10 research outputs found

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part I. Introduction and methods

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    In this study, risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students was investigated. Suicidal behaviour, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, road-related behaviour, violent behaviour and sexual behaviour were included. This article, the first in a series, describes the rationale and methodology of the project. Sixteen schools were selected so as to yield a representative sample of schools in the three major education departments in the Cape Peninsula (administered by the Department of Education and Training and the Houses of Assembly and Representatives). The final sample size was 7 340 school students. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estimates for each education department were weighted to produce an overall estimate. The results are presented by standard and home language(s), and gender. Limitations of the study include its cross-sectional nature; the possibility of under- and over-reporting; the exclusion of important groups of adolescents such as absentees and dropouts, and those attending specialised and private schools; and not being able to present the results separately for each education department

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part VI. Road-related behaviour

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    The prevalence of a wide range of risk-taking behaviour among high-school students in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was investigated. In this article, the findings for road-related behaviour are presented. Cluster sampling techniques produced a sample of 7 340 students from 16 schools in the three major education departments. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estimates for each education department were weighted to produce an overall estimate. During the previous year, 8,5% of the students had been involved in a motor vehicle accident, and 7,4% had been injured in a pedestrian accident. Of those who had driven a vehicle, 63,2% reported driving without a licence; 16,1% drove an overcrowded vehicle; and 8% reported driving under the influence of alcohol or cannabis. Of those who had been on a motorcycle, 47,9% reported riding without a helmet. Despite the availability of seat belts, 37,3% had failed to wear one on the last occasion they were in the front seat of a vehicle. Variations according to gender, standard, and home language(s) were identified. The prevalence of risk behaviour was higher in males, who also showed a more pronounced increase in such behaviour with age. The need for accident prevention programmes remains urgent

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part III. Cigarette smoking

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    The prevalence of a wide range of risk-taking behaviour among high-school students in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was investigated. In this article, the results for cigarette smoking are presented. Cluster sam.pling techniques produced a sample of 7 340 students from 16 schools in the three major education departments. A selfadministered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estimates for each education department were weighted to produce an overall estimate. Of the students 18,1% indicated that they smoked at least 1 cigarette per day. Of these, 66,9% had tried to stop. Of those who did not smoke at least 1 cigarette per day, 41,2% had smoked previously and 3,6% intended to start smoking. There were different trends according to gender, standard, and language(s) spoken at home. Of note was the small percentage of Xhosa speaking females who smoked. There is an urgent need for smoking prevention programmes in schools

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part VII. Violent behaviour

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    The prevalence of a wide range of risk-taking behaviour among high-school students in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was investigated. In this article, the results for violent behaviour are presented. Cluster sampling techniques produced a sample of 7 340 students from 16 schools in three major education departments. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estmates for each education department were weighted to produce an overall estimate. Of the total sample, 12,7%, 9,6% and 13,8% reported that they had been physically injured by another person at school, at home and in other settings, respectively; 11,0% had injured another person during the previous year; 5% had committed an act of vandalism and 9,8% of males and 1,3% of females had carried knives at school. Other trends according to gender, school standard, and home language were identified. Males were more likely to be the perpetrators and victims of violent behaviour; for both genders the extent of victimisation decreased with increasing standard; and fewer Xhosa-speaking students than students in other language groups perpetrated incidents of violent behaviour. The potential for intervention programmes is assessed in a context where much violence is detertnined by sociopolitical factors

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part V. Drug use

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    The prevalence of a wide range of risk-taking behaviour among high-school students in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was investigated. In this article, the results for drug use are presented. Cluster sampling techniques produced a sample of 7 340 students from 16 schools in the three major education departments. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estimates for each education departnlent were weighted to produce an overall estimate. Cannabis was the illicit drug most widely used; 7,5% had smoked cannabis, and 2,4% had done so in the previous 7 days. A small subgroup (1,6%) of students had smoked cannabis and methaqualone (Mandrax) together. Reported lifetime use of injectable drugs was 0,5%, and 10,9% had sniffed solvents, 2,6% having done so in the previous 7 days. There were different trends according to gender, standard, and language(s) spoken at home. Of particular note was the Small proportion of Xhosa-speaking females who were involved with drug use. The results suggest that the majority of drug use among school students is experimental. A small number of adolescents abuse drugs and are at risk for its associated problems; intervention is indicated for this group

