24 research outputs found

    Map of epitopes P11, P12 and P6 on capsid dimer (P6: cyan, P11: yellow, P12: blue, overlapping region of P11 and P12: purple).

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    <p>A. Secondary structure of the capsid monomer. B. Spherical structure of the capsid monomer.*P1 sequence is not available in PDB 1R6R.</p

    Emini surface accessibility profile of the C protein.

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    <p>The horizontal axis indicates amino acids residue number and the vertical axis indicates the surface accessibility scores. The profile shown is the output of the sequence of DENV1 isolate AY713476. This profile was 90% similar across all 200 isolates used for the analysis.</p

    Karplus & Schulz flexibility profile of the C protein.

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    <p>The horizontal axis indicates amino acids residue number and the vertical axis indicates the flexibility scores. The profile shown is the output of the sequence of DENV1 isolate AY713476. This profile was 90% similar across all 200 isolates used for the analysis.</p

    Mean OD<sub>450nm</sub><sup>*</sup> values of positive peptides among four serotypes.

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    <p>Mean OD<sub>450nm</sub><sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0178009#t003fn001" target="_blank">*</a></sup> values of positive peptides among four serotypes.</p

    ELISA responses<sup>*</sup> of capsid peptides.

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    <p>ELISA responses<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0178009#t002fn001" target="_blank"><sup>*</sup></a> of capsid peptides.</p

    Serum IL-10 levels and DENV-specific immune responses.

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    <p>A: Serum IL-10 levels in healthy dengue seropositive individuals (n = 12), patients with acute dengue infection who did not respond to any of the SS peptides (n = 16) and patients who made responses to DENV-SS peptides (n = 10). The boxes represent the means and the horizontal bars the SEM. B: <i>Ex vivo</i> IFNγ ELISpot responses to DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides and FEC pool of peptides, in patients who did not respond to any of the SS peptides (n = 16) and patients who made responses to DENV-SS (10) peptides and in patients with DF (n = 10) and DHF (n = 16). The boxes represent the means and the horizontal bars the SEM. C: Correlation of <i>ex vivo</i> IFNγ ELISpot responses to DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides and serum IL-10 levels in patients with acute dengue infection (n = 23). P = 0.03 and Spearmans R = −0.45.</p

    Effect of IL-10 blockade on antiviral T cell responses.

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    <p>A: <i>Ex vivo</i> IFNγ responses to DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides and FEC pool of peptides in patients with acute dengue infection, with and without IL-10 blockade (n = 10). The boxes represent the means and the horizontal bars the SEM. B: <i>Ex vivo</i> IFNγ responses to DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides in a patient with acute dengue viral infection, with and without IL-10 blockade. The left two wells are responses to NS3 without IL-10 blockade and the right two wells are responses to NS3 with IL-10 blockade. C: CD107a expression on CD8+ T cells in patients with acute dengue infection in the absence and the presence of IL-10 blockade (n = 6). The cells were gated on CD3+, CD8+ and Propidium Iodide negative cells. The PBMC were stimulated with DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides. The boxes represent the means and the horizontal bars the SEM. D. A dot plot of CD107a expression on CD3+ T cells in a patient with acute dengue infection. The cells were gated on CD3+ and Propidium Iodide negative cells. The PBMC were stimulated with DENV-NS3 overlapping peptide. The left dot-plot shows the responses toNS3 without IL-10 blockade and the right dot-plot is with IL-10 blockade. E: TNFα production by CD8+ T cells in patients with acute dengue infection in the absence and the presence of IL-10 blockade (n = 6). The cells were gated on CD3+ and CD8+ T cells. The PBMC were stimulated with DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides. The boxes represent the means and the horizontal bars the SEM. F: A dot plot of TNFα production in a patient with acute dengue infection. The cells were gated on CD3+ cells. The PBMC were stimulated with DENV-NS3 overlapping peptides. The left dot-plot shows the responses toNS3 without IL-10 blockade and the right dot-plot is with IL-10 blockade.</p