14 research outputs found

    Identification of a Key Amino Acid of LuxS Involved in AI-2 Production in Campylobacter jejuni

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    Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) mediated quorum sensing has been associated with the expression of virulence factors in a number of pathogenic organisms and has been demonstrated to play a role in motility and cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) production in Campylobacter jejuni. We have initiated the work to determine the molecular basis of AI-2 synthesis and the biological functions of quorum sensing in C. jejuni. In this work, two naturally occurring variants of C. jejuni 81116 were identified, one producing high-levels of AI-2 while the other is defective in AI-2 synthesis. Sequence analysis revealed a G92D mutation in the luxS gene of the defective variant. Complementation of the AI-2− variant with a plasmid encoded copy of the wild-type luxS gene or reversion of the G92D mutation by site-directed mutagenesis fully restored AI-2 production by the variant. These results indicate that the G92D mutation alone is responsible for the loss of AI-2 activity in C. jejuni. Kinetic analyses showed that the G92D LuxS has a ∌100-fold reduced catalytic activity relative to the wild-type enzyme. Findings from this study identify a previously undescribed amino acid that is essential for AI-2 production by LuxS and provide a unique isogenic pair of naturally occurring variants for us to dissect the functions of AI-2 mediated quorum sensing in Campylobacter

    Un exemple de gestion de systĂšmes de polyculture Ă©levage Ă  l’échelle de territoires : le cas des protĂ©agineux et de l’élevage de monogastriques en Bourgogne.

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    23 pagesNational audienceMĂȘme si sont prĂ©sentes en Bourgogne des zones importantes de grandes cultures, les protĂ©agineux ysont nĂ©anmoins peu dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Concernant l’élevage de monogastriques, la rĂ©gion se caractĂ©rise parune activitĂ© volaillĂšre de taille moyenne comparĂ©e au niveau national, orientĂ©e vers des productionssous signes d’identification de la qualitĂ© et de l’origine (SIQO) et une activitĂ© porcine peu consĂ©quente.MalgrĂ© i) une tendance Ă  la colocalisation des productions de protĂ©agineux et de viandes blanches Ă l’échelle du territoire et des exploitations et ii) une utilisation prĂ©pondĂ©rante des protĂ©agineux par lesĂ©levages monogastriques bourguignons, il n’y a toutefois pas de lien fonctionnel fort entre ces deuxactivitĂ©s, et la rĂ©gion est mĂȘme exportatrice de protĂ©agineux alors qu’elle importe beaucoup detourteaux de soja. Dans ce travail, nous nous interrogeons sur les conditions d’un renforcement du lienentre activitĂ©s sur protĂ©agineux et monogastriques. En matiĂšre de production de protĂ©agineux, lesinnovations variĂ©tales (notamment en types hiver) et en nouveaux systĂšmes de culture, permettentd’identifier des possibilitĂ©s d’extension de surfaces et volumes produits. Les prĂ©occupationsenvironnementales et l’augmentation des productions animales sous SIQO peuvent participer Ă l’accentuation de ce lien fonctionnel, mais Ă  condition de bien identifier, maĂźtriser et valoriser cescontributions aux impacts environnementaux et aux qualitĂ©s. En outre, un tel contexte renforcera unelogique de circuits courts amplifiant le lien entre acteurs d’amont et d’aval, et cela d’autant plus que lescahiers des charges appelant Ă  la traçabilitĂ© et Ă  des qualitĂ©s certifiĂ©es seront contraignants. Dans cetteconcurrence entre une demande sociĂ©tale et une logique mondiale de prix de matiĂšres premiĂšres, desimplification et massification des systĂšmes, les politiques publiques et la rĂ©glementation joueront unrĂŽle majeur. C’est ainsi que dans le domaine des productions biologiques en fort dĂ©veloppement enBourgogne, on voit actuellement s’amplifier une logique de territoire et des interactions entre acteurs quise structurent autour de la dĂ©finition de zones de production, d’objectifs quantitatifs et de cahiers descharges sur la qualitĂ© des productions

    The efficiency of indigenous and designed consortia in bioleaching stirred tank reactors

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    International audienceThe efficiency of bioleaching is dependant on the establishment of an active microbial community. There is debate as to whether an indigenous microbial community is superior to one composed of microbial strains selected for specific physiological traits. The bioleachingefficiency of three microbial communities was studied: the indigenous community of a commercial bioleaching system (KCCL), a reconstituted consortium of the four major organisms which comprise KCCL that had been 'un-adapted' through a period of continuous maintenance in synthetic media (KCCR) and a specifically designedconsortium of bioleaching organisms (KCCD). Acidithiobacillus caldus was unable to re-establish itself in the reconstituted, un-adapted consortium. However, the bioleaching rate of this consortium improved over time, and its overall performance was very similar to that of the indigenous community. This was despite the absence of an obligate sulfur-oxidising species, which resulted in the generation of substantially less acid. The performance of the designedconsortium was poor, and the results implied that bioleachingconsortia (mesophiles or moderate thermophiles) cannot be assembled 'off-the-shelf', at least not without a substantial period of adaptation