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part II. Suicidal behaviour

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    The prevalence of a wide range of risk-taking behaviour among high-school students in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was investigated. In this article, the results for suicidal behaviour are presented. Cluster sampling techniques produced a sample of 7 340 students from 16 schools in the three major education departments. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estimates for each education department were weighted to produce an overall estimate. During the previous 12 months, 19% of students had seriously thought about harming themselves in a way that might result in their death, 12,4% had told someone that they intended to put an end to their life, and 7,8% had actually tried to put an end to their life. There were different trends according to gender, standard and language(s) spoken at home. Of those who had made a suicide attempt during the previous 12 months, 85,7% indicated that they had seriously thought about doing so, while 57,7% had told someone that they intended putting an end to their life. There is in many cases no continuity from suicidal ideation to communicating suicidal intent to an actual attempt

    Risk-taking behaviour of Cape Peninsula high-school students. Part IV. Alcohol use

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    The prevalence of a wide range of risk-taking behaviour among high-school students in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was investigated. In this article, the results for alcohol use are presented. Cluster sampling techniques produced a sample of 7 340 students from 16 schools in the three major education departments. A self-administered questionnaire was completed in a normal school period. Estimates for each education department were weighted to produce an overall estimate. Of the sample, 53,2% reported ever using alcohol; 26,2% had used it recently and 15,4% reported episodes of binge drinking in the previous 14 days. Drinking patterns varied according to school standard, home language, and gender. Males reported higher rates of alcohol use and for both genders rates increased with age. Overall, the prevalence of drinking was highest among adolescents whose home language was English. The proportion of Xhosa-speaking females who drank was very low.The prevalence of binge drinking in particular was identified as being of concern. The findings indicate a need for preventive action and further local research in this area

    The intervention effects of a community-based hypertension control programme in two rural South African towns: the CORIS study

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    The objective of the hypertension programme of the Coronary Risk Factor Study (CORlS) was to evaluate the effectiveness of the first 4 years of community-based intervention. The hypertension intervention model comprised a blood pressure station where the whole population was screened for hypertension, non-drug management was provided and hypertensives were monitored after referral to general practitioners for drug therapy. Two levels of intervention were maintained: in the high-intensity intervention town (N =2 278) hypertensives were actively followed up, and in the low-intensity intervention town (N =2 620) no active follow-up procedure existed. A third town acted as control (N= 2 290).In the cohort which was hypertensive at baseline, the net decreases in systolic blood pressure (mean ± SE) after correction for changes in the control town were 0,5 ± 2,2 mmHg (men) and 4,5 ± 2,2 mmHg (women) in the low-intensity intervention town, and 5,6 ± 2,3 mmHg (men) and 7,5 ± 2,2 mmHg (women) in the high-intensity intervention town. The net decrease in diastolic blood pressure was 3,4 ± 1,2 mmHg (men) and 4,4 ± 1,1 mmHg (women) in the low-intensity intervention town, and 6,1 ± 1,2 mmHg (men) and 5,9 ± 1,1 mmHg (women) in the high-intensity intervention town. These reductions were statistically significant with one exception. The changes in the total population in the 3 communities after 4 years of intervention were similar to those found in the hypertensive cohort.Decreases in mean blood pressure were accompanied by marked increases in the proportion of hypertensives on drug treatment and the proportion under control (< 160/95 mmHg).Distribution curves of blood pressure indicated a large effect in the subgroup above the cut-off point for hypertension; however, the entire curve also shifted to the left, indicating, in addition, benefit to the whole population. An increase in the appropriate knowledge and action for hypertension control was observed in the intervention towns compared with the control town.The CORlS community-based hypertension control programme successfully reduced the risk for cardiovascular diseases in the intervention towns compared with the control town