66,788 research outputs found

    Axiomatic Holonomy Maps and Generalized Yang-Mills Moduli Space

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    This article is a follow-up of ``Holonomy and Path Structures in General Relativity and Yang-Mills Theory" by Barrett, J. W. (Int.J.Theor.Phys., vol.30, No.9, 1991). Its main goal is to provide an alternative proof of this part of the reconstruction theorem which concerns the existence of a connection. A construction of connection 1-form is presented. The formula expressing the local coefficients of connection in terms of the holonomy map is obtained as an immediate consequence of that construction. Thus the derived formula coincides with that used in "On Loop Space Formulation of Gauge Theories" by Chan, H.-M., Scharbach, P. and Tsou S.T. (Ann.Phys., vol.167, 454-472, 1986). The reconstruction and representation theorems form a generalization of the fact that the pointed configuration space of the classical Yang-Mills theory is equivalent to the set of all holonomy maps. The point of this generalization is that there is a one-to-one correspondence not only between the holonomy maps and the orbits in the space of connections, but also between all maps from the loop space on MM to group GG fulfilling some axioms and all possible equivalence classes of P(M,G)P(M,G) bundles with connection, where the equivalence relation is defined by bundle isomorphism in a natural way.Comment: amslatex, 7 pages, no figure

    Modeling of secondary organic aerosol yields from laboratory chamber data

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    Laboratory chamber data serve as the basis for constraining models of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. Current models fall into three categories: empirical two-product (Odum), product-specific, and volatility basis set. The product-specific and volatility basis set models are applied here to represent laboratory data on the ozonolysis of α-pinene under dry, dark, and low-NOx conditions in the presence of ammonium sulfate seed aerosol. Using five major identified products, the model is fit to the chamber data. From the optimal fitting, SOA oxygen-to-carbon (O/C) and hydrogen-to-carbon (H/C) ratios are modeled. The discrepancy between measured H/C ratios and those based on the oxidation products used in the model fitting suggests the potential importance of particle-phase reactions. Data fitting is also carried out using the volatility basis set, wherein oxidation products are parsed into volatility bins. The product-specific model is most likely hindered by lack of explicit inclusion of particle-phase accretion compounds. While prospects for identification of the majority of SOA products for major volatile organic compounds (VOCs) classes remain promising, for the near future empirical product or volatility basis set models remain the approaches of choice

    Transverse Entanglement Migration in Hilbert Space

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    We show that, although the amount of mutual entanglement of photons propagating in free space is fixed, the type of correlations between the photons that determine the entanglement can dramatically change during propagation. We show that this amounts to a migration of entanglement in Hilbert space, rather than real space. For the case of spontaneous parametric down conversion, the migration of entanglement in transverse coordinates takes place from modulus to phase of the bi-photon state and back again. We propose an experiment to observe this migration in Hilbert space and to determine the full entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Kinetic modeling of Secondary Organic Aerosol formation: effects of particle- and gas-phase reactions of semivolatile products

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    The distinguishing mechanism of formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is the partitioning of semivolatile hydrocarbon oxidation products between the gas and aerosol phases. While SOA formation is typically described in terms of partitioning only, the rate of formation and ultimate yield of SOA can also depend on the kinetics of both gas- and aerosol-phase processes. We present a general equilibrium/kinetic model of SOA formation that provides a framework for evaluating the extent to which the controlling mechanisms of SOA formation can be inferred from laboratory chamber data. With this model we examine the effect on SOA formation of gas-phase oxidation of first-generation products to either more or less volatile species, of particle-phase reaction (both first- and second-order kinetics), of the rate of parent hydrocarbon oxidation, and of the extent of reaction of the parent hydrocarbon. The effect of pre-existing organic aerosol mass on SOA yield, an issue of direct relevance to the translation of laboratory data to atmospheric applications, is examined. The importance of direct chemical measurements of gas- and particle-phase species is underscored in identifying SOA formation mechanisms

    A Model Behind the Standard Model

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    In spite of its many successes, the Standard Model makes many empirical assumptions in the Higgs and fermion sectors for which a deeper theoretical basis is sought. Starting from the usual gauge symmetry u(1)×su(2)×su(3)u(1) \times su(2) \times su(3) plus the 3 assumptions: (A) scalar fields as vielbeins in internal symmetry space \cite{framevec}, (B) the ``confinement picture'' of symmetry breaking \cite{tHooft,Banovici}, (C) generations as ``dual'' to colour \cite{genmixdsm}, we are led to a scheme which offers: (I) a geometrical significance to scalar fields, (II) a theoretical criterion on what scalar fields are to be introduced, (III) a partial explanation of why su(2)su(2) appears broken while su(3)su(3) confines, (IV) baryon-lepton number (B - L) conservation, (V) the standard electroweak structure, (VI) a 3-valued generation index for leptons and quarks, and (VII) a dynamical system with all the essential features of an earlier phenomenological model \cite{genmixdsm} which gave a good description of the known mass and mixing patterns of quarks and leptons including neutrino oscillations. There are other implications the consistency of which with experiment, however, has not yet been systematically explored. A possible outcome is a whole new branch of particle spectroscopy from su(2)su(2) confinement, potentially as rich in details as that of hadrons from colour confinement, which will be accessible to experiment at high energy.Comment: 66 pages, added new material on phenomenology, and some new reference

    Analysis of recent type Ia supernova data based on evolving dark energy models

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    We study characters of recent type Ia supernova (SNIa) data using evolving dark energy models with changing equation of state parameter w. We consider sudden-jump approximation of w for some chosen redshift spans with double transitions, and constrain these models based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method using the SNIa data (Constitution, Union, Union2) together with baryon acoustic oscillation A parameter and cosmic microwave background shift parameter in a flat background. In the double-transition model the Constitution data shows deviation outside 1 sigma from LCDM model at low (z < 0.2) and middle (0.2 < z < 0.4) redshift bins whereas no such deviations are noticeable in the Union and Union2 data. By analyzing the Union members in the Constitution set, however, we show that the same difference is actually due to different calibration of the same Union sample in the Constitution set, and is not due to new data added in the Constitution set. All detected deviations are within 2 sigma from the LCDM world model. From the LCDM mock data analysis, we quantify biases in the dark energy equation of state parameters induced by insufficient data with inhomogeneous distribution of data points in the redshift space and distance modulus errors. We demonstrate that location of peak in the distribution of arithmetic means (computed from the MCMC chain for each mock data) behaves as an unbiased estimator for the average bias, which is valid even for non-symmetric likelihood distributions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published in the Phys. Rev.

    Supersolid and charge density-wave states from anisotropic interaction in an optical lattice

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    We show anisotropy of the dipole interaction between magnetic atoms or polar molecules can stabilize new quantum phases in an optical lattice. Using a well controlled numerical method based on the tensor network algorithm, we calculate phase diagram of the resultant effective Hamiltonian in a two-dimensional square lattice - an anisotropic Hubbard model of hard-core bosons with attractive interaction in one direction and repulsive interaction in the other direction. Besides the conventional superfluid and the Mott insulator states, we find the striped and the checkerboard charge density wave states and the supersolid phase that interconnect the superfluid and the striped solid states. The transition to the supersolid phase has a mechanism different from the case of the soft-core Bose Hubbard model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures