67 research outputs found

    Off-shell structure of twisted (2,0) theory

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    A Q -exact off-shell action is constructed for twisted abelian (2,0) theory on a Lorentzian six-manifold of the form M 1,5 = C × M 4 , where C is a flat two-manifold and M 4 is a general Euclidean four-manifold. The properties of this formulation, which is obtained by introducing two auxiliary fields, can be summarised by a commutative diagram where the Lagrangian and its stress-tensor arise from the Q -variation of two fermionic quantities V and λ μν . This completes and extends the analysis in [1]

    Localisation in worldline pair production and lightfront zero-modes

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    The nonperturbative probability of pair production in electric fields depending on lightfront time is given exactly by the locally constant approximation. We explain this by showing that the worldline path integral defining the effective action contains a constraint, which localises contributing paths on hypersurfaces of constant lightfront time. These paths are lightfront zero-modes and there can be no pair production without them; the effective action vanishes if they are projected out

    The trouble with twisting (2,0) theory

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    We consider a twisted version of the abelian (2, 0) theory placed upon a Lorentzian six-manifold with a product structure, M 6 = C × M 4 . This is done by an investigation of the free tensor multiplet on the level of equations of motion, where the problem of its formulation in Euclidean signature is circumvented by letting the time-like direction lie in the two-manifold C and performing a topological twist along M 4 alone. A compactification on C is shown to be necessary to enable the possibility of finding a topological field theory. The hypothetical twist along a Euclidean C is argued to amount to the correct choice of linear combination of the two supercharges scalar on M 4 . This procedure is expected and conjectured to result in a topological field theory, but we arrive at the surprising conclusion that this twisted theory contains no Q -exact and covariantly conserved stress tensor unless M 4 has vanishing curvature. This is to our knowledge a phenomenon which has not been observed before in topological field theories. In the literature, the setup of the twisting used here has been suggested as the origin of the conjectured AGT-correspondence, and our hope is that this work may somehow contribute to the understanding of it

    Ultraviolet divergences in maximal supergravity from a pure spinor point of view

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    The ultraviolet divergences of amplitude diagrams in maximal supergravity are investigated using the pure spinor superfield formalism in maximal supergravity, with maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory for reference. We comment on the effects of the loop regularisation in relation to the actual absence of high powers (within the degrees of freedom) of the non-minimal variable r . The absence affects previous results of the field theory description, which is examined more closely (with a new b -ghost) with respect to the limit on the dimension for finiteness of the theory, dependent on the number of loops present. The results imply a cut-off of the loop dependence at six loops for the 4-point amplitude, and at seven loops otherwise

    Towards an exact frame formulation of conformal higher spins in three dimensions

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    In this paper we discuss some aspects of the frame formulation of conformal higher spins in three dimensions. We give some exact formulae for the coupled spin two-spin three part of the full higher spin theory and propose a star product Lagrangian for all spins from two and up. Since there is no consistent Lagrangian formulation based on the Poisson bracket we start the construction from the field equations in this approximation of the star product. The higher spin algebra is then realized in terms of classical variables which leads to certain important simplifications that we take advantage of. The suggested structure of the all-spin Lagrangian given here is, however, obtained using an expansion of the star product beyond the Poisson bracket in terms of multi-commutators and the Lagrangian should be viewed as a starting point for the derivation of the full theory based on a star product. How to do this is explained as well as how to include the coupling to scalar fields. We also comment on the AdS/CFT relation to four dimensions

    Fermionic UV completions of composite Higgs models

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    We classify the four-dimensional purely fermionic gauge theories that give a UV completion of composite Higgs models. Our analysis is at the group theoretical level, addressing the necessary (but not sufficient) conditions for the viability of these models, such as the existence of top partners and custodial symmetry. The minimal cosets arising are those of type SU(5)/SO(5) and SU(4)/Sp(4). We list all the possible “hyper-color” groups allowed and point out the simplest and most promising ones

    Quantum phase transitions in mass-deformed ABJM matrix model

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    When mass-deformed ABJM theory is considered on S 3 , the partition function of the theory localises, and is given by a matrix model. At large N , we solve this model in the decompactification limit, where the radius of the three-sphere is taken to infinity. In this limit, the theory exhibits a rich phase structure with an infinite number of third-order quantum phase transitions, accumulating at strong coupling

    Multiphoton signatures of goldstini at the LHC

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    We study models of gauge mediated SUSY breaking with more than one hidden sector. In these models the neutralino sector of the MSSM is supplemented with additional light neutral fermions, the nearly massless gravitino and the massive pseudo-goldstini. For the case where the Bino is the lightest ordinary SUSY particle, its preferred decay is to a photon and the heaviest pseudo-goldstino, which generically cascades down to lighter pseudo-goldstini, or to the gravitino, in association with photons. This gives rise to multiphoton plus missing energy signatures at the LHC. We investigate in detail simplified models where the SUSY spectrum consists of the right-handed sleptons, a Bino-like neutralino, the pseudo-goldstini and the gravitino. We compare against existing LHC searches and show that the sensitivity to our models could be significantly improved by relaxing the kinematic cuts and requiring additional final state particles. We propose inclusive searches in the final states (≥3) γ + T and ℓ + ℓ − + (≥2) γ + T , the former being sensitive to any production mode and the latter being optimized for slepton pair production. We show that they could lead to an observation (or strong constraints) already with the data set from LHC Run I, and present prospects for LHC Run II

    Superalgebras, constraints and partition functions

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    We consider Borcherds superalgebras obtained from semisimple finite-dimensional Lie algebras by adding an odd null root to the simple roots. The additional Serre relations can be expressed in a covariant way. The spectrum of generators at positive levels are associated to partition functions for a certain set of constrained bosonic variables, the constraints on which are complementary to the Serre relations in the symmetric product. We give some examples, focusing on superalgebras related to pure spinors, exceptional geometry and tensor hierarchies, of how construction of the content of the algebra at arbitrary levels is simplified

    E 8 geometry

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    We investigate exceptional generalised diffeomorphisms based on E 8(8) in a geometric setting. The transformations include gauge transformations for the dual gravity field. The surprising key result, which allows for a development of a tensor formalism, is that it is possible to define field-dependent transformations containing connection, which are covariant. We solve for the spin connection and construct a curvature tensor. A geometry for the Ehlers symmetry SL( n + 1) is sketched. Some related issues are discussed