    Risk Factors of Pneumocystis Pneumonia in Solid Organ Recipients in the Era of the Common Use of Posttransplantation Prophylaxis

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    International audiencePneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients becomes rare in the immediate posttransplantation period thanks to generalized prophylaxis. We aimed to identify the predictive factors for PCP in the era of universal prophylaxis and to propose a strategy for preventing PCP beyond the first year after transplantation. In a retrospective case-control study, 33 SOT cases with PCP diagnosed between 2004 and 2010 were matched with two controls each to identify risk factors for PCP by uni- and multivariate analysis. All the patients benefited from 6 months of posttransplantation trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis. Most PCP in SOT patients occurred during the second year posttransplantation (33%). By univariate analysis, age, nonuse of tacrolimus, total and CD4 lymphocyte counts, gamma-globulin concentration and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection appeared to be PCP risk factors. In the final multivariate analysis, age (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3.7, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3-10.4), CMV infection (OR: 5.2, 95% CI: 1.8-14.7) and total lymphocyte count (OR: 3.9, 95% CI: 1.4-10.7) were found to be independently associated with PCP. The second year posttransplantation appeared to be the new period of highest risk of PCP. Age, CMV viremia and lymphocytes were the most pertinent predictive criteria to evaluate the risk of PCP in clinical practice

    Potentiels et leviers pour dĂ©velopper la production et l’utilisation des protĂ©agineux dans le cadre d’une agriculture durable en Bourgogne

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    A multi-partners strategy is engaged at level of Burgundy-France territory, to evaluate potentials and identify levers for the development of a chain from production to uses of grain legumes. The analysis of genotype x environment interaction and climatic factors is supported by a second year of field trials of grain legumes varieties (pea and faba bean of spring or winter sowing types. The statistical analysis of climatic data over the 1961-2009 period, has allowed to build Burgundy maps of freezing risk and late spring heat stress risk and we are able to suggest pea or faba bean genotypes, better adapted to the region. The sustainability of cropping systems involving or not grain legumes was evaluated according several criteria (agronomy, energy and other input, work organisation). It has confirmed the positive effect of inserting grain legumes, on the reduction (i) of N fertiliser, energy and pesticide uses, (ii) for easier weed control (iii) on the economic bilan assessed over whole cropping system. On 2 sites, « in situ » most measurement of N2Oemissions by soils containing grain legume crop residues were higher than those containing cereal residues. Offering to farmers varieties with good level of stress resistance and good productivity will be a key point for the development of grain legume crops. The economic analysis has identified the potential value of developing contracts between produces and collectors which will secure prices and market. The technical development of a high quality “chain” and its promotion may be valuable provided efforts on traceabilty and on labelling.Une dĂ©marche multi-partenaires est engagĂ©e sur le territoire de la rĂ©gion Bourgogne, pour Ă©valuer les potentiels et identifier des leviers au dĂ©veloppement d’une filiĂšre protĂ©agineuse. L’analyse des interactions gĂ©notype x environnement et des facteurs climatiques est appuyĂ©e par une deuxiĂšme annĂ©e d’expĂ©rimentation variĂ©tale de protĂ©agineux (pois et fĂ©veroles d’hiver et de printemps). Une Ă©tude frĂ©quentielle sur la pĂ©riode 1961-2009 a permis de cartographier les risques de gel hivernal et de fortes chaleurs en fin de cycle cultural en Bourgogne et nous pouvons proposer des variĂ©tĂ©s de pois et de fĂ©veroles mieux adaptĂ©es Ă  la rĂ©gion. Le volet d’évaluation multicritĂšres de la durabilitĂ© des systĂšmes de culture bourguignons, comparant des systĂšmes avec et sans protĂ©agineux, a permis de confirmer et de quantifier l’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’insertion de protĂ©agineux, qui passe notamment par une diminution de l’IFT moyen et des doses d’azote, une augmentation de la robustesse Ă©conomique (Ă©conomie d’engrais azotĂ©s et Ă©nergie fossile sur l’ensemble de la rotation), la diversification des rotations en offrant de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s de gestion des adventices. Sur 2 sites, le volet « environnemental » a montrĂ© en conditions « in situ », que les Ă©missions de N2O par les sols contenant des rĂ©sidus de pois ne sont en gĂ©nĂ©ral pas supĂ©rieures Ă  celles des sols contenant des rĂ©sidus de cĂ©rĂ©ales. La proposition de variĂ©tĂ©s tolĂ©rantes aux principaux stress en culture et de bonne productivitĂ© sera une clef essentielle du dĂ©veloppement des cultures protĂ©agineuses. L’analyse Ă©conomique a identifiĂ© un intĂ©rĂȘt du dĂ©veloppement de la contractualisation dans la filiĂšre et de la mise en place et de la promotion d’une filiĂšre de qualitĂ©, en accentuant les exigences en matiĂšre de traçabilitĂ© et d’étiquetage