27 research outputs found

    High magnetic field theory for the local density of states in graphene with smooth arbitrary potential landscapes

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    We study theoretically the energy and spatially resolved local density of states (LDoS) in graphene at high perpendicular magnetic field. For this purpose, we extend from the Schr\"odinger to the Dirac case a semicoherent-state Green's-function formalism, devised to obtain in a quantitative way the lifting of the Landau-level degeneracy in the presence of smooth confinement and smooth disordered potentials. Our general technique, which rigorously describes quantum-mechanical motion in a magnetic field beyond the semi-classical guiding center picture of vanishing magnetic length (both for the ordinary two-dimensional electron gas and graphene), is connected to the deformation (Weyl) quantization theory in phase space developed in mathematical physics. For generic quadratic potentials of either scalar (i.e., electrostatic) or mass (i.e., associated with coupling to the substrate) types, we exactly solve the regime of large magnetic field (yet at finite magnetic length - formally, this amounts to considering an infinite Fermi velocity) where Landau-level mixing becomes negligible. Hence, we obtain a closed-form expression for the graphene Green's function in this regime, providing analytically the discrete energy spectra for both cases of scalar and mass parabolic confinement. Furthermore, the coherent-state representation is shown to display a hierarchy of local energy scales ordered by powers of the magnetic length and successive spatial derivatives of the local potential, which allows one to devise controlled approximation schemes at finite temperature for arbitrary and possibly disordered potential landscapes. As an application, we derive general analytical non-perturbative expressions for the LDoS, which may serve as a good starting point for interpreting experimental studies.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures ; v2: typos corrected, corresponds to published versio

    Quantum transport properties of two-dimensional electron gases under high magnetic fields

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    We study quantum transport properties of two-dimensional electron gases under high perpendicular magnetic fields. For this purpose, we reformulate the high-field expansion, usually done in the operatorial language of the guiding-center coordinates, in terms of vortex states within the framework of real-time Green functions. These vortex states arise naturally from the consideration that the Landau levels quantization can follow directly from the existence of a topological winding number. The microscopic computation of the current can then be performed within the Keldysh formalism in a systematic way at finite magnetic fields BB (i.e. beyond the semi-classical limit B=∞B = \infty). The formalism allows us to define a general vortex current density as long as the gradient expansion theory is applicable. As a result, the total current is expressed in terms of edge contributions only. We obtain the first and third lowest order contributions to the current due to Landau-levels mixing processes, and derive in a transparent way the quantization of the Hall conductance. Finally, we point out qualitatively the importance of inhomogeneities of the vortex density to capture the dissipative longitudinal transport.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures ; main change: the discussion about the longitudinal transport (Part A of Section VI) is rewritten and enhance

    Transmission coefficient through a saddle-point electrostatic potential for graphene in the quantum Hall regime

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    From the scattering of semicoherent-state wavepackets at high magnetic field, we derive analytically the transmission coefficient of electrons in graphene in the quantum Hall regime through a smooth constriction described by a quadratic saddle-point electrostatic potential. We find anomalous half-quantized conductance steps that are rounded by a backscattering amplitude related to the curvature of the potential. Furthermore, the conductance in graphene breaks particle-hole symmetry in cases where the saddle-point potential is itself asymmetric in space. These results have implications both for the interpretation of split-gate transport experiments, and for the derivation of quantum percolation models for graphene.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures Minor modifications as publishe

    Microscopics of disordered two-dimensional electron gases under high magnetic fields: Equilibrium properties and dissipation in the hydrodynamic regime

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    We develop in detail a new formalism [as a sequel to the work of T. Champel and S. Florens, Phys. Rev. B 75, 245326 (2007)] that is well-suited for treating quantum problems involving slowly-varying potentials at high magnetic fields in two-dimensional electron gases. For an arbitrary smooth potential we show that electronic Green's function is fully determined by closed recursive expressions that take the form of a high magnetic field expansion in powers of the magnetic length l_B. For illustration we determine entirely Green's function at order l_B^3, which is then used to obtain quantum expressions for the local charge and current electronic densities at equilibrium. Such results are valid at high but finite magnetic fields and for arbitrary temperatures, as they take into account Landau level mixing processes and wave function broadening. We also check the accuracy of our general functionals against the exact solution of a one-dimensional parabolic confining potential, demonstrating the controlled character of the theory to get equilibrium properties. Finally, we show that transport in high magnetic fields can be described hydrodynamically by a local equilibrium regime and that dissipation mechanisms and quantum tunneling processes are intrinsically included at the microscopic level in our high magnetic field theory. We calculate microscopic expressions for the local conductivity tensor, which possesses both transverse and longitudinal components, providing a microscopic basis for the understanding of dissipative features in quantum Hall systems.Comment: small typos corrected; published versio

