5 research outputs found

    Sensory evaluation and consumer acceptability of novel fortified blended foods

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    Doctor of PhilosophyFood, Nutrition, Dietetics and HealthEdgar Chambers IVFortified blended foods (FBFs), which are the mixture of cereals and legumes fortified with micronutrients, have been widely used as supplementary foods for vulnerable populations such as infants and young children in developing countries around the world. The evaluation of current FBFs showed limited evidence on their effectiveness in treating childhood malnutrition, resulting the several recommendations on processing and formulation changes to improve their quality and ability to meet nutritional needs. Sensory properties are one of the important determinants for the success of the new FBFs. Therefore, sensory testing was conducted to determine the potential of novel FBFs to be used as supplementary food compared with FBF currently used in food aid programs. Descriptive sensory analysis was performed on novel FBFs along with the traditional FBF (Corn soy blend plus; CSB+) to determine sensory characteristics of each FBF. Results showed that novel FBFs had more pronounced toasted characteristics and higher sweetness than CSB+, due to the higher temperature during extrusion process and the addition of sugar in the novel formulation. In addition, novel FBFs that had higher amount of legumes (e.g. soybean, cowpea) in their formulations, especially for all sorghum cowpea blends, showed higher intensity in beany characteristics. Sensory shelf-life testing showed that novel FBFs could have shelf lives at least 2 years with no detection of off-note characteristics and these was comparable to the shelf life of the current FBF (CSB+). Sensory testing was also performed with target populations: children who eat the food and care givers who prepare it, during a 20-week field trial to determine the acceptability and preference of novel FBFs and current FBF. Results showed that all novel FBFs were highly preferred or accepted by children, even though, some of them might need longer time and more exposures to allow children to have more experience and be familiar with the food before being satisfied or preferred that food. In contrary, CSB+ that had bland flavor tended not to be well accepted and highly preferred by children compared to novel FBFs. Moreover, giving children more opportunities to consumed food prepared from CSB+ did not help to improve its acceptability or preference. Data from household visits and interview sessions showed that porridges prepared from novel FBFs required less cooking time than CSB+ and no additional ingredients needed to be added compared to CSB+ where sugar and milk were common additions. Finding from this research indicated that novel FBFs have high potential to be used successfully as supplementary food with comparable shelf life, and higher acceptability and preference to FBF currently used in food aid programs. In addition, the simple cooking of novel FBFs make them valuable to caregivers who have limited time and access to energy sources and nutrient-rich ingredients

    Tolerance testing for cooked porridge made from a sorghum based fortified blended food

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Human NutritionKadri KoppelProducts must be tolerant to many conditions, particularly when those products are prepared by consumers. Consumers may not measure added ingredients, they may add or leave out ingredients specified in recipes, or change cooking and holding times for foods. Fortified blended food (FBFs) are used as a source of nutrition for disaster or famine relief in developing countries and sorghum is looked at as a potential alternative to wheat and corn based products that are currently being used as FBFs. Porridge products are the most common dishes prepared from FBFs with a wide range of solids content, cooking times and variations in added ingredients such as sugar and fruit. This study was intended to evaluate the tolerance to preparation variations for a porridge product made as a FBF intended for food aid. Whole Sorghum Soy Blend (WSSB), a fortified, extruded, ground cooked cereal was selected as the FBF for this study. Descriptive sensory analysis was performed to evaluate the tolerance of porridge products made from variations in ingredients and cooking procedures. In this study, most sensory properties were only marginally affected by variations in ingredients or procedures. However, as expected, large differences occurred in some properties such as thickness when solids content varied or sweetness and fruit flavor when fruit was added. Tolerance testing showed that the sensory properties of WSSB had high tolerance to variations in cooking procedures, a positive aspect for product use and development. This means that the product can be modified during preparation by consumers without having a major impact on most sensory properties

    The impact of rendered protein meal oxidation level on shelf-life, sensory characteristics, and acceptability in extruded pet food

