61 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of induction machines by parameter estimation

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    International audienceThe type of control system used for electrical machines depends on the use (nature of the load, operating states, etc.) to which the machine will be put. The precise type of use determines the control laws which apply. Mechanics are also very important because they affect performance. Another factor of essential importance in industrial applications is operating safety. Finally, the problem of how to control a number of different machines, whose interactions and outputs must be coordinated, is addressed and solutions are presented. These and other issues are addressed here by a range of expert contributors, each of whom are specialists in their particular field. This book is primarily aimed at those involved in complex systems design, but engineers in a range of related fields such as electrical engineering, instrumentation and control, and industrial engineering, will also find this a useful source of information

    Smart power management of a hybrid photovoltaic/wind stand-alone system coupling battery storage and hydraulic network

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    An off-grid energy system based on renewable photovoltaics (PV) and wind turbines (WT) generators is coupled via converters to electric and hydraulic networks. The electric network is composed of consumers and of a battery bank for electrical storage,while the hydraulic part is made of motor-pumps and hydraulic tanks for water production and desalination. Both battery and water tanks are used to optimize the power management of both electric and hydraulic subsystems by ensuring electric load demand and by reducing at the same time water deficit following the operation of the renewable intermittent source. Thus, both electric and hydraulic subsystems are strongly coupled in terms of energy making necessary to manage the power flows provided by renewable sources to optimize the overall system performance. In this paper, two kinds of management strategies are then compared in the way they share the hybrid power sources between the storage devices (battery and tanks) and the electrical/hydraulic loads. The first approach deals with an “uncoupled power management” in which the operation of electrical and hydraulic loads does not depend on the state of the intermittent renewable sources: in particular, hydraulic pumps are operated only taking account of water demand and tank filling but without considering power sources. On the contrary, given the available power produced by the sources, the second class of strategy (i.e. the “coupled management strategy”) consists of a “smart” power sharing between the electrical and hydraulic networks with regard to the battery SOC and the tank L1 and L2. A dynamic simulator of the hybrid energy system has been developed and tested using a MATLAB environment. The system performance is shown under the two investigated approaches (uncoupled vs coupled). Several tests are carried out using real meteorological data of a remote area and a practical load demand profile. The simulation results show that the “coupled strategy” clearly outperforms the classical “uncoupled” management strategies

    Integrated optimal design of a photovoltaic/wind system for electricity and water production

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    This paper investigates the integrated optimal design of a hybrid PV/wind generator coupled with two kinds of storage i.e. electric (battery) and hydraulic (tanks) devices for the production of electricity and drinking water in remote areas. Taking account wind and PV potentials in such system for assessing its performance implies its simulation over long periods of time. This can drastically increase the CPU time cost related to the design step, especially if the system energy management and sizing are sequentially integrated into a two level optimization process. In order to solve this problem and accelerate the system simulation, two complementary approaches are suggested. On one hand, metamodels are used for representing the system constraints and objectives. On the other hand, PV and wind cycles are compacted with a synthesis procedure which preserves their influence on the system performance with regard to the reference data. Those approaches are applied to the grey energy optimization of the studied hybrid system

    Index of refraction of gases for matter waves: effect of the motion of the gas particles on the calculation of the index.

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    International audienceTwo different formulae relating the index of refraction nn of gases for atom waves to the scattering amplitude have been published. We show here that these two formulae are not consistent with the definition of the total scattering cross-section while the formula developed by one of us (C.C.) in her thesis is in agreement with this standard knowledge. We discuss this result, in particular in the neutron case for which such an index was first introduced. We finally evaluate the index of refraction as a function of well known quantities and we discuss the order of magnitude of the ratio of (n1)/nt(n-1)/n_t, where ntn_t is the gas density

    A Hybrid Spline Metamodel for Photovoltaic/Wind/Battery Energy Systems

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    This paper proposes a metamodel design for a Photovoltaic/Wind/Battery Energy System. The modeling of a hybrid PV/wind generator coupled with two kinds of storage i.e. electric (battery) and hydraulic (tanks) devices is investigated. A metamodel is carried out by hybrid spline interpolation to solve the relationships between several design variables i.e. the design parameters of different subsystems and their associate response variables i.e. system indicators performance. The developed model has been successfully validated under real test condition

    Dimensionnement optimisé d’un système de génération d’énergie électrique et d’eau potable à partir de ressources renouvelables - Modélisation par plan d’expériences

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    Cet article présente une méta-modélisation globale d’un système complexe de production d’énergie électrique et d’eau potable pour un site isolé à partir de sources renouvelables (PV et éolienne) en vue de l’utiliser dans un processus d’optimisation de dimensionnement. Ce méta-modèle est élaboré avec la méthode des plans d’expériences. L’originalité de ce travail est d’avoir combiné cette approche pour une application aussi complexe (possédant 3 éléments de stockage). C’est pour cela qu’un travail important a été fourni pour définir la forme des équations, les indicateurs de performance et aussi de faire intervenir dans ces équations tous les paramètres intervenant dans le dimensionnement. Des résultats sont donnés en fin d’article qui illustrent l’optimisation de l’énergie grise sur cycle de vie du système complet

    Sizing methodology based on design of experiments for freshwater and electricity production from multi-source renewable energy systems

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    In remote areas, the vital need is production of drinking water and the provision of electrical energy for housing. Often the only sources of energy are based on renewable energies with storage to create a local micro-network. This paper investigates the optimal design of embodied energy for water treatment by reverse osmosis, coming from brackish water (6 g/l) and with a double storage that is done in a drinking water tank and in batteries for electricity. Taking account wind and photovoltaic potentials in such system for assessing its performance implies its simulation over long periods of time. This can drastically increase the CPU time cost related to the design step,especially if the system energy management and sizing are sequentially optimized into a two-level optimization process. In order to solve this problem and accelerate the system simulation, meta-models are used for representing the system constraints and objectives. These meta-models are built by the design of experiments method. From realistic data, the results of this paper show that the contribution of the meta-models divides by two or three the design time by obtaining values of the sizing parameters close to the dynamic simulator depicting the real operation of the whole system

    Vincent EGEA, La fonction de juger à l'épreuve du droit contemporain de la famille

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    International audiencepréface A. Leborgne, Ed. Defrénois, coll. Doctorat et Notariat, t. 43, 201

    La motorisation de véhicule électrique : étude du moteur, de son alimentation et de sa commande

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    Vincent EGEA, La fonction de juger à l'épreuve du droit contemporain de la famille

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    International audiencepréface A. Leborgne, Ed. Defrénois, coll. Doctorat et Notariat, t. 43, 201