    Local density of states in disordered two-dimensional electron gases at high magnetic field

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    Motivated by high-accuracy scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements on disordered two-dimensional electron gases in strong magnetic field, we present an exact solution for the local density of states (LDoS) of electrons moving in an arbitrary potential smooth on the scale of the magnetic length, that can be locally described up to its second derivatives. We use a technique based on coherent state Green's functions, allowing us to treat on an equal footing confining and open quantum systems. The energy-dependence of the LDoS is found to be universal in terms of local geometric properties, such as drift velocity and potential curvature. We also show that thermal effects are quite important close to saddle points, leading to an overbroadening of the tunneling trajectories.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures ; typos corrected + one reference update

    Spectral Properties and Local Density of States of Disordered Quantum Hall Systems with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We theoretically investigate the spectral properties and the spatial dependence of the local density of states (LDoS) in disordered two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) in the quantum Hall regime, taking into account the combined presence of electrostatic disorder, random Rashba spin-orbit in- teraction, and finite Zeeman coupling. To this purpose, we extend a coherent-state Green's function formalism previously proposed for spinless 2DEG in the presence of smooth arbitrary disorder, that here incorporates the nontrivial coupling between the orbital and spin degrees of freedom into the electronic drift states. The formalism allows us to obtain analytical and controlled nonperturbative expressions of the energy spectrum in arbitrary locally flat disorder potentials with both random electric fields and Rashba coupling. As an illustration of this theory, we derive analytical microscopic expressions for the LDoS in different temperature regimes which can be used as a starting point to interpret scanning tunneling spectroscopy data at high magnetic fields. In this context, we study the spatial dependence and linewidth of the LDoS peaks and explain an experimentally-noticed correlation between the spatial dispersion of the spin-orbit splitting and the local extrema of the potential landscape.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures; typos corrected and Sec. IV A rewritten; published versio

    0-pi Transitions in a Superconductor/Chiral Ferromagnet/Superconductor Junction induced by a Homogeneous Cycloidal Spiral

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    We study the pi phase in a superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junction, with a ferromagnet showing a cycloidal spiral spin modulation with in-plane propagation vector. Our results reveal a high sensitivity of the junction to the spiral order and indicate the presence of 0-pi quantum phase transitions as function of the spiral wave vector. We find that the chiral magnetic order introduces chiral superconducting triplet pairs that strongly influence the physics in such Josephson junctions, with potential applications in nanoelectronics and spintronics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; the derivation part has been reorganized + added note and new references, published versio

    Electron quantum dynamics in closed and open potentials at high magnetic fields: Quantization and lifetime effects unified by semicoherent states

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    We have developed a Green's function formalism based on the use of an overcomplete semicoherent basis of vortex states, specially devoted to the study of the Hamiltonian quantum dynamics of electrons at high magnetic fields and in an arbitrary potential landscape smooth on the scale of the magnetic length. This formalism is used here to derive the exact Green's function for an arbitrary quadratic potential in the special limit where Landau level mixing becomes negligible. This solution remarkably embraces under a unified form the cases of confining and unconfining quadratic potentials. This property results from the fact that the overcomplete vortex representation provides a more general type of spectral decomposition of the Hamiltonian operator than usually considered. Whereas confining potentials are naturally characterized by quantization effects, lifetime effects emerge instead in the case of saddle-point potentials. Our derivation proves that the appearance of lifetimes has for origin the instability of the dynamics due to quantum tunneling at saddle points of the potential landscape. In fact, the overcompleteness of the vortex representation reveals an intrinsic microscopic irreversibility of the states synonymous with a spontaneous breaking of the time symmetry exhibited by the Hamiltonian dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures ; a few typos corrected + some passages in Sec. V rewritte

    Diagrammatic Approach for the High-Temperature Regime of Quantum Hall Transitions

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    We use a general diagrammatic formalism based on a local conductivity approach to compute electronic transport in continuous media with long-range disorder, in the absence of quantum interference effects. The method allows us then to investigate the interplay of dissipative processes and random drifting of electronic trajectories in the high-temperature regime of quantum Hall transitions. We obtain that the longitudinal conductance \sigma_{xx} scales with an exponent {\kappa}=0.767\pm0.002 in agreement with the value {\kappa}=10/13 conjectured from analogies to classical percolation. We also derive a microscopic expression for the temperature-dependent peak value of \sigma_{xx}, useful to extract {\kappa} from experiments.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 5 figures, attached with Supplementary Material. A discussion and a plot of the temperature-dependent longitudinal conductance was added in the final versio