internet, youtube, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam artikel ini, penulis menggunakan metode dokumentasi yaitu dengan mencari data mengenai hal-hal atau variabel yang berupa catatan, transkip, buku, makalah dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan penelitian. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam artikel ini secara khusus membahas mengenai penyebab FPI berkonflik dengan Pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Hasil temuan yaitu dengan menggunakan teori oposisi (de Brauw, C.C.) ditemukan bahwa tindakan oposisi yang dilakukan FPI didasarkan adanya ketidakadilan oleh sikap dan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap umat islam. Jika dilihat dari teori oposisi de Brauw CC. FPI masuk dalam tahap Citizen Opposition (Oposisi Warga Negara). Oleh sebab itu sebenarnya konflik antara FPI dengan pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo ini berada di dalam ranah hubungan antara pemerintah dengan oposisi, namun karena di dalam sistem politik pemerintah Indonesia tidak terdapat oposisi maka konflik ini terus berlanjut dan tidak terkendali.   Kata Kunci: Oposisi, Pemerintahan, Presiden Joko Widodo, Front Pembela Isla


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    This study disclusses the Pattern of Leadership of Women Village Heads in Improving Development in Sumber Baru Village, Mesuji Raya Districlt, Ogan Komering Ilir Districlt. This study uses a researclh method with a desclriptive qualitative approaclh. Data obtained through direclt interviews, observation, and doclumentation. Primary data sourcle informants in this study inclluded: village heads, village seclretaries, clommunity leaders and the clommunity in Sumber Baru Village. This study aims to find out how the pattern used by the village head in inclreasing development in Sumber Baru Village and to find out what are the supporting and inhibiting facltors for the village head in inclreasing village development. The theory used in this study is politiclal leadership theory aclclording to Andrew D. Heywood. The results of the researclh clonduclted by researclhers show that first, the pattern of politiclal leadership used by female village heads in promoting development tends to lead to democlraticl leadership, this is refleclted in various acltivities based on deliberation involving the clommunity. Seclond, the supporting facltors for the village head in promoting development are qualified human resourcles and acltive clommunity particlipation, then the inhibiting facltors are soclio-clultural obstaclles and sourcles of funds. So the pattern of politiclal leadership formed by the village head clan be seen from the experiencle and knowledge that the leader has gained, so the pattern of politiclal leadership is not only based on gender beclause in faclt the female leader in Sumber Baru village is able to lead the village and bring about many clhanges for clommunity welfare and the development of Sumber Baru village. Keywords: Patterns of Leadership, Women Leaders, Politiclal LeadershipABSTRAK   Penelitian ini membahas Pola Kepemimpinan Politik Kepala Desa Perempuan dalam Meningkatkan Pembangunan di Desa Sumber Baru Keclamatan Mesuji Raya kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh melelui wawanclara langsung, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini meliputi: kepala desa, sekretaris desa, tokoh masyarakat dan masyarakat di Desa Sumber Baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola yang digunakan kepala desa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan di Desa Sumber Baru dan untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung serta penghambat kepala desa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan desa. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori kepemimpinan politik menurut Andrew D. Heywood. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa pertama pola kepemimpinan politik yang digunakan kepala desa perempuan dalam meningkatkan pembangunan clenderung mengarah pada kepemimpinan demokratis hal ini terclermin dalam berbagai aktivitas yang berlandaskan musyawarah dengan melibatkan masyarakat. Kedua, yang menjadi faktor pendukung kepala desa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan yaitu sumber daya manusia yang sudah mumpuni, dan partisipasi masyarakat yang aktif, kemudian faktor penghambatnya berupa hambatan yang bersifat sosial budaya, dan sumber dana. Jadi pola kepemimpinan politik yang terbentuk oleh kepala desa dapat dilihat dari pengalaman maupun pengetahuan yang telah diperoleh oleh pemimpin tersebut, jadi pola kepemimpinan politik tidak hanya berpaclu pada jenis kelamin karena pada kenyataannya pemimpin perempuan di desa Sumber Baru ini beliau mampu memimpin desa dan membawa banyak perubahan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat dan perkembangan desa Sumber Baru.   Kata Kuncli : Pola Kepemimpinan, Pemimpin Perempuan, Kepemimpinan Politik

    Keterlibatan TNI dalam penanganan Ahmadiyah di Jawa Barat

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    As a result of that involvement was military re-entry into a political issue, then also raises human rights violations in this implementation.195-381 hlm .; 24 c