15 research outputs found

    Varicella vaccine dose depended effectiveness and waning among preschool children in Hong Kong.

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    In Hong Kong, universal varicella vaccination was introduced in July 2014 with a two-dose schedule but the vaccines had been available in the private market since 1996. With data from varicella notification and surveys on immunization coverage, we used the screening method to estimate dose-specific varicella vaccine effectiveness (VE) among preschool children in Hong Kong before universal vaccination. We estimated the VE of one- and two-dose varicella vaccination against all notified varicella as 69.4% (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 69.5-71.2) and 93.4% (95% CI 91.7-94.7), respectively. We found that VE did not decrease with time since receipt. Varicella vaccine was more effective against complications (85.4% [95% CI 48.8-95.8] for one dose and 100% [95% CI -Inf to 100] for two doses) and against hospital admission (75.2% [95% CI 53.4-86.8] for one dose and 93.1% [95% CI 47.1-99.1] for two doses). Lower protection of one-dose varicella vaccine resulted in breakthrough varicella. Under universal vaccination, second-dose varicella vaccine (given as combined measles, mumps, rubella and varicella vaccine) was first scheduled for children when they reach primary one (about 6 years of age) and was recently advanced to 18 months of age. Shortening the interval between the first dose and second dose of varicella vaccination should reduce breakthrough varicella and outbreaks in preschool

    Transmission dynamics, serial interval and epidemiology of COVID-19 diseases in Hong Kong under different control measures

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    Background: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) started in Wuhan, China in late December 2019, and subsequently became a pandemic. Hong Kong had implemented a series of control measures since January 2020, including enhanced surveillance, isolation and quarantine, border control and social distancing. Hong Kong recorded its first case on 23 January 2020, who was a visitor from Wuahn. We analysed the surveillance data of COVID-19 to understand the transmission dynamics and epidemiology in Hong Kong. Methods: Based on cases recorded from 23 January to 6 April 2020, we constructed the epidemic curve of daily COVID-19 incidence and used this data to estimate the time-varying reproduction number ( R t ) with the R package EpiEstim, with serial interval computed from local data. We described the demographic and epidemiological characteristics of reported cases. We computed weekly incidence by age and residential district to understand the spatial and temporal transmission of the disease. Results: COVID-19 disease in Hong Kong was characterised with local cases and clusters detected after two waves of importations, first in late January and the second one in early March. The R t increased to approximately 2 and approximately 1, respectively, following these importations; it decreased to below 1 afterwards, which coincided with the implementation, modification and intensification of different control measures. Compared to local cases, imported cases were younger (mean age: 52 years among local cases vs 35 years among imported cases), had a lower proportion of underlying disease (9% vs 5%) and severe outcome (13% vs 5%). Cases were recorded in all districts but the incidence was highest in those in the Hong Kong Island region. Conclusions: Stringent and sustained public health measures at population level could contain the COVID-19 disease at a relatively low level

    The epidemiology of COVID-19 cases and the successful containment strategy in Hong Kong-January to May 2020

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    BACKGROUND: Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of China, recorded its first confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case on 23 January 2020. We reviewed the case epidemiology and the various public health measures implemented from January to May 2020. METHODS: The epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the cases recorded in different phases of the epidemic were described and compared, and the effectiveness of the public health measures implemented were reviewed using the changes in the daily number of confirmed cases and the interval from symptom onset to hospital admission. RESULTS: Between January and May 2020, 1084 confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported, about 70% of which had a history of travel during the incubation period. The case fatality ratio was 0.4%. The local epidemic progressed through four phases: (1) preparedness and imported infection from mainland China, (2) local transmission, (3) imported infection from overseas countries associated with local transmission, and (4) controlled imported infection with limited local transmission, with an eventual reduction of the daily case number and minimization of the onset-to-admission interval. Various public health measures, including enhanced surveillance, border control, and social distancing, were introduced in phases in response to the prevailing local and global situations. DISCUSSION: The overall containment strategy in Hong Kong led to a stabilization of the number of cases and the absence of a community-wide outbreak during the 4.5 m after the first case was reported. This strategy of containment might serve as an example for future planning of preparedness and response against novel infectious agents

    Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts

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    Background: Assessing temporal variations in transmission in different countries is essential for monitoring the epidemic, evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions and estimating the impact of changes in policy. Methods: We use case and death notification data to generate daily estimates of the time-varying reproduction number globally, regionally, nationally, and subnationally over a 12-week rolling window. Our modelling framework, based on open source tooling, accounts for uncertainty in reporting delays, so that the reproduction number is estimated based on underlying latent infections. Results: Estimates of the reproduction number, trajectories of infections, and forecasts are displayed on a dedicated website as both maps and time series, and made available to download in tabular form. Conclusions:  This decision-support tool can be used to assess changes in virus transmission both globally, regionally, nationally, and subnationally. This allows public health officials and policymakers to track the progress of the outbreak in near real-time using an epidemiologically valid measure. As well as providing regular updates on our website, we also provide an open source tool-set so that our approach can be used directly by researchers and policymakers on confidential data-sets. We hope that our tool will be used to support decisions in countries worldwide throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.</ns4:p

