233 research outputs found

    Phase-field approximation for a class of cohesive fracture energies with an activation threshold

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    We study the Γ\Gamma-limit of Ambrosio-Tortorelli-type functionals Dε(u,v)D_\varepsilon(u,v), whose dependence on the symmetrised gradient e(u)e(u) is different in Au\mathbb{A} u and in e(u)Aue(u)-\mathbb{A} u, for a C\mathbb{C}-elliptic symmetric operator A\mathbb{A}, in terms of the prefactor depending on the phase-field variable vv. This is intermediate between an approximation for the Griffith brittle fracture energy and the one for a cohesive energy by Focardi and Iurlano. In particular we prove that G(S)BDG(S)BD functions with bounded A\mathbb{A}-variation are (S)BD(S)BD

    Existence and uniqueness for planar anisotropic and crystalline curvature flow

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    We prove short-time existence of \phi-regular solutions to the planar anisotropic curvature flow, including the crystalline case, with an additional forcing term possibly unbounded and discontinuous in time, such as for instance a white noise. We also prove uniqueness of such solutions when the anisotropy is smooth and elliptic. The main tools are the use of an implicit variational scheme in order to define the evolution, and the approximation with flows corresponding to regular anisotropies

    The Stress-Intensity Factor for nonsmooth fractures in antiplane elasticity

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    Motivated by some questions arising in the study of quasistatic growth in brittle fracture, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the energy of the solution uu of a Neumann problem near a crack in dimension 2. We consider non smooth cracks KK that are merely closed and connected. At any point of density 1/2 in KK, we show that the blow-up limit of uu is the usual "cracktip" function rsin(θ/2)\sqrt{r}\sin(\theta/2), with a well-defined coefficient (the "stress intensity factor" or SIF). The method relies on Bonnet's monotonicity formula \cite{b} together with Γ\Gamma-convergence techniques.Comment: (version 2 : r\'ef\'erences corrig\'ees

    A Remark on the Anisotropic Outer Minkowski content

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    We study an anisotropic version of the outer Minkowski content of a closed set in Rn. In particular, we show that it exists on the same class of sets for which the classical outer Minkowski content coincides with the Hausdorff measure, and we give its explicit form.Comment: We corrected an error in the orignal manuscript, on p. 14 (the boundaries of the regularized sets are not necessarily C^{1,1}

    Nonlocal curvature flows

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    This paper aims at building a unified framework to deal with a wide class of local and nonlocal translation-invariant geometric flows. First, we introduce a class of generalized curvatures, and prove the existence and uniqueness for the level set formulation of the corresponding geometric flows. We then introduce a class of generalized perimeters, whose first variation is an admissible generalized curvature. Within this class, we implement a minimizing movements scheme and we prove that it approximates the viscosity solution of the corresponding level set PDE. We also describe several examples and applications. Besides recovering and presenting in a unified way existence, uniqueness, and approximation results for several geometric motions already studied and scattered in the literature, the theory developed in this paper allows us to establish also new results

    The Γ\Gamma-limit for singularly perturbed functionals of Perona-Malik type in arbitrary dimension

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    In this paper we generalize to arbitrary dimensions a one-dimensional equicoerciveness and Γ\Gamma-convergence result for a second derivative perturbation of Perona-Malik type functionals. Our proof relies on a new density result in the space of special functions of bounded variation with vanishing diffuse gradient part. This provides a direction of investigation to derive approximation for functionals with discontinuities penalized with a "cohesive" energy, that is, whose cost depends on the actual opening of the discontinuity