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    Citation: Chanadang, S., Koppel, K., & Aldrich, G. (2016). The impact of rendered protein meal oxidation level on shelf-life, sensory characteristics, and acceptability in extruded pet food. Animals, 6(8). doi:10.3390/ani6080044Pet foods are expected to have a shelf-life for 12 months or more. Sensory analysis can be used to determine changes in products and to estimate products’ shelf-life. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate how increasing levels of oxidation in rendered protein meals used to produce extruded pet food affected the sensory properties and (2) determine the effect of shelf-life on pet owners’ acceptability of extruded pet food diet formulated without the use of preservative. Pet food diets contained beef meat bone meal (BMBM) and chicken byproduct meal (CBPM) in which the oxidation was retarded with ethoxyquin, mixed tocopherols, or none at all, and then extruded into dry pet foods. These samples represented low, medium, and high oxidation levels, respectively. Samples were stored for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months at ambient temperature. Each time point, samples were evaluated by six highly trained descriptive panelists for sensory attributes related to oxidation. Samples without preservatives were chosen for the acceptability test, since the differences in sensory characteristics over storage time were more distinguishable in those samples. Pet owners evaluated samples for aroma, appearance and overall liking. Descriptive sensory analysis detected significant changes in oxidized-related sensory characteristics over storage time. However, the differences for CBPM samples were more pronounced and directional. The consumer study showed no differences in pet owners’ acceptability for BMBM samples. However, the noticeable increase in aroma characteristics (rancid aroma 0.33-4.21) in CBPM samples over storage time did have a negative effect on consumer’s liking (overall liking 5.52-4.95). © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Motivations for Food Consumption during Specific Eating Occasions in Turkey

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    Citation: Chambers, D., Phan, U. T. X., Chanadang, S., Maughan, C., Sanchez, K., Di Donfrancesco, B., . . . Esen, E. (2016). Motivations for Food Consumption during Specific Eating Occasions in Turkey. Foods, 5(2), 14. doi:10.3390/foods5020039Several studies in different countries have been conducted to investigate factors affecting food choices. The objective of this study was to understand the motivations of specific food and beverage choices for different eating occasions in a typical diet of the Turkish people. A convenience sample of 141 respondents from seven different geographical regions in Turkey completed an online survey questionnaire that included questions about demographic information and details about their latest eating occasion. Respondents reported all of their motivations for choosing each food/beverage item reported for that specific eating occasion. Results indicated that different motivations played different roles in food choices of people in Turkey. Liking was a key characteristic for all eating occasions, but key natural concerns were even more important at breakfast, and need and hunger were more important for a mid-afternoon snack. Lunch involved additional motivations such as Sociability, Variety Seeking, and Social Norms. In addition to Liking, choices of different food groups were also driven by other motivations such as Habits, Convenience, Need and Hunger, Natural Concerns, and Health. This study helped better understand the current dietary patterns of Turkish people as well as the motives underlying their choices of foods and beverages for different meals and snacks. These findings could be useful for dietary campaigns that aim to improve eating behaviors in Turkey

    The MFFAPP Tanzania Efficacy Study Protocol: Newly Formulated, Extruded, Fortified Blended Foods for Food Aid

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    Fortified blended foods (FBFs) are micronutrient-fortified blends of milled cereals and pulses that represent the most commonly distributed micronutrient-fortified food aid. FBFs have been criticized due to lack of efficacy in treating undernutrition, and it has also been suggested that alternative commodities, such as sorghum and cowpea, be investigated instead of corn and soybean. The Micronutrient Fortified Food Aid Pilot Project (MFFAPP) Tanzania efficacy study was the culmination of economic, processing, sensory, and nutrition FBF research and development. MFFAPP Tanzania was a 20-wk, partially randomized cluster design conducted between February and July 2016 that enrolled children aged 6–53 mo in the Mara region of Tanzania with weight-for-height z scores >−3 and hemoglobin concentrations <10.3 mg/dL. The intervention was complementary feeding of newly formulated, extruded FBFs (white sorghum cowpea variety 1, white sorghum-cowpea variety 2, red sorghum-cowpea, white sorghum-soy blend, and corn-soy blend 14) compared with Corn Soy Blend Plus (CSB+), a current US Agency for International Development–distributed corn-soy blend, and a no-FBF-receiving control. Screened participants (n = 2050) were stratified by age group (6–23 and 24–53 mo) and allocated to 1 of 7 FBF clusters provided biweekly. Biochemical and anthropometric data were measured every 10 wk at weeks 0, 10, and 20. The primary objectives of this study were to determine whether newly formulated, extruded corn-, soy-, sorghum-, and cowpea-based FBFs result in equivalent vitamin A or iron outcomes compared with CSB+. Changes in anthropometric outcomes were also examined. Results from the MFFAPP Tanzania Efficacy Study will inform food aid producers and distributers about whether extruded sorghum- and cowpea-based FBFs are viable options for improving the health of the undernourished. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02847962