    Simulating respiratory disease transmission within and between classrooms to assess pandemic management strategies at schools

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    The global spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has emphasized the need for evidence-based strategies for the safe operation of schools during pandemics that balance infection risk with the society\u27s responsibility of allowing children to attend school. Due to limited empirical data, existing analyses assessing school-based interventions in pandemic situations often impose strong assumptions, for example, on the relationship between class size and transmission risk, which could bias the estimated effect of interventions, such as split classes and staggered attendance. To fill this gap in school outbreak studies, we parameterized an individual-based model that accounts for heterogeneous contact rates within and between classes and grades to a multischool outbreak data of influenza. We then simulated school outbreaks of respiratory infectious diseases of ongoing threat (i.e., COVID-19) and potential threat (i.e., pandemic influenza) under a variety of interventions (changing class structures, symptom screening, regular testing, cohorting, and responsive class closures). Our results suggest that interventions changing class structures (e.g., reduced class sizes) may not be effective in reducing the risk of major school outbreaks upon introduction of a case and that other precautionary measures (e.g., screening and isolation) need to be employed. Class-level closures in response to detection of a case were also suggested to be effective in reducing the size of an outbreak

    Estimating the impact of reopening schools on the reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 in England, using weekly contact survey data

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    Background: Schools were closed in England on 4 January 2021 as part of increased national restrictions to curb transmission of SARS-CoV-2. The UK government reopened schools on 8 March. Although there was evidence of lower individual-level transmission risk amongst children compared to adults, the combined effects of this with increased contact rates in school settings and the resulting impact on the overall transmission rate in the population were not clear. Methods: We measured social contacts of > 5000 participants weekly from March 2020, including periods when schools were both open and closed, amongst other restrictions. We combined these data with estimates of the susceptibility and infectiousness of children compared with adults to estimate the impact of reopening schools on the reproduction number. Results: Our analysis indicates that reopening all schools under the same measures as previous periods that combined lockdown with face-to-face schooling would be likely to increase the reproduction number substantially. Assuming a baseline of 0.8, we estimated a likely increase to between 1.0 and 1.5 with the reopening of all schools or to between 0.9 and 1.2 reopening primary or secondary schools alone. Conclusion: Our results suggest that reopening schools would likely halt the fall in cases observed between January and March 2021 and would risk a return to rising infections, but these estimates relied heavily on the latest estimates or reproduction number and the validity of the susceptibility and infectiousness profiles we used at the time of reopening

    SARS-CoV-2 antibodies protect against reinfection for at least 6 months in a multicentre seroepidemiological workplace cohort

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    Identifying the potential for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome : Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) reinfection is crucial for understanding possible long-term epidemic dynamics. We analysed longitudinal PCR and serological testing data from a prospective cohort of 4,411 United States employees in 4 states between April 2020 and February 2021. We conducted a multivariable logistic regression investigating the association between baseline serological status and subsequent PCR test result in order to calculate an odds ratio for reinfection. We estimated an odds ratio for reinfection ranging from 0.14 (95% CI: 0.019 to 0.63) to 0.28 (95% CI: 0.05 to 1.1), implying that the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at baseline is associated with around 72% to 86% reduced odds of a subsequent PCR positive test based on our point estimates. This suggests that primary infection with SARS-CoV-2 provides protection against reinfection in the majority of individuals, at least over a 6-month time period. We also highlight 2 major sources of bias and uncertainty to be considered when estimating the relative risk of reinfection, confounders, and the choice of baseline time point and show how to account for both in reinfection analysis

    Seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness at primary care level, Hong Kong SAR, 2017/2018 winter

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    The 2017/18 winter influenza season in Hong Kong started in early January 2018, predominated by influenza B/Yamagata. We collaborated with private medical practitioners of our sentinel surveillance system to collect respiratory specimens and clinical information from patients with influenza-like illness for estimation of the influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) using the test-negative case-control design. We found that the overall VE was 59.1% (95%CI 41.1 to 71.8%) against all influenza and 53.5% (95%CI 35.4 to 74.6%) against influenza B. Seasonal influenza vaccine provided moderate to good protection against laboratory-confirmed influenza infection at primary care level in Hong Kong in the 2017/18 winter influenza season


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    Model code for paper titled: "Strategies to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 reintroduction from international travellers